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Weekend Numbers Jan 23-25 pg 46(AS 64 mill, Mom's cookies 15)

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The majority or GA, mostly caucasion ,wont go watch a film with black characters and where the major white characters are changed into villains, ala LBJ

Look at the diff btn the grosses of lincoln and selma?!

LBJ isn't really a villain in Selma though lol

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Annie Hall is better than SW

Gandhi better than ET

Ordinary People is better than Empire Strikes Back

Out of Africa is better than Back to The Future

Yep. The academy always votes for the best film. Always.

Yeah, I mean look at the animation category this year  :ph34r:

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It will take a shot at #2 DOM of all time if it wins BP. I'm dead serious (though I wish I wasn't). The Academy better fucking not.

I can never figure out why some people hate on certain movies making big bucks just because they didn't like the film. Why are you so personally insulted and invested? Hollywood is a business and its first priority is to make money not to make movies that only you will like. Movies try to appeal to the biggest audiences possible and there will be some you disagree with (for instance Alice in Wonderland 1B dollars? Seriously?), that's inevitable, but it's not like this movie is costing you your job or anything. Look at the big picture, life goes on.

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Appreciating the lists of "movies to see"...I need to get on some of those.


Thinking about seeing AS.   Its audience has to be more than "right-wingers", right?   Avatar was a left-wing fantasy in a lot of ways but everyone went to see that one.


I'm somewhere in the middle.   Not overly patriotic, don't play any of the 18,034,123 first-person shooter war games.  I did like Saving Private Ryan a lot.   I joined the military....but it was the Coast Guard.  I'm not remotely religious.  Pro-choice, anti-capital punishment, pro tax cuts, pro gay marriage, smaller government, pro legalization of drugs.   I'm a Libertarian in other words.


So I should be able to enjoy it, right?    :D


I can't believe AS is likely headed for top 10 DOM all time. So incredibly stupid (spare me the responses AS lovers, won't change my opinion on this).

I don't mean this as a shot, but I got a giggle out of you posting something that won't change anyone's mind and then insisting other people not do the same thing.   ;)


lol there's a difference between most popular or most watched film and best film of the year.

Very true.


One you can actually measure and rank with confidence of having facts to back it up.... the other is "best film".


We prove each and every year that we cannot measure quality in film.   We'll do it again this year when everyone complains about what films won at the Oscars.   The whole "awards" thing is fun...but ultimately an epic waste of time and proves exactly nothing.


it took me a long time to figure out that my taste doesn't apply to anyone else and I still struggle with it.   There is a little part of my brain that revolts if anyone says something like, "The Marx Brothers really weren't that funny" for instance.   But the real truth in art is that "the best" is a highly individual thing.    I think our species being a pack animal has something to do with our need to have our feelings on art validated by other people.   I'll admit it's pleasing to me when something I like becomes popular.    A human flaw I guess.


Christoph Waltz pretty much plays the same character over an over again, imo. Vocal inflections and mannerisms are always identical.

I don't hold that against an actor.   Especially when they play a "one character" that no one else can play.


Bogart for instance.   Same guy in every movie...but I love that character.     John Wayne (with the exception of True Grit and The Searchers) played pretty much the same character over and over, but his charisma made it work time and time again.   Same with James Stewart, Clark Gable, and many others.  (I've heard that claimed about Cary Grant but I don't agree at all)


And that's not even getting into the great comic actors who play a unique character which can only exist when they play it.   Only one Groucho, Harpo, and Chico Marx, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Woody Allen, John Candy, Ben Stiller, John Cleese, Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, etc.


So is Waltz the same character in every movie?   Maybe....but without him, we would have never seen that character on film.

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I can never figure out why some people hate on certain movies making big bucks just because they didn't like the film. Why are you so personally insulted and invested? Hollywood is a business and its first priority is to make money not to make movies that only you will like. Movies try to appeal to the biggest audiences possible and there will be some you disagree with (for instance Alice in Wonderland 1B dollars? Seriously?), that's inevitable, but it's not like this movie is costing you your job or anything. Look at the big picture, life goes on.

And look at all the people that whined and whined (and still whine) about AiW's box office. Again, I'm allowed to complain about a movie getting massive success that is dumbfounding to me. Same as anyone else. Where exactly have I acted like it's costing me something? The facts are that its gross will be among a group of movies where it entirely doesn't fit, which makes me question exactly why it's there. Again, the success is dumbfounding to me. Doesn't mean it's hurting me on a personal level, but I am going to continue to question it. It's a giant box office "what the fuck?" The biggest ever since I've tracked BO. Passion could be easily explained by the Christians flocking to it, and even Alice could be explained as a $200m+ Disney Johnny Depp blockbuster that always had blockbuster prospects in sight. AS is an enigma. I have no idea why so many people are seeing it, and I'm expressing my shock/confusion.

Edited by MovieMan89
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That's alright. I couldn't feel the phenomenon with the last 3 Harry Potter movies. I found them to be seriously lacking in quality and charm that the previous movies had.

LOL, I didn't see ANY of the Harry Potter movies, so count me out on those phenomena 


Well Foxcatcher was my favourite out of those and everyone here seems to hate it, so go for that one.

I liked it *shrug*

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I think it's funny how the only time there's ever backlash towards people complaining about a good run, it's towards MovieMan89. Happened last year with Frozen, happening right now with American Sniper. Guy has bad luck :lol:

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And look at all the people that whined and whined (and still whine) about AiW's box office. Again, I'm allowed to complain about a movie getting massive success that is dumbfounding to me. Same as anyone else. Where exactly have I acted like it's costing me something? The facts are that its gross will be among a group of movies where it entirely doesn't fit, which makes me question exactly why it's there. Again, the success is dumbfounding to me. Doesn't mean it's hurting me on a personal level, but I am going to continue to question it. It's a giant box office "what the fuck?" The biggest ever since I've tracked BO. Passion could be easily explained by the Christians flocking to it, and even Alice could be explained as a $200m+ Disney Johnny Depp blockbuster that always had blockbuster prospects in sight. AS is an enigma. I have no idea why so many people are seeing it, and I'm expressing my shock/confusion.

Expressing shock and confusion does not mean you have to add on how undeserving you think the movie is in every single post. We got it the first 5 times.

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LOL, I didn't see ANY of the Harry Potter movies, so count me out on those phenomena 


Neither did I. I read every HP book but never watched a single movie, didn't avoid the movies or anything just never watched them for some reason.

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