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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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The thing I find funny is that this movie is exactly what Lucas always talks about. He loves to say that movies are a visual medium and that he likes to tell the story through the what you see on screen through the actions of the characters and the music. 


Thats what this movie is doing. It's giving you the story and clues to the characters through their actions with minimal expository dialogue. However, there are scenes where you get very important dialogue, especially regarding Rey. You just have to pay attention. 


I wasn't able to really catch on to things until I saw it a second time. 


There are negatives for sure. It's a little to reminiscent of ANH at times, especially the attack on Starkiller base. It was also a little too convenient when R2 suddenly comes out of low power mode at the end lol. Those things didn't drag the movie down for me because everything else was so damn well done! 


As for the Rey thing, that stuff is easily explained. I'm not gonna go into that as it has been talked to death in this thread already; but the hints and clues are there. Again, you just have to pay attention. 

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GL was partly right. I have to agree that the new film was a remix of the original. I think a remix is what the franchise needed, to communicate everything that is awesome about Star Wars to a new generation. But the next two episodes (and the spinoffs) must cover new ground and be less 'retro', as Lucas calls it, otherwise it will be as pointless as some of the harsher critics are now saying.

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People have to remember, this wasn't made just for the diehards. They made a movie that would be easily digestible for the GA and very casual SW fans. 


And dont forget about people who haven't ever watched a SW movie but would still like to see it. They couldn't spend a lot time with a bunch of back story exposition in order to catch all those peeps up lol. 


After the prequels, there was no way JJ and Kasdan were going to have all kinds of political scenes and talking. 

Edited by junkshop36
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3 minutes ago, DAR said:

So the scene where Starkiller Base was destroying the various planets, was one of them Coruscant?


No.  I originally  thought that too.   But is some Honus system or something.  They say it in the film so I am sure someone will give the correct name.   I'm blanking out as I am about to go to sleep :P 

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6 hours ago, Sagemode87 said:

My thoughts exactly. The movie was good at best. It's only getting hype because it's a sequel to ROTJ and people are viewing it with rose tinted glasses. The movie has huge flaws. Napoleon Dynamite...... I mean Ren was a garbage villain the moment he unmasked. Rey defeating him with no training is lol worthy and it's horrible/lazy writing. I don't care if she is possibly Lukes daughter. 


Kylo Ren is EASILY one of the best parts of the movie. And I don't have any rose tinted glasses on. Both scenes with he and Rey were amazing.


Luke in A New Hope blew up the Death Star after shutting off his targeting computer.  HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Terrible Writing?  No, it has been a theme throughout the Star Wars saga that people can do incredible things by tapping into the force. Even people like Luke who had next to zero force training.  Before blowing up the Death Star, Luke had one 2 minute training scene with Obi Wan with the ball in the Falcon.  It wasn't his training that helped him destroy the death star-because he had next to nothing.  He "let go" and let the force in which allowed him to become much more powerful-even if for a short period of time.


That is exactly what Rey was doing from the point that she touched Luke's lightsaber.  She is letting the Force in. First in the scene where she read Kylo's mind.  But in the sabre duel,  she was getting beat by Kylo until the moment she paused and clearly let the Force take hold of her.  That's when she started owning Kylo.  But lets not forget, Kylo was not fully trained, he was shot by Chewy's bowcaster (which had been built up as a major force) before the fight, and was an emotional wreck the entire movie. There was MORE than enough reason for Rey to defeat Kylo.


The writing is fantastic, riveting, and consistent with Star Wars lore.


The Ren/Rey scenes are some of the best in the movie.

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Did the TFA have flaws? yes. But every movie does. 


Does the film lean heavily on nostalgia? yes.


Does the movie work in its own right and entertain you as it should? Hell yes!  The movie is FUN and that's what all the Star Wars movies are intended to be. TFA  (just like other insanely successful and well received movies like Indiana Jones, Jaws, Avengers, Jurassic Park, Avatar etc) achieved exactly what it was designed to do and that's why people love it so much. Sure, not everybody can love the same thing but that's just the way of the world.


TFA was a very good Star Wars movie. That's why people (myself included) have watched it so many times.

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