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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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I still haven't seen Austin Powers, I always thought it sounded stupid but I think I'd appreciate it now. I watched the intro to the first film a couple of days ago and that was a good sign for the movie.

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20. Judd Apatow (and Apatow-esque) movies


(too many posters to show)


Yes, a few of them are really funny. But I'm getting sick of comedies that feel like a greatest hits collection of skits revolving around only the vaguest effort of a plot. Plot a damn throughline! Give characters some arcs that pay off nicely. Don't just give me a bunch of improv bits shoved together to make basic sense.

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There's a common through line in Apatow movies - the man-child or really child-man. It's not a plot but it a theme - an annoying theme but a theme.


The second AP is intermittently funny. Goldmember has a fun opening sequence but the rest is execrable


I think people like Scarface because of all cursing, violence but most importantly the cocaine mountain


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21. The Austin Powers sequels




The original was cute, funny, and a fresh amusing look at a genre which (for the most part) had taken itself very seriously for a few decades. The sequels that followed were considerably more expensive, more filled with cameos and glam co-stars, but basically just regurgitated or repurposed the same jokes from the first film. The bigger they got, the hollower and emptier they felt.




The opening for Goldmember was genuine awesome

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the highest grossing movie that is better than INCEPTION is THE GODFATHER, with $134,966,411.


although that says more about the sort of movies that make lots of money than anything else.

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That's in 1972 money.  Adjusted for inflation that's $652,765,300 domestic

i am aware of that, but i wasn't going to spend half an hour getting the adjustments perfect just for a cheap jab.

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20. Judd Apatow (and Apatow-esque) movies


(too many posters to show)


Yes, a few of them are really funny. But I'm getting sick of comedies that feel like a greatest hits collection of skits revolving around only the vaguest effort of a plot. Plot a damn throughline! Give characters some arcs that pay off nicely. Don't just give me a bunch of improv bits shoved together to make basic sense.


Judd Apatow's films aren't bad. To me though, they just sometimes feel like there 2 hour overlong slideshows of him and his family with no real interesting plot connecting the scenes. 

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Judd Apatow's films aren't bad. To me though, they just sometimes feel like there 2 hour overlong slideshows of him and his family with no real interesting plot connecting the scenes. 

Last movie that he was involved that I liked was Pineapple Express. I love his two TV shows. 

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24. Inception



Look, I like this movie. Quite a lot, actually. But it's been placed on this absurdly high pedestal by crazed Nolan fanboys who will accept no God other than their own. It's a very clever concept and the action scenes are wonderfully done, and Nolan assembled a great cast... but, like he's tended to do with his recent blockbusters, he takes a brute force approach to storytelling. Exposition-filled speech after exposition-filled speech, characters who do nothing but wander around like the audience's Mary Sue, asking "Why?" ... the first hour is really inert.

Great action movie. Lots of fun. One of the greatest movies ever made? Not even close.

I applaud you for this and agree very highly.

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22. Scarface (1983)


Another movie that's pretty good, but completely overblown in terms of praise and kneejerk adulation (especially after it was rediscovered in the '90s and '00s). It's such a hammy, overdone film, everything cranked to 11, so much so that it's hard to look at it as anything more than a parody of itself.


"Nothing exceeds like excess."




I love Scarface because it is so ridiculously OTT. It is also ridiculously entertaining.

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