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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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8 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

Prometheus was half-baked on both fronts, imo. I'd rather it not have been a horror movie at all and just gone straight for the slightly eerie, cerebral atmosphere the whole way that it was setting up in the first half. Maybe I might've actually been interested in the questions (and answers?) it would pose.

Whether or not we didn't like the scary parts in this philosophical piece or the philosophical parts in this horror movie 
you can't deny that the production team had complete control over this.
It's a masterpiece which I think has issues... But those issues are based on my own preferences. 
But it was it is supposed to be. It has an idea, it doesn't explain everything and lets you think, it has characters who act dumb because they're supposed to be stupid, the lead characters boyfriend is corny because he's supposed to be corny, lots of question hanging because the movie wants to leave you hanging. A movie isn't what the viewer wants it to be. 

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Saw this last night, as a big fan of Prometheus this was pretty dissapointing. I felt nothing for the characters, the alien itself looks so out of place because of poor CGI and very few of my questions were answered. 


I agree with another post, worst since AVP, I think I got more fun out of requiem.

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5 hours ago, aabattery said:


I am not DeeCee but it's 69% of Logan's OD (which was 1.3M AUD).


If it follows that track it would get a weekend of 58M. So if I had to say anything from that, I would say that you can be confident in a 50M+ weekend. But I'm not the expert here so I could be way off base.

Yep. $50M seems locked for OW. If we follow Logan's AU OD to US OD, A:C gets a $22.82M OD.

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12 minutes ago, YourMother said:

Yep. $50M seems locked for OW. If we follow Logan's AU OD to US OD, A:C gets a $22.82M OD.


I looked at a few others and I think locked might be a bit strong. I think it's got a good shot at it but if it follows something like Split, that'd translate to a 45M OW domestic.


My unprofessional, I-don't-really-know-what-I'm-doing-here take is that there is a very strong chance that it opens above 40M, and it's got a pretty good shot at 50M.

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Fuck This Shit, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it !!!


I am not even kidding anymore, I have enough with this monstrosity, this was even more abhorrent than Prometheus.


Be afraid people, be very afraid, Blade Runner 2049 was developped by Ridley Scoot and his team and the trailer was very scary because BR 2049 seems to be doing exactly what these 2 turds have been doing in 5 years : 


trying to explain to us with incoherent ramblings something we didn't ask or want to know.


At least, Prometheus was very pretty to look at, and had some moments that worked here and there.


This was boring, ugly, with lame characters, not scary, barely spectacular, creatures looked horrible (Giger and Stan Winston are rolling in their graves, poor souls:(), and I am at peak Fassbender too now.


Don't even get me started on the (AGAIN!) stoopid ASS fuck crew and the stoopid plot (dear Lord, Can't believe they went there, I was literrally the Jean-Luc Picard Doube Facepalm meme during my whole screening) and pseudo explanations that amount to nothing.





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Oh Dear.


Its a remake of ALIEN, and a bad one at that. Its very similar to The Force Awakens which felt like a remake of A New Hope, except this film lifts almost exact scenes straight from ALIEN, it even has the ALIEN score playing throughout the film.


And yes, Ridley has lost the plot. Either age has effected his memory, or he's just reached that age where he simply doesn't give a fuck anymore. I had to accept the glorious 15-20 foot tall, obvious alien body, Space Jockey from the amazing and mysterious scene in ALIEN, had now become 7 foot tall humanoids in a space suit (facepalm), but what he does here with David and the origin of the xenomorphs, makes literally zero sense in not only the context of the other Alien films, but also Scotts own Prometheus. Can't go into details for spoiler reasons obviously but fuck knows what Ridley was thinking here.


Anyway i give the film a 6/10 as a standalone Sci-Fi horor film, and a 4/10 as an ALIEN film.


Scott needs to be replaced, and replaced fast, for the sake of the franchise imo.


Anyway for anyone interested, here is the ALIEN films in order for me -









ALIEN Covenant




ALIEN Ressurection















EDIT. Also, and i may of just had a bad print, the film is waaay to dark at times, so dark its hard to see whats happening. They could be trying to hide the awful cgi xenomorph though lol.


Edited by stuart360
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Yup, cinematograhy on Prometheus was gorgeous but here, everything looked dull and dark.


And make no mistake, this movie is literraly 




Prometheus 2, the movie explains everything about what happened to the characters at the end of the first film, and the engineers' race and planet.

So to me , it s fake advertising, the movie is more about David/Walter & the engineers  than our beloved monsters.





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7 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Yikes. I mean, this isn't even fun in dumb, slasher vein high-end production values for most here? I'm thinking along the lines of Life earlier this year...


At least, Life managed to deliver great, genuine moments of





Nowhere to be found here sadly.

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4 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Yikes. I mean, this isn't even fun in dumb, slasher vein high-end production values for most here? I'm thinking along the lines of Life earlier this year...


If you take this as like a standalone sci-fi horror film, its not THAT bad. Casual ALIEN fans, or just casual movie fans in general, will probably get something from this, a couple of hours of gory horror.

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