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6 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

Of course not, for example he doesn't the massive (unearned) ego of a James Gunn. Dude has "directed" two MCU movies and thinks he is the new Cameron.


But maybe Johnson should stop trolling the trolls for a while. Then again, social media are here to stay; maybe this attitude will become more common if some "fans" remain so hateful.

James Gunn will be found out when he starts directing non MCU  films...Guardians 2 was a warning sign...

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5 hours ago, filmlover said:

Christopher McQuarrie (Mission: Impossible 5 and 6) says he'll never make a Star Wars movie because of the toxic fandom. Here's hoping more people join in taking a stand.



Star Wars in general has become annoying as fuck, at least reading anything about it is.   From the annoying online fandom surrounded by their Star Wars toys on youtube ranting about TLJ/Kathleen Kennedy 24/7 to all the fucking hack pundits defending TLJ for how supposedly "progressive" and "bold" it is.   Lol all that can fuck right off, it should've ended in 1983.


Serious folk will just stick with Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones, and Amazons ME series.

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2 hours ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

The part were someone know about movie stuff enough to know who made the motion capture performance for a character but still think he had anything significant to do with what the end result ended to be (like if someone else would have done it it would have been better ? They should have took the ethical choice to not take the job for the movie to not exist ?) is quite a strange stretch.


Not that you would ever expect logic from a ruined my childhood type of person, probably shout at McDo 17 year's old employees about Mcdonald's Inc decisions.

Edited by Barnack
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8 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

Of course not, for example he doesn't the massive (unearned) ego of a James Gunn. Dude has "directed" two MCU movies and thinks he is the new Cameron.


But maybe Johnson should stop trolling the trolls for a while. Then again, social media are here to stay; maybe this attitude will become more common if some "fans" remain so hateful.

Oh geez you weren’t kidding. What a hilariously and disturbingly unhinged Twitter stream. Nonstop hysterical ranting.



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The way people have been butthurt by Trump s election is something to behold.

People have been de-evolving into this mass hysteria where it seems every ill of the world seems to be Trump's fault,



For eight years, the world was nearly perfect but over night, in November 2016, it went straight to hell.

People who believe this are as basic as a MCU or Star Wars film, good vs evil shit where the good guys are really good and the bad guys really evil.

Thanos wiped out half the universe but he doesn't get such a bad rep after all.


For some, Trump is like the anti-Christ or something.


Trump Hysteria is easily the best TV show-film-social media infinite buzz- piece of entertainment you can find right now, nothing else even comes close.


You have like the Trump Franchise Vs the Libtards Franchise, the MCU vs DCEU fight has really nothing on this shit.

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James Gunn for a couple of years after he got GOTG mellowed out on twitter but yeah has been very outspoken in the past year or so. Honestly if I was a director I would only use Twitter just to promote the latest release or not have it all. Like the Russo Brothers

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Most MCU directors and actors are loudly anti-Trump on Twitter, Gunn being the torh bearer of this group.

But then again, it you don't tweet against Trump in Hollywood, you are quickly excommunicated.

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@Pure Spirit I'm expecting Alita to make over a $1b ww, people actually acting like this Christmas rabble going to be able to stand up to Jim.


Today England won in penalties.. the good guys win in the end.


How can you go against Jim???? Against Avatar 2?? Madness

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4 minutes ago, Hades said:

The Russo Bros. Talented guys but again, would love to see them direct non MCU movies, like a Jon Favreau

They are starting their own studio after Avengers 4 so I can see them be like JJ Abrams and produce a bunch of films but also hopefully directing non-franchise films which is what Abrams supposedly was planning after Star Trek into Darkness. 

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4 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

@Pure Spirit I'm expecting Alita to make over a $1b ww, people actually acting like this Christmas rabble going to be able to stand up to Jim.


Today England won in penalties.. the good guys win in the end.


How can you go against Jim???? Against Avatar 2?? Madness

Because I’m bored I’m going to bite but why, don’t say just Cameron I want more reasons.

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4 hours ago, The Futurist said:

85% of 'Murican BOT members will gloat if Avatar 2 makes 200m on US soil.




could skip an American release and make $3b still to be honest

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5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

85% of 'Murican BOT members will gloat if Avatar 2 makes 200m on US soil.




Just like you gloat every fucking time an MCU instaCBM opens? Just like you gloat every fucking time a DCEU film gets bad reviews? Or if it gets good reviews, just like you gloat claiming they were "an homage to the MCU"? Right?

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5 hours ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Because I’m bored I’m going to bite but why, don’t say just Cameron I want more reasons.


James ‘Jim’ Cameron has had for rights for Alita for over a decade and planned on directing the movie himself after Titanic. Instead he directed the film of this century in Avatar and committed himself to making an epic saga to eclipse Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Robert Rodriquez as a fan of both Alita and Jim approached Jim to ask what would happen to Alita, Rodriquez got told if he could condense and finish the script he could direct it.

Robert is an extremely competent director with  some big films under his belt such as Spy Kids 1&2, Sin City, Planet Terror, Machete and the El Mariachi series. He’s one of the most hands-on directors in the business, a man of Jim’s own ilk. Robert's limitations normally come down to the script and the budget so Alita is Robert going all out.

Given the Jim script which was hadn't been cut down to size yet Robby had been tasked by Jim to complete it and was given an extra 600 pages of notes to deal with. To Jim's surprise he read the Robbies cutdown version expecting some important parts to be removed, again and again Robert showed he had a full understanding of what Jim script meant.


Lightstorm Jim and Landau now gave Rodriquez their full backing after he committed himself to bringing a Jim original to the screen. That's right he wants to make a Jim film rather than make it is own and he's made that promise to the god of cinema himself, he will give it his all to bring that out.


Jon Landau has been bragging/explaining to the press that Alita is an universal story with themes everyone can relate to. To me that means they're confident that it's going to resonate with the masses like an Avatar or Titanic. It's a four quadrant story that plays heavily on emotions and features a lot of action, the ultimate box office recipe that Marvel is yet to crack ( they try but the emotion falls flat every time).





Don't forget the star studded line up.


The eyes? The eyes are the greatest marketing tool of all time. Any publicity is good publicity, once bums are on seats the film will do the talking itself.


I've got to go out for a couple of hours.. later

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