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Weekend Estimates (4-day): TL 41.7 M | PP II 38.5 M | MM: FR 32.1 M | A:AOU 27.8 M | POLTERGEIST 26.5 M

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Is Japan a piracy country?


I had asked Corpse about this


Nah.  Piracy doesn't really exist in Japan's market (involving movies anyway).  2012 didn't see a single arrest over this.  Not sure about 2013, but I doubt it saw one either.  It might be because the movie market in Japan isn't very big.  I know, it's the world's 3rd largest box-office and was 2nd for decades before China expanded, but the movie industry trails the music and manga industries by significant margins.  Now those two industries have their fare share of problems involving piracy.  


People just don't do it.  There are some local films I'm interested in and attempt to look up online, but you seriously can't find hardly anything even online (torrents or otherwise) until the DVD is officially released.




Delayed releases usually perform better than ones released at the same time as the U.S. or a few weeks after. A movies success in the U.S. helps build anticipation and maximizes distribution and promotions in the market, too. John Carter bombed after opening a few weeks after the U.S., and Battleship did far less than was expected opening weeks before the U.S. launch. Unless it's a major franchise release or features/stars proven directors/actors, almost every movie released around the same time as the U.S. release disappoints. It's interesting that you mention piracy. Piracy isn't a serious issue in Japan, and in fact, it's another reason why many Hollywood films receive a delayed release in Japan. That may sound bizarre, but movies released around the same time in the U.S. are more prone to piracy. It works the complete opposite as it does in China and other markets where piracy is a problem. The Japanese people choose which films they see wisely since going to the movies is more of an event than a hobby. If they're unsure if they want to pay to see a newly released film that has just opened in the U.S. or worldwide, many would be tempted to pirate the movie instead not knowing if it was well-received or not. That's where the delayed release becomes a positive for many movies box office prospects. If a movie did really well in the U.S., the Japanese are more likely to see it in theaters rather than online or a bootleg copy.

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How the right wing media sites are reporting on Tomorrowland's box office: http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/05/24/clooneys-global-warming-shaming-movie-tomorrowland-bombs-at-box-office/



Disney’s pricey sci-fi/climate-change-warning filmTomorrowland is bombing at the Memorial Day weekend box office.

Audiences and critics are divided on Tomorrowland, but there is some agreement among the Hollywood trades that the film’s climate change messaging is too heavy-handed.


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I just noticed that all of Ex Machina's gross is an estimate. Why?


Maybe the way A24 works, they're not one of the usual studios

Edited by MrPink
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Most film fri/sat prob go up with Actuals

sunday lookng

TL 11.3,PP2 9.9,MMFR 9,AOU 8,Polt 5.8

That's great. Thanks. Hopefully the actual weekend numbers go up all around. Edited by KATCH 22
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goddamnit tomorrowland


Seriously, this is going to be the first movie I actively root to fail; apologies in advance for the hate train

Why? I haven't seen it but it doesn't sound like a terrible movie to me.
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Why? I haven't seen it but it doesn't sound like a terrible movie to me.

The themes are legitimately the worst I've seen in a big budget movie... in maybe forever? IDK, I haven't been keeping track of movies for awhile, but nothing I can remember has frustrated me more than Tomorrowland's "ideas for fixing the world"

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