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Ready Player One | March 29, 2018 | Spielberg directing | No untagged spoilers allowed

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Something like this could happen IMO


Mar 29: 31M (8.1M weekdays, 39.1M Total) (3 day: 26M)

Apr 6: 15M (4.2M weekdays, 58.3M Total)

Apr 13: 7.3M (2.1M weekdays, 67.7M Total)

Apr 20: 4.2M (1.2M weekdays, 73.1M Total)

Apr 27: 1.8M (500k weekdays, 75.3M Total)

Final Total: 78M (2.52x from 4 day/3x from 3 day)

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32 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I was always lukewarm on War of the Worlds. Yes it's excellently directed as usual but I hate the script. Hate it. All the characters are unlikable assholes. Then again I've never been a huge fan of traditional alien invasion disaster movies. 

I thought the characters were great and realistic. Nobody is charismatic or extraordinary. Nobody is clever or randomly a genius at something. Cruise does a good job as a sort of deadbeat dad barely keeping his kids alive; the son is great as an embittered, angsty teen; and Dakota takes the cake as a spoiled brat. She annoys some people...But I felt like those people exist in the world I live in.


People whine and complain all the time about movies not having realistic characters despite the context of the movie. But here, imho, we get exactly that: your average, broken family trying to survive during an alien invasion.

Edited by HockeyPads
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2 hours ago, HerediTele said:


WOTW falls apart at the end — more an issue with faithfully keeping the original twist but setting it in a modern context. But yeah, amazing sound design and some great thrilling sequences too. 


I guess I should rewatch MINORITY REPORT again one of these days. It felt like it almost worked but didn’t quite come together in the end. 

Yes you should! 


In addition to the great future tech they built for the movie(sick sticks are amazing), the score from Williams is criminally underrated.

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7 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Oh boy do I want this film to break out just because so many want it to fail. 

If it's anything as shitty (albeit kinda fun in a guilty way) as the book, I want it to fail too ;). I mean, let's be honest: I think everyone who did want it to fail has good reason for it - the source material sucks and the marketing campaign has been... not stellar, to say the least.


Should the movie have actual character development.... and a story....... and a script that isn't primary school material.......... and an identity that isn't as self-congratulatory, arrogant and feeding of toxic fanboyism as the book's, then I take that back. Awesome action setpieces (like everyone has mentioned) can only do so much for a movie. But I have faith that the Spielberg has done his homework (or has he?).

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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4 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

If it's anything as shitty (albeit kinda fun in a guilty way) as the book, I want it to fail too ;). I mean, let's be honest: I think everyone who did want it to fail has good reason for it - the source material sucks and the marketing campaign has been... not stellar, to say the least.


Should the movie have actual character development.... and a story....... and a script that isn't primary school material.......... and an identity that isn't as self-congratulatory, arrogant and feeding of toxic fanboyism as the book's, then I take that back. Awesome action setpieces (like everyone has mentioned) can only do so much for a movie. But I have faith that the Spielberg has done his homework (or has he?).


"A fanboy knows a hater"






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8 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Something like this could happen IMO


Mar 29: 31M (8.1M weekdays, 39.1M Total) (3 day: 26M)

Apr 6: 15M (4.2M weekdays, 58.3M Total)

Apr 13: 7.3M (2.1M weekdays, 67.7M Total)

Apr 20: 4.2M (1.2M weekdays, 73.1M Total)

Apr 27: 1.8M (500k weekdays, 75.3M Total)

Final Total: 78M (2.52x from 4 day/3x from 3 day)

Sounds pretty good, all things considered 

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32 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:


"A fanboy knows a hater"




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If that line isn't the most representative of RPO not being anymore than Ernest Cline's world domination fantasies, I don't really know.


God, it's so sad, because the concept is amazing on paper. And if Cline had even attempted to put the lead character through actual consequences (they had an opportunity w/that twist near the end, but even WITH THAT, Wade doesn't show a whole lot of sentiment as much as he's just there to hear other people tell him how great it was that he wasn't there to suffer it) and changes in the story - going from an arrogant douchebag that relies on knowing every single season of Star Trek to tell you how much better he is than you are; to someone who not only becomes more accepting of other people's opinions and fanboyisms, but also someone who learns that, even when the world is at its shittiest, escapism and dellusions of a VR reality where everything is wonderland aren't enough to let you live a life, and they may actually be more dangerous than anything (and this comes from the Goddamn video game nerd that I am myself!!!!!), that would be a good, interesting story w/a valuable message. But... RPO is not that, it's just an excuse for the author to tell you that he's smarter than you and your friends. And it's written by someone who has about as much writing experience as a 7 year old.


Stranger Things is a perfect example of how to cash in on nostalgia. There's a story, there are characters who develop overtime, there's intrigue and there's a reason to give a shit about what's going on, apart from "OOOOHHHH ET REFERENCE!!!". The references are there, and sometimes they're a little in-your-face, but they're just the background OR the trampoline to the real meat of the story. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, SAME THING. Is there a lot of cashing in on the love of old cartoon characters like Betty Boop, Mickey Mouse and the Looney Tunes? Hell yes, there is. But that doesn't block out the real story in any way, that one being the adventure and journey of Eddie Valiant and Roger Rabbit and how they have to learn to cooperate w/each other and be more patient (or at least that's what I remember the movie being like, it's been a while since I saw it).


