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Official Weekend Estimates: Straigth Outta Compton - 56.1M; The Man From UNCLE - 13.5M; MI5 - 17.3M; Fantastic Four - 8M

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A lot of folks here have read the book, I think. I found it really enjoyable -- it's tailor-made to be an entertaining, funny, and thrilling movie.

Sounds just like Jurassic World.

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How much does Avatar need to make to avoid people claiming the franchise is crumbling?

Anything under 600 m DOM and 2 billion WW will probably be mocked as a disappointment.

They'll say its crumbling no matter what it does. If it increased in gross they'd still say "oh with inflation and ticket price increases it still didn't increase the number of tickets sold, it's obviously on its way down".

It'll get hated no matter what

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But about a band with music that is not music per se, but music-supported tellings of situations we non US people might not know, spoken in a language 'version' even trained in English people might have massive problems to understand...



So much nonsense.

Rap  is music indeed. Rap music and rap lyrics are as legitimate and vital a musical form as jazz, country, bluegrass, or new age.

African American English Vernacular  is not a "language version." It's as legitimate a dialectal variant as so-called Standard American English, which is just another dialectal variant of the abstract notion that we all call "English."

If a person "trained in English" isn't familiar with AAEV and/or dismisses it as a "lesser" form of the abstract notion that we call "English," then their training wasn't that great to begin with.

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So much nonsense.

Rap  is music indeed. Rap music and rap lyrics are as legitimate and vital a musical form as jazz, country, bluegrass, or new age.

African American English Vernacular  is not a "language version." It's as legitimate a dialectal variant as so-called Standard American English, which is just another dialectal variant of the abstract notion that we all call "English."

If a person "trained in English" isn't familiar with AAEV and/or dismisses it as a "lesser" form of the abstract notion that we call "English," then their training wasn't that great to begin with.

It's IMHO more important to understand the text than to understand a lala song's text = it's more about the text than the music in comparison IMHO.


Here in my region the schools teach British English only, at my time very little, nowadays a lot more.


I didn't dismiss it, but I know that a lot of people with really good grades in school didn't understand the most of rap music (also not e.g. B.B. King...).

I knew also a few UK people who didn't understand e.g. some Australien movies (the example we discussed about was Erskineville Kings) or US made movies like e.g. Cold Mountain (partly).


= not all people with a higher education (not counting myself, as mine was very technical orientated and is not compareable to today's education here) learn even 'Standrad American English' in school or university (excluding if you study English...) and even those who get to learn it in school are usually mostly book-based-trained, with non-native English speaking teachers = they have often enough problems to understand even relativly accent-free movies, especially if fastly spoken. That usually changes if they sat through a few to a lot of movies, really trying it. Depends on a certain talent too IMHO, some seem to be great in writing but really bad in 'hearing'.

From all people I know (and I know quiet a few) I am the only one who understands e.g. The Wire (but I had to rewatch the first few episodes till I got used to their accents.).

My school English was pretty bad, but I am rather a lot self-trained as I watch since around 30y all TV-series and movies... in the original language (if possible with English subtitiles too) and read a lot in English too.

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It's interesting that the GA picked up on the stench from a mile away.

Even Green Lantern opened big before people realized it was trash..

Maybe audiences are getting savvier.

Well the director basically came out and told everyone it was trash right before it opened.

Edited by Frozen
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Fox looks to have been a bit overly optimistic for that F4 Sunday in order to hit $8m and not reach a 70%.  They have it at -29.8% when last w/e it was at 32%



BoxOffice ‏@BoxOffice 5m5 minutes ago

FANTASTIC FOUR: $60.1M Overseas Total / $102.06M Global Total


Its hard to believe that even the most pessimistic and hate-filled predictions of less than 300M WW are actually happening. 

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Its hard to believe that even the most pessimistic and hate-filled predictions of less than 300M WW are actually happening.

At this point it might do less than 200M WW...
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If the budget named in the net of $120m is correct (rumor?), as long as it surpasses $157.2m ww it's still better doing than Elektra

122M. Yes, it is correct. It needs 245M to break even, using our general twice the budget rule.FOX said it would move forward with a sequel with 350M WW :lol:

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122M. Yes, it is correct. It needs 245M to break even, using our general twice the budget rule.FOX said it would move forward with a sequel with 350M WW :lol:

I use an MP of at least 2.2 instead. If e.g. China has an unusual big part of the ww or the advertising ... was unuaual high and no real merchandising is to expect or,... I adjust to an even higher MP.


F4 BO is really extreme.... ;) I still have an (morbid?) interest in it's final numbers.

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I'm reading through that Jurassic World vs. Mad Max argument earlier in the thread, and I propose a peace treaty: we can all agree, regardless of we love or hate JW or MM:FR, that Inside Out is an excellent film.

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