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Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith


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  1. 1. Review Revenge of the Sith

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Of the prequels the one that can stand with the originals. It's not as good as ANH or ESB but it's up there Jedi. I like just about everything about this one. Yes Christiansen isn't the greatest actor but his scenes don't bother me that much. And the final hour of the film is as intense as film I've seen. A-

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Star Wars Return of the Sith is one of those rare movies that is not just a film, it's not just a story, but it is an experience. It's sometimes hard to put into words what these films mean to me and many others. They represent my youth, my passion and everything that I love about film. They take you away to that galaxy far far away, a long time ago. This is nothing short of perfection and not just in ways that are visual, or emotional. This is the epitome of perfection in every sense of the word. It ties everything together, it furthers the story and bridges the gap between the old trilogy and the new one. As Star Wars fans, we have always wanted to know what it is that turned Anakin Skywalker from the promising young jedi into the most evil man in the universe. You meet this cloaked figure in black in ANH and are right away struck by his anger, his power and his pain. There must be pain behind someone who can destroy planets, kill at will and torture for convenience. Where did that pain come from, and what drives him to his insatiable desire for absolute power? All of your questions are answered here. You can see once and for all that Vader/Anakin is one of the most tortured souls in the universe. Knowing that you are powerful, knowing that you have a gift that some just can't appreciate and many don't trust, that can be painful. Seeing what you can see, knowing things ahead of time but yet are seemingly powerless to do anything about it. Darth Vader was born out of pain. He was born not out of a lust for power, but out of the need to save the one he loved. Darth Vader's power comes from hatred, sure, but the genesis of his transformation to the dark side was sealed when he wanted to save the one he loved.The acting is very well done, especially from Hayden Christnesen and Ian McDiarmid. The dialogue in the film, perhaps in the love scenes is still a little sappy, bit it is just right enough to understand Anakin's descent into the darkside. And this is where the film exceeds all expectations. The path to the dark side is a treacherous one, and Anakin tries to fight it, valiantly, but comes up very short. To say he is seduced by the dark side is like saying Rambo was a good soldier, it is an understatement. And his descent into the dark corner known as the dark side of the force is final, it is unfortunate and it is frightening. You can see him fighting it every step of the way, but like Luke in Jedi, wanting to strike down the emperor with his sabre, it is futile. There is just too much that the dark side can offer him, too much that the dark side can trust him with and too much that the dark side can become. Being a jedi is altruistic, being a Sith Lord is all about what is best for you, and only you. Anakin's slow but perpetual descent to the dark side in SITH is the best part of the film. He resists it for as long as he can until one fateful moment when he helps Palpatine out of certain death. And once he crossed that shady area, once he killed without a purpose other than what serves him and only him, he was lost and had now turned to the dark side. The rest was inevitable.Which brings us to the last half hour of the film. I can't describe the intensity and the brilliance of the film. . By this time Anakin has now fully turned. He is not the master just yet, but he is clearly a better raw jedi than Obi Wan, but as Darth says to Luke in Empire, he is not a jedi yet. Their epic battle amongst flowing lava and red rocks is beautiful to see. The tragedy of watching it is another thing. And then to finally see what happens to Anakin is tragic. More intense yet, is to see how Obi Wan handles it, is actually quite shocking. This is one of the most emotional times in the film. Anakin did it to himself, but to see his fate, no matter how evil of a person you are, you wouldn't wish that on anyone.To put together three or four story lines at once and captivate the audience at every turn is not easy. But not only does Lucas do it, he exceeds. If there was one word to describe this film, it is masterpiece. Empire is still the best of the series, but to rank the others, I have to put this one second...only slightly ahead of ANH. This is everything I had hoped for and more. It bridges the gap and makes you want to go home and watch ANH which I did when I arrived home from the theater. For all of the SW nuts that were disappointed with the two new ones, this is George's vindication. This is his opera, this is his opus to SW fans. He has done it, and he has exceeded far beyond my expectations. To see the six films in the chronological order is a thing of beauty. To remember them for what they stand for is enlightening. SW has changed my life, and even if it doesn't quite do that for some, it is at least is as entertaining as they come.10/10

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I can never get over that one line "From my point of view the jedi are evil". I guess Lucas must have too much backlash towards his writing and directing on the TPM and AOTC, and he had to express his feeling in his last SW film that "Hi haters, you think TPM and AOTC are crap, ok, but that's just your opinion."

