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Just now, MCKillswitch123 said:


Well yeah, but that's usually most of the cases for these mega tentpoles anyway, predictions are always mutating :P


But yeah, at this point, RO and possibly CW are the only ones that I feel could break out into the 200M club. Beyond that.... there's a very, very small shot for something like ID2, should the JW nostalgia + D-PORN effects come into full force together.

ID2 might break into the 200M... in his whole run. 

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7 minutes ago, grey ghost said:


This prediction has been made annually for the past 15 years. :sadben:


It s the first year we re getting 6,7 big superheroes tentpoles and it will happen every year with absolute certainty, a new era is beginning in 2016.


Not everybody will check out the 6/8 superheroes movies each year.

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So basically a little more than "Dark Knight Rises" numbers unadjusted.   Not bad at all.   It's not like "MOS" was a critical darling as well and that did about 116.    Also we have to account for the fact Batman was basically rebooted in this movie.   I think expecting 200 Million OW was a little to much because honestly people had to get use to Ben as Batman.   If Bale returned and this somehow conntected in the Nolan Trilogy I think 200 would of been a lock.    But we also have to realize it's still March.  Yes movies have been rewriting months this last 2 years but with March only "Hunger Games"  and "Alice" really did huge numbers.    


So to me this a success espeically when you look at the fact they basically rebooted the entire universe after "Green Lateran" failed.   OW record was NEVER in play.  Yes Bats and Supes broke the OW 6 times combined over the last 30 years but  "Episode 7" is just too strong.   I didn't think "Jurassic World" numbers were in play either with it being in March.   I think they left about 8-10 Million on the table with the March release instead of summer.   Overall I'm pleased wth number but I feel over 400 Million Domestic should be the goal, if it falls below four it will show weakness in the legs.    


A 2.5x mutipiler gets it to 425 with a 170 OW.   "Rises" even did 445 with the shooting hurting it's OW.   I didn't expect "Avengers or Ultron" numbers because Marvel did a larger build up to those movies but even with a new Batman it still increased 50+ Million from "MOS" just by adding Batman to the story.   So Dispite the horrible reviews, WB should be pleased and I doubt Zack is let go for "Justice League" as he's building the universe with his style.   There will be other directors for the side movies.   I'll be checking it out later to day so I'll help the sunday number, lol.  

Edited by filmscholar
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5 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


China as a market has EXPLODED over the last 3 years so no not really.  Avengers did $80m.  Three years later AOU made $240m.


Ant-Man did $105m last year.  Ant-Man.  BvS will struggle to reach that number.



Why would it struggle? We don't know how the movie will play out.


We can speculate, but none of us know how it "will" do because it hasn't happened yet.


What was MOS opening weekend in China?..edit: never mind. I found

Edited by VGPOP
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Just now, The Futurist said:


It s the first year we re getting 6,7 big superheroes tentpoles and it will happen every year with absolute certainty, a new era is beginning in 2016.


Not everybody will check out the 6/8 superheroes movies each year.

Of course not. But from the 6 of this year, 5 (maybe all 6?) will break the 200M barrier. And 3 of them will break the 300M barrier. Everything is fine. 

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2 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

I don't know if I laugh or cry.





Again, I don't know if I laugh or cry.

we all know you are hater of this movie. So yeah you are basically a troll now. And how anyone can even explain 72% for IM2, Fresh ratings for Thor 2 and Ultron and this getting panned like this is just insane. MoS also got a rotten score with the same average Thor 2 had and that was rated fresh huh:o. Yeah something fishy is going on and i don't care if anyone calls me paranoid. I will not trust these critics anymore until they actually give a bad review to a Disney/Marvel movie someday. Because giving fresh scores to IM2, Thor 2 and Ultron is just downright fishy

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Just now, Chaz said:

Didn't Ant-Man make $180 million total?



Just now, MCKillswitch123 said:


I think it can do around 250M+ for its cume.


Like I said, very, VERY small shot. No Will Smith seriously hurts it, impov.

The Super Bowl spot failed to take off. Nobody gave a shit. If Will Smith was in there instead of that random black dude that thing would have exploded.

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3 minutes ago, SWXII said:


I do think we have reached peak comic book movies. That does not mean there is not some potential left. Clearly there is. Bvs was so close to pioneering a new path that would add some revitalization. So close.

