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Mockingjay Raphael

Weekend Numbers SB: 56, AS 24.1, JA 19 pg 54

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I'm not sure if I completely understand the calls for a big Pokémon movie. There are almost 20 feature length Pokémon movies out and the series is still going strong. Nintendo and Game Freak won't even make a full console version of Pokémon, so I don't see a live action film ever happening. It wouldn't translate to live action as well as Transformers did either because the art style is too unique. Wouldn't look right.


That said, there is a live action Legend of Zelda show in the works, so I guess anything is possible. 


All that said, I'd definitely see a live action Pokémon movie day one. Still think most of the "realistic Pokémon" drawings are ugly though.

Edited by Akiraptor
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Made by talented people, either Americans or not. Michael Bay directing a Digimon movie would be a dream. Pokemon would need another type of director.

I think Bay style is much better suited for something like Full metal panic, Eureka seven, Gundam or even Terraformars

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I don't know what Tatum can do from now on to make himself a box office draw for dudes who go to the movies.  They tried to make him an action star in White House Down and it bombed.  Foxcatcher is generally doing poorly at the specialty box office considering its Oscar nominations.  It has only made about 12 million.  They tried to put him in Jupiter (another action movie) and it bombed.  So now he will go back to Magic Mike 2 to be eye candy for the ladies once again....therefore continuing the stereotype that he is a male version of Megan Fox.


He has jump street series

X-men Gambit. Im assume apocalypse now.

Coen Brother film

Quentin taratino film,


He working with big directors something Megan fox wish to kill for.


It's like when you take actor out of their element. their shit bombs JD w/o Pirate. Robert Downey w/o Iron man/Avenger.those times of Hollywood movie stars of the 80's and 90's are over.

Now because of American Sniper's success I see people saying Bradley Cooper is a big box office movie star and a guarantee for I say it's the topic and type of film that draw the GA to watch it and certain actors.If Jlaw was in this film instead of Mila. Im sure it will still bomb

Edited by Dragon
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22 Jump Street's OW audience was actually 50% male and 50% female.  It's not really a male skewing comedy.  The fact that it had solid legs means more females were going to see it later on, since females usually wait to see movies after the first couple of weekends.  It is the dudes who generally rush out opening weekend.



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Umm, i'm not justifying it now. Go to the JA thread and look up the posts when the first trailer dropped. Lots of posts saying it would bomb.


I want to hear your opinion not theirs. lol Why do you think it spelled 'bomb' from the get go? The pointy ears? Because it stars Tatum?

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What made you think it would be a bomb based on the very first trailer? There had been no news of the delay before the trailer release. No reviews. No box office tracking. You can't have just based it on the 'look' of the movie because it looked stunning in the trailer. It's so easy for people to 'justify' now that the movie opened to low numbers.


You've been in this game long enough to know what movies will more than likely bomb.


Seventh Son? Mortdecai. Jupiter looked like a bomb from the get-go. We didn't need reviews or tracking and besides, you knew it would be reviewed badly because it already looked it. 

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While I would absolutely love a live-action American Digimon/Pokemon movie, they would have to stray pretty far from the original TV stories, because it wouldn't work with a feature length format. 


There's no way you can cover all 8 gym battles and the Elite Four in one Pokemon movie, and season 1 of Digimon had 54 episodes.


The hardest part would be to introduce all the characters and the universe for people who aren't familiar with the series and still have time for a plot. 

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While I would absolutely love a live-action American Digimon/Pokemon movie, they would have to stray pretty far from the original TV stories, because it wouldn't work with a feature length format. 


There's no way you can cover all 8 gym battles and the Elite Four in one Pokemon movie, and season 1 of Digimon had 54 episodes.


The hardest part would be to introduce all the characters and the universe for people who aren't familiar with the series and still have time for a plot. 


Creative storytelling. For example you can breeze past certain gym battles in a montage, or you can do what the TV series did at times and have the protagonist get the badge for heroics in lieu of an actual duel. Plus you can split the game up into a trilogy, allowing you to focus more time on the characters as well as the obligatory Team Rocket plot.

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One of the major issues driving these figures is that women don’t rush out to see a movie on opening weekend. “Here’s the thing: They go, but especially for older females, it has to be good,” she says. Reviews and word-of-mouth, says Press, matter far more to women over 25 than any other demographic group — and they’re willing to wait until they hear a movie is worth the ticket. “They will show up,” she says. “They just show up over a longer period of time. I worked on Julie & Julia. It made almost $100 million, but it did it over, like, 10 weeks….Women are more discerning, period, the end. That’s the truth. In everything.”



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