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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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53 minutes ago, shayhiri said:

Wonder if THIS ^^ would turn out being an ugly spoiler in VIII - that's why I posted it here, juts to be on the safe side and not get banned in retrospect.


Would explain many things about Finn, including his apparent force-sensitiveness.


That was funny, but zero chance it us reality.

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1 hour ago, shayhiri said:

Wonder if THIS ^^ would turn out being an ugly spoiler in VIII - that's why I posted it here, juts to be on the safe side and not get banned in retrospect.


Would explain many things about Finn, including his apparent force-sensitiveness.


How does Finn apparently have any kind of force ability?  I didn't see any evidence of that in the film at all.

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the scene everyone was wanting to see






the film was originally supposed to open by panning over a dismembered hand (Luke’s hand that Darth Vader cut off in Empire Strikes Back) holding a lightsaber. This scene almost made the cut, but it was eventually removed late in the process.







Edited by John Marston
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Probably has been already discussed. I watched the dubbed version, dunno how it's in english, but in the visions Rey was having, in the scene where we see a young child in distress while somebody says to the kid calm down (or something to that effect), that person sounded like Han Solo to me.

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16 hours ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Obviously, it's very, very well liked by the GA. No real debate there. But, if we're being anecdotal, my parents both gave it a C, my brother a C+ and four of the five friends I saw it with C+ or less. One of 'em gave it a solid A. My sis loved it. Her fave behind only ESB too. Her taste almost always mirrors that of K1Rey though. It's kind of funny... Well, to me it is.

Here is my family members' opinions:

Dad: Good visuals, but the complete lack of originality ruined it.

Sister #1: Liked the first half, disliked the second (the Death Star was lame).

Her husband: It was ok. 5/10 max.

Sister #2: Liked it, the prequels were better though. It should've been more original.

Brother #1: It was interesting, but nothing special. On the level of the prequels.

Brother #2: Disappointing, didn't like it. 5/10.

Brother #3: Liked it, 7/10. Better than Ep. 1/2. 3/4/5/6 are better.

Sister #3: Liked it, 8/10. All other episodes are better though. (She likes everything)

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20 minutes ago, Elessar said:

Probably has been already discussed. I watched the dubbed version, dunno how it's in english, but in the visions Rey was having, in the scene where we see a young child in distress while somebody says to the kid calm down (or something to that effect), that person sounded like Han Solo to me.


It was the junk dealer guy she was getting the food rations from, Plutt. 

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6 hours ago, Jay Salahi said:

One could argue they throw you off right away because Kylo Ren and him have that stare off the first scene on Jakku. It to me the first time came across like Kylo maybe feels the force in him or something


Finn doesn't have force abilities. 


Kylo was sensing that Finn was having second thoughts about being a part of the First Order any more. 


Thats why later on when Hux says it was one of theirs that helped Poe escape, Kylo says Finn's designation number out loud. 

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I also think that this is far from a masterpiece.

I hope all the hype and money won't lead to an undeserved Oscar nomination for this, let alone a win.


However, I am surprised how many people say they liked it less than the prequels. Sure, the storyline of the PT sounds not too bad on paper... But especially character building and acting are IMHO very good and far superior in TFA and make it so much easier to care for it than the PT. With characters such as this I think they could easily have tried a bit more with the story and avoid the overload of nostalgia and coincidences. But who can blame them, really, looking at the fandom (the sense of entitlement is strong with them) and the (deserved) backlash the PT got.


It sure made me care for how the journey progresses, though. So I hope they enter new territory with Episode 8 and 9. Really hope that it will center on both Rey and Ren as opposing protagonists.













Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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maybe i'm just weird but i don't hate , dislike the prequels and i feel people hating on them is undeserved , sure TPM is a bit underwhelming but the following 2 pîck up really well , personally i prefer them to the originals but that's probably due to fact i wasn't a fan of star wars for a pretty long time but i have come around to appreciating them for the story as a whole /world building universe after all both cover the arc of anakin skywalker rise fall and redemption .


the prequels were really my first hand experience becoming a true fan of star wars before that i was more of a mind star trek world is superior ,now i love both 


ps: crazy question way out there(humor me) but after i realized i'm not the only one shipping rey and kylo /finn and poe , do you guys think its possible adam driver could be nominate for his role and would he be considered best actor or best supporting actor category , i know how unlikely it is during serious noms but i'm sure he'll get in for more populist GA awards


edit : just found an article talking exactly about this , 7 billions people i can't be only one thinking it lol


Edited by ladyevenstar22
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Just now, Baumer Fett said:

To counter @misafeco Saw it with 10 others. All fucking loved it. 9/10 or better.


yeah everyone I have seen it with, even with a couple Star Wars novices that only saw the other films a few weeks beforehand, all loved it too.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Not sure where misafeco is from but in my area and my circle of friends everyone seems to like it immensely 

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41 minutes ago, 75live said:


I´ve just watched and i´m very very angry!!!

fucking Disney, what a few respect with myths, killing Han Solo!!!!!!!!!!!


He´s one of the top 10 movie heroes in histoy and you can´t kill heroes of this size!!!!

don´t count with my money for the new movies!!!

i´m very sad and angry with this!!!!!!!!

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My wife and son both thought it was great. 


Many son likes the PT movies but he prefers the OT. He doesn't like Jar Jar and he thinks the acting in the PT is mostly pretty bad. 


Many wife isn't as critical towards the PT. She actually enjoys all the movies. 


For, me the acting, dialogue, character interaction and visuals in TFA are far superior to the PT. All the new actors crushed their parts and BB8 is one of the coolest, cutest and funniest robotic characters ever. Shit, his "acting" was better than most of what we got in the PT lol


On our second viewing my nephew came with us and he thought it was great.  

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2 hours ago, ShouldIBeHere said:

However, I am surprised how many people say they liked it less than the prequels.


The magic of the internet, making minority opinions seem like majority opinions.   :D  


1 hour ago, ladyevenstar22 said:

do you guys think its possible adam driver could be nominate for his role and would he be considered best actor or best supporting actor category , i know how unlikely it is during serious noms but i'm sure he'll get in for more populist GA awards


edit : just found an article talking exactly about this , 7 billions people i can't be only one thinking it lol



I could be talked into the idea that Driver and Ridley deserve some Oscar love.   Especially Ridley.

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31 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Not sure where misafeco is from but in my area and my circle of friends everyone seems to like it immensely 

You can see my location under my username. The beautiful capital city of Hungary.



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