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Well, fuck me silly, I've watched 1-3 for the first time and it gets from passable to deplorable.Awful movie. I thought Dark of the Moon and New Moon were bad, heh, who would have known how terrible this famous franchise is.4-6 are allegedly good but my will has taken a battering, maybe next weekend.Hypocrite is all good and well too. :D :D :D :D :rolleyes:

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Well, fuck me silly, I've watched 1-3 for the first time and it gets from passable to deplorable.Awful movie. I thought Dark of the Moon and New Moon were bad, heh, who would have known how terrible this famous franchise is.4-6 are allegedly good but my will has taken a battering, maybe next weekend.Hypocrite is all good and well too. :D :D :D :D :rolleyes:

That's an unusual opinion.You should have watched them in release order.
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i wasnt always a fan of star wars i'm more of a trek girl,i became a fan really with the new trilogy(yes i fangirled over hayden christensen) and it made me appreciate all the more the old trilogyi love the tragedy of it all, the tragic love story, the tragic arc of anakin skywalker/darth vader!ep3 made me hate obiwan kenobi and baumer you're right discovering how the whole thing went down is all the fun and drama of the new trilogy, that cute little kid who turns around and kills little future jedis awww the heartbreak, the bad-ass-ery(is this a word?) of palpatine "execute order 66" line gave me the chills, and who isn't glad they got to see yoda when he still kicked ass, padme's line" so this is how liberty dies with thunderous applause" is great!for sure the writing could have been better, but there are great lines in this film, anakin's downfall to the dark side mirrors that of the republic into an empire in the hands of palpatine! great stuff overall!i remember in my theatre there was absolute silence as the title sequence started and when darth vader gave that first breath, at the end there was applause all around!you know they could have left the kid alone on tatooine , he would have done just fine herding sheeps etc...or not as we see luke isnt content with that life either! the jedis aren't squeaky clean in this mess either, they played right into palpatine's evil plan!

Edited by ladyevenstar22
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and who isn't glad they got to see yoda when he still kicked ass?

Me. Yoda should be beyond the lightsaber bullshit, that's the point of his relationship with The Force. It was a lot worse in Clones though - his duel in that was comical. Everyone just laughed. Edited by Hatebox
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I can never get over that one line "From my point of view the jedi are evil". I guess Lucas must have too much backlash towards his writing and directing on the TPM and AOTC, and he had to express his feeling in his last SW film that "Hi haters, you think TPM and AOTC are crap, ok, but that's just your opinion."

It's no secret the prequels main problem is the lack of coherent writing. For ANH Lucas had help from guys like Spielberg, Coppola, Scorsese... For the rest of the OT he had Kasdan and Brackett as writers.

The prequels he mostly wrote alone in his ivory tower. And since Lucas was depressed about the bad reviews regarding TPM he only started to write the script for AOTC nine months before the shooting started... And so on. But I still love the prequels for their great SFX, the amazing creatures and so on.

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I love this film and it's the best SW film. However, when I saw it recently, I did have a few problems with it.Now, baumer, how was Hayden's acting even remotely good? He was atrocious.

His acting sucked because he didn't know what to do. The young actors in HP got a lot of coaching to deliver a decent or good performance. Lucas never cared for actors too much. When he made the OT he depended on acting skills and good directors and editors to save the whole thing because the whole SFX was just an endless mess.When he made the prequels he had perfect control about the SFX and everything but he still didn't care about good acting, good writing and so on.
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