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Fantastic Four (2015)

Grade It  

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This is probably the low expectations talking. 
Not as bad as I was expecting. 
But not so bad it was good level. 
You can see in it that Trank was going for a F4 vs The Fly vibe but Fox pulled back from the freaky.
It felt quite disjointed at times.  Especially the time jumps.  The First 30-45 minutes was definitely the best. 
Overall it was just dull. 
Edited by DeeCee
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I liked the part with young Reed's first teleportation device thing being powered by a ton of N64's. It was so cheesy and dumb but I thought it was a neat little quirk.

Everything else was god fucking awful though. Just a complete and utter bore. I don't think I've ever seen a superhero movie with so little action.

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The opening is decent, then there's 40 minutes of slow, not great material. The 5 minutes of Cronenbergy stuff Trank described over and over were pretty good. Then there's another 40 minutes of slow, disastrous material, and the ending is one of the worst things you'll ever see.

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The opening is decent, then there's 40 minutes of slow, not great material. The 5 minutes of Cronenbergy stuff Trank described over and over were pretty good. Then there's another 40 minutes of slow, disastrous material, and the ending is one of the worst things you'll ever see.


They were being totally serious with those lines of dialogue. The ending is legit garbage.

Edited by CJohn
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Trank may have been an asshole on set, but watching this movie made me feel bad for him. I could see him crying himself to sleep after watching that third act.

The first half is better than the second half, even if the pacing is slow as fuck. It was very easy to tell which parts of the movie were Trank's vision and which parts were the studio's. There's all this buildup across the first hour and then suddenly Doom wants to take over the world (insert M. Bison "OF COURSE!!!" clip here) and the Fantastic Four has to come together and stop him. While also randomly throwing in a final underwhelming battle scene.

I'm pretty sure Trank's film would've been a halfway-decent sci-fi horror flick, and I'm pretty sure what the studio wanted could've been alright as well. However, the two different visions colliding leads to a narrative nightmare. Fox really should've delayed the film to early 2016 before doing some half-assed reshoots and being able to work with Trank on creating a more cohesive final product that was a compromise with their two visions.


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To all who saw the movie:


I heard the ending was blatant demonstration of bad studio interference. Like, you could see the disconnect in the closing act. Was that what you witnessed? Is there truth to Trank's complaints (understanding that both sides are probably at fault here)?

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I see it now. We're not seeing deep enough into the movie. The clash between Trank's vision and Fox's vision as clearly seen on the screen was intentional from the start. It's a metaphor for the internal clash within the Fantastic Four as they come to terms with who they were and who and what they have become.

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I see it now. We're not seeing deep enough into the movie. The clash between Trank's vision and Fox's vision as clearly seen on the screen was intentional from the start. It's a metaphor for the internal clash within the Fantastic Four as they come to terms with who they were and who and what they have become.




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