Still, I'm willing to watch the movie in hopes that it transcends the book and that it adds some extra meat to the characters present. And hell, I will admit: some of the action sequences that I've been spoiled about do sound pretty epic and kick-ass. Just hope that there's more to it than cool action.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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I watched CMIYC again the other day, its got to be one of my favourite movies. A feel food film based on an actual interesting/true story with two of the greatest actors ever to have walked the earth. And absolute gem

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15 minutes ago, Jessie said:

I watched CMIYC again the other day, its got to be one of my favourite movies. A feel food film based on an actual interesting/true story with two of the greatest actors ever to have walked the earth. And absolute gem

In retrospect also impressive considering he wasn’t supposed to direct it originally. Then it lost Gore Verbinski, he (as simply a producer originally) shopped around for a replacement until he decided to just make it himself and cranked out one of his better joints.

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I'm not sure I'll ever get people wanting an inoffensive blockbuster to fail; they're literally made to offend as little as possible and just offer a fun escape so while I get(but strongly disagree with) people who tends to be dismissive towards them I don't get people who have a hate boner towards one or more of them. I really don't.




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26 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

I'm not sure I'll ever get people wanting an inoffensive blockbuster to fail; they're literally made to offend as little as possible and just offer a fun escape so while I get(but strongly disagree with) people who tends to be dismissive towards them I don't get people who have a hate boner towards one or more of them. I really don't.

The problem is that the book itself actually kinda IS insulting. And this is coming from someone who kinda enjoyed it when I 1st read it a couple of years ago, but the more I think about it, the less I like it. And I'm not even just talking about obvious surface-level flaws like unlikeable characters, poor development and lack of story in a fucking fictional novel. First of all, it's pretty damn sexist and shamelessly stereotypical. Like, Michael Bay levels of shameless. It even has some hints of homophobia in there. And on top of that, it takes the stance that toxic fanboyism is acceptable and that you're only cool if you like a certain type of pop culture elements. Basically, it kinda passes the idea that you're a hater or a noob if you dislike the things that the lead characters enjoy. In the world of RPO, it's okay to let angry fanboy fury out if, say, critics dislike your movie of preference. That, to me, is a numbing representation of being unwilling to accept other people's opinions, almost in a political/religious-style stubborn way. And you may think "that's not a big deal", but... it kinda is. Because it's that kind of angry gatekeeping and acceptance of the "correct opinion" only that has led the way for the extremely hostile internet fan culture that we see today around a ton of franchises (particularly Star Wars, Marvel and DC, but a bunch of others as well).


I don't want the movie to fail IF it's better than the book. I accept the idea of a cheesy young adult adventure centered around pop culture fanboyism. Hell, I think that idea has potential. But, as far as the book is concerned, I hate the notion of "only one type of fanboyism is good, yours that's different sucks", I hate how arrogant and self-masturbatory to his own geekyness the main character seems to be, I hate how close minded the book's identity clearly is, and I hate how it hides behind pop culture references to not answer the charges of lack of true story or true character. I can't really judge the movie - especially since, tbh, I didn't even hate the trailers that much. They give me the impression that the story is probably more better realized visually than on text, with paragraphs and paragraphs dedicated to useless pop culture exposition. And it's a Spielberg movie, for God's sake. But I'm not overly confident either.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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1 hour ago, RRA said:

In retrospect also impressive considering he wasn’t supposed to direct it originally. Then it lost Gore Verbinski, he (as simply a producer originally) shopped around for a replacement until he decided to just make it himself and cranked out one of his better joints.

Thats spielberg in a nut shell. Guy managed to make the highest grossing movie of all time, and the big awards movie of the year in 1993. How? 

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8 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

The problem is that the book itself actually kinda IS insulting. And this is coming from someone who kinda enjoyed it when I 1st read it a couple of years ago, but the more I think about it, the less I like it. And I'm not even just talking about obvious surface-level flaws like unlikeable characters, poor development and lack of story in a fucking fictional novel. First of all, it's pretty damn sexist and shamelessly stereotypical. Like, Michael Bay levels of shameless. It even has some hints of homophobia in there. And on top of that, it takes the stance that toxic fanboyism is acceptable and that you're only cool if you like a certain type of pop culture elements. Basically, it kinda passes the idea that you're a hater or a noob if you dislike the things that the lead characters enjoy. In the world of RPO, it's okay to let angry fanboy fury out if, say, critics dislike your movie of preference. That, to me, is a numbing representation of being unwilling to accept other people's opinions, almost in a political/religious-style stubborn way. And you may think "that's not a big deal", but... it kinda is. Because it's that kind of angry gatekeeping and acceptance of the "correct opinion" only that has led the way for the extremely hostile internet fan culture that we see today around a ton of franchises (particularly Star Wars, Marvel and DC, but a bunch of others as well).


I don't want the movie to fail IF it's better than the book. I accept the idea of a cheesy young adult adventure centered around pop culture fanboyism. Hell, I think that idea has potential. But, as far as the book is concerned, I hate the notion of "only one type of fanboyism is good, yours that's different sucks", I hate how arrogant and self-masturbatory to his own geekyness the main character seems to be, I hate how close minded the book's identity clearly is, and I hate how it hides behind pop culture references to not answer the charges of lack of true story or true character. I can't really judge the movie - especially since, tbh, I didn't even hate the trailers that much. They give me the impression that the story is probably more better realized visually than on text, with paragraphs and paragraphs dedicated to useless pop culture exposition. And it's a Spielberg movie, for God's sake. But I'm not overly confident either.

How is Michael Bay sexist? Because he used attractive women in his movies? Thats not sexist

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