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Weekend Estimates: Ant-Man 58.04 | Minions 50.24 | Trainwreck 30.24 | IO 11.66 | JW 11.36 (Page 88)

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I actually agree with others about the overall script/screenplay for JW. It wasn't anything great by any means, lol. But I just didn't care. I was thoroughly entertained by the movie and can't wait to own it on Blu-ray.

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I actually agree with others about the overall script/screenplay for JW. It wasn't anything great by any means, lol. But I just didn't care. I was thoroughly entertained by the movie and can't wait to own it on Blu-ray.


Its a commentary on the state of big budget blockbusters and modern audiences.  For this I can't really hate on it.

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Well you're in bad luck because it's definitely going to become a more dominant trend (but it was going to become that even before JW broke out). 

This is nothing new, it's a trend that has been building for years - it's no secret that known commodities are easier to sell to the audience than something completely original and new. It also doesn't help that there were some major original-tentpole bombs recently (Jupiter Ascending, Tomorrowland etc). 


But I think the basic fault here is equating box office success with the level of quality. I always know the best movies in a certain year will not be the huge blockbusters. When was the last time a huge blockbuster won a best picture Academy Award? LOTR? 


The blockbuster business is a business, nothing else, and the studios are more likely to go for something that's a safer bet to bring their investment back (and then some) than take a huge risk. Whether it's a sequel, a reboot, a nostalgic franchise being dragged back to life... that's just the time we live in right now. As long as the movie is good I'm fine with it. Mad Max was also a long dead franchise... so by that logic it's also part of the problem.


An original movie can be terrible. A reboot/sequel can be great. I care more about watching good movies than about their source material and how original it is.


I care about good movies too... The problem is that a lot of sequels/remakes rest on their brand recognition/nostalgia and not the being good part, and it works more often than it should. 



This nostalgia (and sequel) dependent model I referred to, means relying just on brand recognition to get them in the theater and the nostalgia to keep enough of the audience semi-complacent even if pretty much everything about the film is not good. If you can insert director X, written by X, starring X, and still make several hundred millions, that's much better than going after big name directors, stars, and other talent if it's meaningless to the actual business they bring in — and you don't have to deal with any egos. 


So my complaint isn't necessarily the originality argument but the dearth of quality movies (like the death of mid-budgets and migration to TV), and one of the reasons, along with the crazy prices, I don't see that many movies anymore. I didn't see the last Die Hard because it looked terrible, and I unfortunately, did see the last Indiana Jones (but I wouldn't see another so willfully). I just don't subscribe to the theory that big budget means crappy story, spectacle-driven, and not much else. Many people happily give studios their money anyway. My point is that It's possible to do both, but why should studios make such an effort if people are happily paying out the nose for mediocre movies with plug-and-play pieces? I know it's probably just another cycle that will require a bunch of big franchises to bite them in the arse—like big star salaries and back-end deals did, but it's not going to be enjoyable while we watch the quality bar lowered even further in the meantime.


-57.4% for Minions. Shrek the Third did -56.4% on a holiday weekend, Cars 2 did -60.3% against the third Transformers (good call, Disney). 


This installment is obviously making a killing, but I think Uni stabbed their golden goose a bit this summer. Domestic auds don't seem to like this one too much. I'd expect DM3 to tumble quite a lot, much like the fourth Shrek. 


This is supposed to be how it works... Make a crappy sequel, and no one will pay you money to see the next installment. I'm more encouraged when mediocre movies get punished. Disheartened when good ones bomb. If studios stumble upon concepts like dinosaurs or other brands that churn out people (and merch opportunities!) to amazing profits no matter the quality/pandering, why would they ever stop? (Not directed at you Gopher, but just using your quote to make my point). Anyhow, I'm sympathizing with Dustin Hoffman.

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Never heard of Judy Greer before this year. Probably the same for most people. She should consider herself lucky

Are you kidding me? She's been like the go-to person to play the best friend in romcoms (The Wedding Planner, 13 Going on 30, 27 Dresses) for well over a decade.