BvS wasn't going to revitalize anything...BvS was going to make money from the get go because it's a movie that contains Batman and Superman. As long as you're willing to change it up, be unique, and go outside the box (successfully) then superhero movies will continue to be a success. Deadpool proved that. Ant-Man proved that. Gaurdians of the Galaxy proved that. Those were movies that were different in their own ways and changed up the comic book/super hero genre a bit. The question then becomes is how do the movies I've listed sustain that freshness in their sequels and how do new super heroes being introduced to us (like Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Dr. Strange) bring their own uniqueness to the table. 

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9 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


In a nutshell: CIVIL WAR is going to kill at the box office... As a matter of fact, I think once you see CIVIL WAR, it will make you better appreciate AOU which is the fallout from that movie... And for those bagging on this guy Drew McWeeney, he also said there's incredibly good WOM on this movie and everyone doubted him on his comments about BvsS..




What's your CW ow prediction? 

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1 minute ago, VGPOP said:

Why would it struggle? We don't know how the movie will play out.


We can speculate, but none of us know how it "will" do because it hasn't happened yet.

Pay a visit to the China thread and you'll know why. BvS has terrible internal multiplier and review plus 4 local movies will open next week.

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3 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You're right.. It's not.. It's going to hit 225M OW like I've confidentally predicted and in the next month, the marketing and hype will reflect this...


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1 minute ago, CJohn said:

The meltdowns would be fun. They usually are. Remember when JW beat Avengers OW? And when Iron Man 3 became the, at the time, 2nd biggest OW ever? Good days.


But WB won't do it. It would be ridiculous. I stand by what I said a few hours ago even before we got a Saturday number: WB will report a 170M OW (record for the studio) and it will drop 1-2M with actuals. 

I thought it was obvious, but I think I didn't make myself that clear. Actually I think you get it because I don't understimate your intelligence, you're just playing dumb:


BvS over TA? I completely get meltdowns and it'd be hilarious. BvS over AoU? Not bigger than TA, but again, I get it.


BvS over IM3? Who the fucking hell cares? How is that an accomplishment for a film with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in it? Are we really at the point that we are thinking about fudging numbers for completely incomprehensible meltdowns? I mean, REALLY? Because honestly, it's kind of sad. I'm one of the biggest fans of IM3 but I don't understand WHO could possibly have a meltdown for BvS going over that film. It's just incredibly ridiculous. 

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12 minutes ago, Ent said:


With Asia already showing signs of bad wom, including China that is now tracking for a final BO around $90M, $100M if lucky, aka less than Antman, I think that TDKR numbers ww is where it is ultimately heading.


In the best case scenario, it will hit $1.1 but IM3, it wont.


People really underestimate IM3's numbers and IM in general as a massive draw abroad in every continent.  

This movie basicly did $680m on the foreign front without China.  


As a comparison, TA did $800M sans China and AOU did $700M sans China.  


IM3 basicly did avengerèsque numbers abroad on its own and did it by being greatly received in every single big and average sized market in every continent.


Also, contrary to the domestic market IM3 had great legs abroad in most markets.


So with Asia doing lackluster numbers and two of the big three already showing signs of bad word of mouth in full effect (China and South Korea), i don't see BvS approaching IM3 numbers abroad.


It is currently doing good to great numbers in a lot of markets but not in every single important one as it needs to to have a chance to hit IM3 numbers.




Oh, I know BvS isn't coming close to IM3 WW.


I was talking about CW. :P

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1 minute ago, bapi said:

BvS' opening day jsut 60K ahead of Jurassic World and 1.2M ahead of The Avengers. Very funny, WB. No doubt actuals will drop by few millions.

May and June openers. We're still in March buddy and BvS has broken the record (by a lot)



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1 minute ago, iJackSparrow said:

I thought it was obvious, but I think I didn't make myself that clear. Actually I think you get it because I don't understimate your intelligence, you're just playing dumb:


BvS over TA? I completely get meltdowns and it'd be hilarious. BvS over AoU? Not bigger than TA, but again, I get it.


BvS over IM3? Who the fucking hell cares? How is that an accomplishment for a film with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in it? Are we really at the point that we are thinking about fudging numbers for completely incomprehensible meltdowns? I mean, REALLY? Because honestly, it's kind of sad. I'm one of the biggest fans of IM3 but I don't understand WHO could possibly have a meltdown for BvS going over that film. It's just incredibly ridiculous. 

Well, some people would, I am sure. And it is exactly because it would be ridiculous that I think it would be fun :lol: 

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