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Monday SW:TFA Estimate - 31.4M (-27%)

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And this is why all the doom and gloom about this weekend was so silly. It's more financially successful to have an amazing full week of weekday holds than losing out the weekend by a mere 10M (aka not losing as we let our predictions persuade us into thinking it fell short).

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8 hours ago, Sagemode87 said:

30 million on Monday? Okay, is this crap ever gonna slow down. Diehard fanboys are going broke seeing this 30 times. What losers:huh: Theres only 3 movies in history thats done over 600 mil, and this undeserving tripe does it in 12 days. Star Wars fans lmao. Don't care what no one says, this movie wasn't THAT good. 


If you knew box office and didn't let your hate cloud you, it would be obviously clear that it's not just fanboys or fangirls going to this. You only get numbers this huge when you appeal to the general audience and become a 4 quadrant movie.


dont give in to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to the dark side, that it does.

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6 minutes ago, Ocho said:

Is anyone else having a problem using the "next" button to move to the next page? I'm having to change the page number in the website to move to the next page.


Is that so? Report it to us and we'll see what we can do to help you. :) You can do so here: http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/support/


is is anyone else having the same issue?

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3 minutes ago, K1Rey said:


Is that so? Report it to us and we'll see what we can do to help you. :)


is is anyone else having the same issue?

Having the problem on my phone and tablet?????


"Prev" not working too

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1 minute ago, BoxOfficeChica said:

I think the real "villain" in Titanic was the iceberg.




nah the real villain is Jack. Look at the facts.  He gets two Swedish guys to lose their tickets to maybe get a better life in America.  He gets a couple broken up, regardless if they shouldn't or not be together.  He distracts the lookouts from seeing the iceberg because they are staring at him messing around with Rose, so they can't turn in time.  So by the movie's timeline, he literally gets 1500 people killed including Fabrizio who would have just went home to his family if he didn't meet Jack.  If that's not a villain I don't know what is.




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