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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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How does changing Johnny Storms race add to the mythos?


Seems like a controversial gimmick some Hollywood idiot came up with just to put their shitty stamp on classic comics Jack Kirby actually put effort into.

or maybe the director wanted a good reliable actor who he had worked with before. crazy thought.

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or maybe the director wanted a good reliable actor who he had worked with before. crazy thought.



So throw casting out the window.


Just pick your buddies or anyone with an oscar.


Forget casting someone who actually fits the role.

Edited by grey ghost
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But all the hoopla over being more diverse in casting in these movies did the movie no favors by casting Jrodan and made it bomb worse than the 2005 movie which everyone bagged on to Don't count on the sequel(if it happens) having him or when it reverts back to MARVEL either.. They will stick t the comic the way it should've been...


Jordan being cast has zero to do with the film's problems.

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Is it just me or did Season 2 go by faster than 1 ? I forgot last week that it was already episode 7.


Because it hasn't generated the online speculation and conversations that the first season did. There has also been no standout performance nor standout moment like the tracking shot from season 1. Doesn't help that the actors this time around just do not have the presence that McConaughey and Harrelson did, and that the director seems to have mistaken weird dialogue for deep and meaningful dialogue.

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Your right.


Meryl Streep should be the next Batman.


Don't forget Susan Sarandon as Robin.


So throw casting out the window.


Just pick whoever has the most oscars for any part?


Presenting, two time Oscar-winner Hilary Swank as the next Riddler. If you don't like it, you're a "racist". ;)

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I know absolutely jack-shit about True Detective, but I keep seeing these snippets of dialogue from you all, and from what I'm seeing, apparently the scripts are being ghost-written by E.L. James? Because these quotes keep reminding me of the quotes I've seen from Fifty Shades of Grey, minus the S&M and inner goddesses.

Edited by TServo2049
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I just posed this question n the F4 Thread and Goffe said it was stupid and it's not and if they did cast, say, Tom Cruise or another white actor in the role of BLACK PANTHER, it would be met with worst results, especially from the Black Community and it would to..

If everyone could be white we wouldn't have this bullshit DIVERSITY problem.

Edited by Chaz
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When was the last time a director did this? I know there have been some in the past.

I saw Kevin Smith at WonderCon 2010, at that point in time he was essentially lashing out at the people trashing Cop Out (though within a couple years, he too came to the realization that it was a piece of shit he didn't enjoy making, and publicly admitted that it was a piece of shit he didn't enjoy making).


Not the same type of scenario necessarily, but the BTS stories about the Tony Kane and the American History X fiasco comes to mind. He flew from Germany to Canada and made TIFF remove the movie from the festival (which was supposed to be the premiere), almost paid large groups of people to block audiences from entering movie theaters when it was released, punched a wall and broke his hand after he was kicked out of the editing room and New Line let Norton take over, communicated with the studio exclusively via full page ads on Variety and THR, etc. It's pretty clear that Kane is...eccentric, but I remember reading this and being amazed. 

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And again for the 100th X over, he didn't help either.. The diverse casting for a character already known to be played by Chris Evans did the movie 0 favors..

EXACTLY which is why people stopped caring about Spider-Man when they made him black.

You're on to something here.

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