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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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13 minutes ago, AndyK said:

I think its natural that cinema goers need a reason to go see something at the cinema rather than on their TV, it needs to be cinematic.



Are you suggesting that Ridley Scott, Peter Weir, Spielberg, Scorsese output is less cinematic than Suicide Squad / Venom / 50 shades ?


People go even see mutli-camera filmed very not cinematic affair in mass nowaday no ?

Edited by Barnack
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2 hours ago, Firepower said:

We'll see, I wouldn't trust Bob Iger and writers just guess it would be still R rated. Disney and Feige have no experience in making mature content and they never showed desire to try.

Disney released Pulp Fiction and are about to release a wacky buddy comedy featuring Hitler. Deadpool will be fine.

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38 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

Disney released Pulp Fiction and are about to release a wacky buddy comedy featuring Hitler. Deadpool will be fine.

In fairness, Pulp Fiction was Miramax at the height of their power and Jojo Rabbit is a Fox Searchlight leftover they inherited in the sale so it's not like they actually had a hand in those.

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You got to be joking...


There are a bunch of YouTube channels that are calling the HBO Watchmen show “woke garbage”. Uh, hello? Do these people not know who Alan Moore is? Do these people really think that Rorschach was written as a character you’re supposed to ad ire, even though Alan Moore has made it very clear that the character is a far right nut job with a dangerously skewed view on morality and women? 

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4 hours ago, John Marston said:

I don't quite agree with Scorsese and Coppola and think they are being somewhat elitist. Still It's funny to watch the people online who act like every single Marvel film is amazing and "groundbreaking" including stuff like Doctor Strange, Ant Man and the Wasp, and Captain Marvel, blow a gasket 

This. They are pretty much behaving exactly like the stereotype of the obsessed fan would have them behave.

And I am betting a lot of the fans doing the complaining have not seen many Scorsese films or any Coppola films except maybe for "The Godfather".

Again, I think it's sad that Scorsese choose to  attack Marvel films instead of pointing out that mid budget "serious" films are seldom if every made anymore.The big budget SFX/Action block busters are eating up all the studio's money and leaving nothing for anything else. That means a drastic drop in the variety of films you can choose from, and that is bad.

And the sad thing is a great many people here would be happy with  nothing but bid budget action blockbusters being released

I also think the cracks about Scorsese and Coppola's age are incredibly tacky and ignorant.


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2 hours ago, That One Guy said:


Problem is not with MCU films but that their success is forcing funding for mid range films off the market. Studios will hardly ever look at a movie that does not have Franchise Potential.

44 minutes ago, filmlover said:

In fairness, Pulp Fiction was Miramax at the height of their power and Jojo Rabbit is a Fox Searchlight leftover they inherited in the sale so it's not like they actually had a hand in those.

Disney in 1995 and Disney in 2019 are two different beasts. Guaranteed, Disney would never fund "Pulp Fiction" today.

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12 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:



Yawn. More "Capitalism and Profit Are Evil" rhetoric from Loach.

This is the guy who tried to get Israeli filmmakers banned from several major film festivals.

And his films are not so hot anyway.

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2 hours ago, Finnick said:

This is a movie, written, produced  and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, This is cinema not the MCU!!




let's dig up a film Coppola made very early in his career and use it against him.

This is the kind of shit that makes me actively dislike so much of what "fandom" has become.

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18 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

You got to be joking...


There are a bunch of YouTube channels that are calling the HBO Watchmen show “woke garbage”. Uh, hello? Do these people not know who Alan Moore is? Do these people really think that Rorschach was written as a character you’re supposed to ad ire, even though Alan Moore has made it very clear that the character is a far right nut job with a dangerously skewed view on morality and women? 

They're probably mad that this isn't gonna follow either the graphic novel or the movie closely at all and came to it thinking it would be more along the lines of those. Also the lead happens to be a black woman in a show that's mainly rooted in a genre that has long been dominated by white men. I'm not surprised the "everything is SJW now" vultures have their knives out for it.

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

They're probably mad that this isn't gonna follow either the graphic novel or the movie closely at all and came to it thinking it would be more along the lines of those. Also the lead happens to be a black woman in a show that's mainly rooted in a genre that has long been dominated by white men. I'm not surprised the "everything is SJW now" vultures have their knives out for it.

I’m not even accusing the people criticizing the show for being “woke” racists or sexists. I just think it’s really baffling that they’d call a show “woke garbage” for having the message of “white supremacists are bad”, or that they’d be outraged about Rorschach inspiring a bunch of racist nuts. Alan Moore specifically wrote Rorschach as a far right extremist with regressive views on women, and a hypocritical admiration for fascists and rapists. Rorschach was never meant to be seen as a noble or “badass” 90s anti-hero. 

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3 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

I just think it’s really baffling that they’d call a show “woke garbage” for having the message of “white supremacists are bad”, or that they’d be outraged about Rorschach inspiring a bunch of racist nuts.

Welcome to the Trump era.

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4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

I’m not even accusing the people criticizing the show for being “woke” racists or sexists. I just think it’s really baffling that they’d call a show “woke garbage” for having the message of “white supremacists are bad”, or that they’d be outraged about Rorschach inspiring a bunch of racist nuts. Alan Moore specifically wrote Rorschach as a far right extremist with regressive views on women, and a hypocritical admiration for fascists and rapists. Rorschach was never meant to be seen as a noble or “badass” 90s anti-hero. 

One of the worst things Zack Snyder did with is film of the Watchmen was making Rorschach into some kind of cool rebel figure, when in the novel he turned out to be just as crazy and self centered as Oznymandius.

My own skepticism of the mini series is based on my skepticiam of any sequel to a original work in which the creator of the original is not involved.

That, and I have not been impressed by the "Doomsday Clock" sequel. though I understand that the miniseries is much different then the comic book 
Doomsday Clock. 

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27 minutes ago, Captain Craig said:

Ken Loach...I remember his great films from...from...hold a second..that one film from....and that other one about....well you know the ones I mean.


*looks at IMDB, yep nada zip zilch

Doesn't he have some most Palme d'Or finalist type of records ?


I felt RDJ closed that debate in a lovely way, is Howard Stern show not radio ? The question in itself make little sense for the common us that do not have a definition of Cinema that goes beyond a feature length moving image and require the person making the statement to give a more restrictive definition that would exclude Guardian of The Galaxy for having a starting point to grasp with.

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