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One other thing, obviously this is a win for Universal short term, but I think the product not matching the insane marketing and hype for this movie has hurt the franchise long term. DM3 will be down from this and unless early word of mouth is very good, it will struggle to get to 300, which I've already stated that I hate because of the huge investment Universal has mad in the parks with this franchise.

First of all it will not struggle to get to 300. 300 is locked.

second this has not hurt the DM franchise at all. Some of u guys just spew out stuff that makes no sense.

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-57.4% for Minions. Shrek the Third did -56.4% on a holiday weekend, Cars 2 did -60.3% against the third Transformers (good call, Disney). 


This installment is obviously making a killing, but I think Uni stabbed their golden goose a bit this summer. Domestic auds don't seem to like this one too much. I'd expect DM3 to tumble quite a lot, much like the fourth Shrek.

Or MINIONS opened so much bigger than almost any other animated film that ot had nowhere to go but down. DM3will make a killing and youl scratching your head.

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Minions falling off at a really fast rate doesn't seem surprising to me. There doesn't seem to be much passion for the film itself. I saw the movie on opening weekend and about 10 days later I'm having a hard time recalling anything that happened in it. So yeah.

Edited by filmlover
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I read somewhere that DM II was the most profitable in 2013.


I think that's what Deadline calculated in their year-end profitability face-off. Of course at the time Frozen hadn't yet (or had only just started) its run in Japan. So DM2 is probably #2, all told.

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Judy Greer is not a known name to Joe public but her face is and Hollywood loves her.

Her book is titled "I Don't Know What You Know Me From: Confessions of a Co-Star."

She's wonderful tbh

Edited by Chaz
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First of all it will not struggle to get to 300. 300 is locked.

second this has not hurt the DM franchise at all. Some of u guys just spew out stuff that makes no sense.

It will probably speed up franchise fatigue, but that was inevitable. They made a killing regardless.

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I'd like to apologize for how I behaved last night; earlier this year, I made myself a promise to never post after a certain point in my day because I get weird and obnoxious before bed. I broke it last night for some reason, and again I'm sorry for spamming the thread. Will definitely try not to break it again :)

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Dialouge matters just as much structure, if not more, considering dialouge is what most people will quickly notice. A great screenwriter will say "introduce a little anarchy" and "we're gonna need a bigger boat." A good/bad screenwriter says "bring in some evil" and "i dont think this boat is big enough..."

Dialogue is crucial. Would you rather hear "i did alot for him as a wife" or "i drank canned beer and watched Adam Sandler movies. I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. I blew him reguarly. I lived in the moment. I was fucking game as a wife."

Theres a difference.

Damn I forgot this line. It's a great one though

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Dialouge matters just as much structure, if not more, considering dialouge is what most people will quickly notice. A great screenwriter will say "introduce a little anarchy" and "we're gonna need a bigger boat." A good/bad screenwriter says "bring in some evil" and "i dont think this boat is big enough..."

Dialogue is crucial. Would you rather hear "i did alot for him as a wife" or "i drank canned beer and watched Adam Sandler movies. I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. I blew him reguarly. I lived in the moment. I was fucking game as a wife."

Theres a difference.


That's true, except when it's not.


Sometimes less is more and understatement is more powerful. The context and surrounding stage directions are just as important. Option 1, done in the right way, is just as powerful as option 2, just in an entirely different emotional presence.

Edited by 4815162342
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Minions falling off at a really fast rate doesn't seem surprising to me. There doesn't seem to be much passion for the film itself. I saw the movie on opening weekend and about 10 days later I'm having a hard time recalling anything that happened in it. So yeah.

Minions is hardly "falling off at a really fast rate". It's ahead of DM2 and this weekend was 12% above DM2's.

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I'd like to apologize for how I behaved last night; earlier this year, I made myself a promise to never post after a certain point in my day because I get weird and obnoxious before bed. I broke it last night for some reason, and again I'm sorry for spamming the thread. Will definitely try not to break it again :)

Whatever, it was obviously the NyQuil talking.

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