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2 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:
14 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


More hyped than AOU? Sure.


More hyped then Avengers? I'd say TA was definitely in the same category of hype.


The hype was building for four years throughout phase one. It wasn't your typical event film.

That's a pretty damn good number. A bit inflated thanks to the hour early start, sure, but it is very good that it's doing Ultron type numbers anyway. 160M+ locked, I'd say.


TDK and A1 are close but TDK has edge. TDKR was most hyped film since Episode 1. People went fucking bananas in the build up to that.

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13 minutes ago, incognitoo said:


Excuse me? This is a joke is it? How can anybody be so invested in ones own agenda that one starts rooting for other people losing their jobs? Because of a (excuse me) fucking movie? Because of some (excuse me again) fucking figures? That is nothing but outright antisocial. Being unemployed is no joke in this day and age (I know what I am talking about) so I am kinda at a loss for words on this.


This movie have had that kind of hate since they announced it ,and it kept going with each and every reveal , the title , the casting , the second trailer ....ect

Some people were wishing it will bomb since it was announced too. Many critics were negative about it since it was announced too and deemed it a bad movie even before they saw it.


Just today , there was a video that I am not going to share here (I think most of you already saw it but still not going to give it more audience ) where people were just laughing about how one of the cast was looking sad/hunted when asked about the reviews of the movie. And even cheering happily how one of the film makers was fidgeting on his chair looking lost saying he tried 100% .... this video and how people were reacting to it was truly sad, what have become of humanity...Just because some didn't like the movie they are laughing at people's hard work.It's okay to criticize the movie , it's okay to say you hated it ,it's okay to criticize the actors and filmmakers for their shortcomings when it comes to the movie too, but for me , it is in no way acceptable to just laugh at someone's clear misery specially when their careers are on the line.Just put yourself in their shoes ......


Why is this movie getting so much hate? I have never seen a movie that big getting that much hate way before it's release before ... I don't know,I wasn't much on social media before but I've never so exhausted from the negativity as much as I am now ..... thinking about reasons from my experience following the movie :


1-People who hate super hero movies and thinks it's a censer eating away at the box office of much better films, wants this to fail badly , because if it's doesn't , there will be another universe plus the marvel one.Marvel didn't get as much hate because when it started no one thought it will get that big and after it got big it's hard to shoot it down , but for the DC it was still new and one mixed movie before they decided to make a shared universe,so those who don't want more super hero movies have been very negative towards it from the start.


2-The marvel universe fans ( not all ) I've seen people tweeting wishes of how the best birthday present will be a BvS flop.They hate DC and don't want any competition.They want to show superiority by putting the fans of the other franchise down.Those were negative about it and actively spread negativity around it since day one.


3-Some DC fans who liked old versions and will never want anything new taking the place of the beloved old.Trust me , I've seen those,MANY of them."No one should play Batman after Christian bale" ..ect they were negative about this movie since Ben Afleck was announced one and kept spreading negativity and wishing for BvS to flop.


4-Snyder haters, and he has MANY.I'm not a fan myself and I criticize him, but I never hate blindly.This should have been number one because it's really a huge factor. It's mostly why so many critics were hating on this movie even before they saw it.


I really pity the people behind it.So much stress level ....

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I am in this weird place where I want this to make money but I want W.B. to get the message that Snyder needs to go and Excel1 needs to be brought on board.

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11 minutes ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:




Making a good and well-recieved TF-sequel can't be hard thing for Paramount to do.


Are there anyone else who want to see a TF-film done right and done good?




Anyone familiar with the best Transformers comics and video games knows the movie franchise has the potential to be a decent sci fi series that's far more iconic and engaging.


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5 minutes ago, jb007 said:




Under any circumstance as it existed.


Different circumstances could change the equation. For ex., If TDKR was the greatest movie in history, then it may have easily surpassed TA. But that circumstance did not exist. ;)


If it had a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with an average critic score of 10/10, it would still not have beaten Avengers' opening weekend due to the shooting and lack of 3D. Now maybe it would have made up those disadvantages over time for the total. Maybe, but no guarantee of that either. Avengers had great WOM and legs in its own right, plus the 3D advantage.

