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2 minutes ago, FTF said:



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We see a truck driver get riddled with bullets in TDKR. We see Harvey Dent shoved off a building in TDK. We see Batman derail a fucking monorail train in the middle of Gotham.


What did you miss in those movies? Batman does NOTHING in BVS we did not see in Nolan's films in terms of killing.

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I just got back from my screening and I loved it, unabashedly unapologetically loved it.  More in the spoiler thread when I get a chance.


Relevant to this thread though:

Before the movie started (after previews, before WB logo) the audience actually started clapping a little which is something I don't recall seeing before the movie ever.  After the movie it's happened a few times, but not before.  People are primed for this movie.  If everything had gone right with the marketing (meaning no December trailer mess up) and if the movie was a smoother-2hr15m-streamlined-JJAbrams-version that had gotten even just Ultron-ish reviews this would have been a match for The Avengers on the opening, domestic and worldwide totals.  

As it is I feel pretty confident in my prediction of 150-something with IM3/FF7/MoS legs.  It might hit a billion but it might not, I'm slightly leaning against it until we see how the weekend goes.


It's quite a movie, that's for sure.

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I just wanna say this


I went at the earliest screening I could get in my town, and man, what's up with the energy I have come to expect from midnight screenings? Nobody did anything! No reaction, nothing.


I went to the same early screenings for X-men DOFP, Guardians, Cap 2, Avengers 2, Star Wars, and each and every time it was well worth it just for the hype.


Tonight? Nothing :( 


And it has nothing to do with the movie, I just like watching a movie with people who are enjoying themselves. Star Wars was freakin epic for that

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4 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:

I just wanna say this


I went at the earliest screening I could get in my town, and man, what's up with the energy I have come to expect from midnight screenings? Nobody did anything! No reaction, nothing.


I went to the same early screenings for X-men DOFP, Guardians, Cap 2, Avengers 2, Star Wars, and each and every time it was well worth it just for the hype.


Tonight? Nothing :( 


And it has nothing to do with the movie, I just like watching a movie with people who are enjoying themselves. Star Wars was freakin epic for that


Well there you go, no one was enjoying themselves...and unfortunately understandably.  

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Just now, Chaz said:

My theater was packed. We went to the fourth screening of the night and the line was around the building.


Movie was way better than I expected.


Fuck yes.

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6 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:

I just wanna say this


I went at the earliest screening I could get in my town, and man, what's up with the energy I have come to expect from midnight screenings? Nobody did anything! No reaction, nothing.


I went to the same early screenings for X-men DOFP, Guardians, Cap 2, Avengers 2, Star Wars, and each and every time it was well worth it just for the hype.


Tonight? Nothing :( 


And it has nothing to do with the movie, I just like watching a movie with people who are enjoying themselves. Star Wars was freakin epic for that

My showing applauded several times.

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My 6pm crowd was not as hype as I though it would either. The reviews might have had something to do with it. But overall, my theater seemed to enjoy it a lot. I live in Kansas, so every time something Kansas-related was said or showed up on screen, I heard slight chuckles. Theater was sold out, with a 645 showing getting ready as well. I think this movie will do low-mid 20m in previews.

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5 minutes ago, AndyLL said:


The truth will be in the numbers... as it always is.



As for the theater reaction, eerily quiet with my screening too, other than a kid that was next to me that started crying at some point that Batman showed up that people that have seen it will probably guess where. He and his mom walked out after that. Other than that, silence, from start to finish. A completely different experience than Deadpool in my hometown theater, since that's the two only films that I've ever watched a preview here. All the other films I usually go for a lieMAX that is like 200kms from here. 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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In what is probably the most encouraging sign yet, BVS added 71,000 tweets in the final hour today, and they were positive enough to boost the days positive-negative ratio from 3-1 to 6-1.

The VAST majority of BVS tweets after 1 A.M. EST were positive.

The 437,000 tweet total for Thursday is just staggeringly large and 2x as big as Jurassic World.

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