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6 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

I'm honestly surprised by all the vitriol and hate.


People here always change their tune based on the numbers. If this was headed for a $220 weekend, thered be virtually no hate. If this was set to open to $130, the vitrol would be with a capital V.


My favorite was Ultrons weekend. With the initial $100 OD reports this forum was hailing Ultron king and calling it sliced bread, but by Saturday night Ultron was a forum bandwagon laughing stock.   


Fun times.

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8 minutes ago, Ohana said:


I bet these numbers drove u crazy whe u saw them
The amount of hate for months mixed with #RottenCritics had seed a false hope for many haters that BvS will bomb
Well - it won't. 
Drink cold water and get over this hate already.


My prediction was 171M OW. It will fall around there. If anybody is pissed due to BvS performance it is probably people like you. 



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1 minute ago, SWXII said:


WB can follow the Disney model in which case this would be anything but a "peak"




Eh, a big part of the draw of this movie was Batman,Superman being on screen in the same movie for the first time.  Adding Aquaman and other Justice League characters that nobody really care about isn't going to really increase the box office potential of the films.  I do agree that this may not be the peak though because if WB can actually find a director worth a damn to helm these films I think there is some untapped market. 

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The opeNing preview numbers have been excellent for a movie that got trashed badly by critics. Makes you wonder how much more it could have done this weekend if had gotten good critical reception. Ah well. Here is hoping that WB will be careful while making JL because the potential is immense if reviews are favourable.

Looking forward to SS and WW.

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1 hour ago, Baumer said:

How the hell are you guys saying that this is going to be more front-loaded than Age of Ultron? That was a movie that was coming off the biggest opening weekend of all time. Your logic is completely f***** up. I don't understand you guys anymore. It's like there's a collective Mafia mass of mob like attitude here that as soon as someone doesn't like something everybody else has to pile on it. I seriously don't get this site sometimes. I came for the number I was looking for I'm out of here. I'll check back in to see the Friday numbers but I'm not talking to you doofuses anymore this weekend lol enjoy the Bloodbath.


There seems to be a disturbance within the matrix...

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I think too many people (and you haven't even seen the worst of it, it's currently on SHH) forget that Snyder, Terrio, the cast, etc are human beings, it's okay to be angry but flat out insult, crap all over those guys just shows what low-life idiots those people are. You don't agree with what the film sets out to do, you don't like it, okay, but don't ever forget that there are many others who do, and it's easy to say that if you can be positive and love the film, you can also be super negative, that's only fair. Yeah, sure, but negativity is far more harmful than positivity, being mean is easy.

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2 minutes ago, SoSaysI said:


Eh, a big part of the draw of this movie was Batman,Superman being on screen in the same movie for the first time.  Adding Aquaman and other Justice League characters that nobody really care about isn't going to really increase the box office potential of the films.  I do agree that this may not be the peak though because if WB can actually find a director worth a damn to helm these films I think there is some untapped market. 


With great stories people can be made to care about these characters. Seems to be a lot of demand for more WW and Ben's version of the bat. Build on that. 


Think I will go see bvs and decide for myself.


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4 minutes ago, marveldcfox said:

The opeNing preview numbers have been excellent for a movie that got trashed badly by critics. Makes you wonder how much more it could have done this weekend if had gotten good critical reception. Ah well. Here is hoping that WB will be careful while making JL because the potential is immense if reviews are favourable.

Looking forward to SS and WW.

BVS fans were reporting (based on deadline) that the movie had $15M in  presales for previews as of 2 weeks prior to release. 


Then over the last 2 weeks including walk ups on Thursday it did $12M. It does not sound like a great deal to me. Like I said earlier, it is neither good nor bad.

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