Edited by redfirebird2008
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1 minute ago, Emerald kikyou said:


This movie have had that kind of hate since they announced it ,and it kept going with each and every reveal , the title , the casting , the second trailer ....ect

Some people were wishing it will bomb since it was announced too. Many critics were negative about it since it was announced too and deemed it a bad movie even before they saw it.


Just today , there was a video that I am not going to share here (I think most of you already saw it but still not going to give it more audience ) where people were just laughing about how one of the cast was looking sad/hunted when asked about the reviews of the movie. And even cheering happily how one of the film makers was fidgeting on his chair looking lost saying he tried 100% .... this video and how people were reacting to it was truly sad, what have become of humanity...Just because some didn't like the movie they are laughing at people's hard work.It's okay to criticize the movie , it's okay to say you hated it ,it's okay to criticize the actors and filmmakers for their shortcomings when it comes to the movie too, but for me , it is in no way acceptable to just laugh at someone's clear misery specially when their careers are on the line.Just put yourself in their shoes ......


Why is this movie getting so much hate? I have never seen a movie that big getting that much hate way before it's release before ... I don't know,I wasn't much on social media before but I've never so exhausted from the negativity as much as I am now ..... thinking about reasons from my experience following the movie :


1-People who hate super hero movies and thinks it's a censer eating away at the box office of much better films, wants this to fail badly , because if it's doesn't , there will be another universe plus the marvel one.Marvel didn't get as much hate because when it started no one thought it will get that big and after it got big it's hard to shoot it down , but for the DC it was still new and one mixed movie before they decided to make a shared universe,so those who don't want more super hero movies have been very negative towards it from the start.


2-The marvel universe fans ( not all ) I've seen people tweeting wishes of how the best birthday present will be a BvS flop.They hate DC and don't want any competition.They want to show superiority by putting the fans of the other franchise down.Those were negative about it and actively spread negativity around it since day one.


3-Some DC fans who liked old versions and will never want anything new taking the place of the beloved old.Trust me , I've seen those,MANY of them."No one should play Batman after Christian bale" ..ect they were negative about this movie since Ben Afleck was announced one and kept spreading negativity and wishing for BvS to flop.


4-Snyder haters, and he has MANY.I'm not a fan myself and I criticize him, but I never hate blindly.This should have been number one because it's really a huge factor. It's mostly why so many critics were hating on this movie even before they saw it.


I really pity the people behind it.So much stress level ....


I have seen them all. Really a pity.

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1 minute ago, grey ghost said:




Anyone familiar with the best Transformers comics and video games knows the movie franchise has the potential to be a decent sci fi series that's far more iconic and engaging.



Yeah. Exactly. :)


If i would have picked a good director to make a well-recieved TF-movie........i would have picked J.J Abrams. He knows how to make good movies.

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15 minutes ago, #ED said:


Good to hear.


Quick, someone point out this means nothing. :ph34r:


It means fanboys liked it.  Trying to predict the OW from that is like trying to predict the OW off of fan previews.


I'll wait until tonight to determine if it will meet or beat my expectations. (160-170)

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1 minute ago, redfirebird2008 said:


If it had a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with an average critic score of 10/10, it would still not have been Avengers' opening weekend due to the shooting and lack of 3D. Now maybe it would have made up those disadvantages over time for the total. Maybe, but no guarantee of that either. Avengers had great WOM and legs in its own right, plus the 3D advantage.


I have analyzed that aspect many times. But I did not see the evidence of the "Missing Auds" being absorbed subsequent to first weekend. If anybody else has something halfway concrete about the impact of that, I would love to see that.


The impact of death like Ledger's was real, even though it is hard to quantify it to a ballpark number. The same with FF7. WW gross went to 1516 up from 788 for FF6.



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