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Weekend Numbers: GOTG - 94M (PG 180) [25.5M Sunday (Spatula) Cancel the Godzilla legs!]

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And now I have to go to work....lol...now you can all vent without me around.


But if this didn't have Marvel's name I doubt a film about a green assassin, an earthling, a talking tree and talking raccoon would really appeal to the masses.  But put Marvel on it and people flock to it....see what I did there...flock....have a good night.   :P

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Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.  

Ok then, well you're wrong. Marvel makes a lot of good movies. This is a good movie. Thor: The dark world, for example, got lackluster response because it was a lackluster movie. 

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If you go into a movie with a mindset not to like it chances are you won't


Not true.  I liked ASM2, I liked Twilight, I liked some of the Potters.  I always go in with an open mind.

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A serious question:


If this was just Guardians of the Galaxy, and not MARVEL'S GOTG, would you guys like it as much?


I doubt it.


You assume that everyone here is a WWW. That sir is not true at all and you're just trying to rationalize being in the minority.

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It's okay, I don't think you would care about Transformers if Bay wasn't behind it.


Because then it would be a completely different movie. Sort of like how Guardians would be a completely different movie if it weren't Marvel, or The Dark Knight would be completely different if it weren't Nolan.

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baumer went in expecting to dislike or hate it, and surprise, he did, that sh** always happens, don't pretend you're being honest here.

To be fair, Baumer is not afraid at all to tell us his often unpopular opinions, so I don't think he is lying in this case.

Edited by miketheavenger
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People called Star Wars stupid. And the premise of Star Wars is somewhat stupid if you try to explain it to the uninitiated. How much would have that made with a Marvel name in front of it?


And why is a talking raccoon more ridiculous than a bumbling butler robot?

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A serious question:


If this was just Guardians of the Galaxy, and not MARVEL'S GOTG, would you guys like it as much?


I doubt it.


I can honestly say that I probably would not. Because I am familiar with Starlord, Rocket, Groot, Ronan, and Thanos from my love of comic books, I couldn't wait to see them brought to life on the big screen.


But, really, hypothetical questions like this are impossible to answer, especially for those of us who were already knowledgeable of the characters. Would movie-goers love James Bond movies if they weren't based on Ian Fleming's books?  Would audiences have flocked to "Lord of the Rings" if it wasn't Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings"?  What would a non-Marvel GOTG even look like?! No one knows.  But this version was great!  I'm sorry to hear you didn't like it.

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If it didn't have Marvel's name behind it, I don't think most of you would care as much.  Sorry, I don't.

If Interstellar didn't have Nolans' name would so many care?

If an animated film didn't say Pixar would so many care?


Branding is important. This film, with this line up of characters wasn't going to happen somewhere else. It's unique within itself even at Marvel. It would've likely wound up like R.I.P.D. or maybe Paul. Forgotten. 

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Spatula, any word on how LUCY is doing today? 


Yet Lucy is R rated and a much better movie.Jolie is trash, admit it. Garbage, just like Angie#TeamAniston2k14


Lmao Aniston's latest movie is going straight to VOD. She can't open a movie to save her life, always has to rely on a big-name male co-star or an ensemble...and all she does are safe, generic comedies. 

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