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MEH-MORIAL DAY WEEKEND BOX OFFICE | Abandon all hope, the box office is dead. 3 day weekend #s X-Men 65M, Alice 28.1M, Angry Birds 18.7M, Civil War 15.1M, Neighbors 9.1M. Bad openings, horrible holdovers.

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Points to whoever said that CBM fatigue is more like cbm saturation. 

Three of the top five domestic and WW are CBMs. Suicide Squad and Dr. Strange may well benefit from the open space. 

As an MCU fanboy, I'm disappointed by CACW's legs. 400/1200 isn't cold comfort though. 

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4 minutes ago, jb007 said:

Why is CW being around IM3 a bad thing? IM3 had a superb performance coming on the heels of TA. CW is doing very good by matching it. It was never going to match TWS legs.


MCU movies auds are set and they will.not increase. Even IW movies will fall in the range of AOU and that is excellent. These movies will not match The Avengers in any way. That was an event and novelty which none of the remaining movies can match.




Don't bother lad.


The CBM detractors will never get it because you're making too much sense.

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9 minutes ago, moviesRus said:


How can DOFP be the ceiling when Last Stand actually made more several years earlier (domestically).

Clearly I mean with the new cast.  There's no going back to the original trilogy.  The numbers just won't hit that again.  I meant in this second phase (and also WW).

Edited by RyneOh1040
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13 hours ago, cannastop said:

Sometimes I wonder if it's even possible to have nostalgia for that decade.


Also, Avatar was only barely released in the 00s, so I don't know if it counts.

The 00s sucked.  Worst decade ever.  The 90s is where it's at. 

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1 minute ago, CJohn said:



You are delusional man. I have said time and time again BvS underperformed. But it didn't tanked. But as you have shown, you have no idea what you are talking about and everything you say is nonsense. That is why people laugh at you and your stupid dumb theories. Piracy had 0 effect on Civil War. 0. 

You like talking to mirrors I see.


No one is laughing at me now. They were when you blindly led the charge. They see the proof and have ceased. Every post you make from here forward shows denial. Jack says it best....


If I don't know what I'm talking about then how is it performing as I predicted? How did I win 2 weekly derbys and a monthly. Why is my overall prediction accuracy better than yours. You want to go $100, $500? Let's go. We'll do the month of June in the derby for all to see how much you really know. If I know nothing, then this is a no brainer for you. 


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20 minutes ago, junkshop36 said:


Well to be fair they've had in 3 non IM solo movies, TA1, TA2 and CW. Seeing as how he's a member of the Avengers and part of the CW storyline, it makes sence for him to be there. 


I'm just worried that Fox is going to overcompensate with DP and think he has to be in every non solo DP movie as well. Then again, I guess they could make have him make some joke about being every damn movie lol

I think what I was saying is make him the center of their cinematic universe going forward. Similarly to how Iron Man has been used in the MCU. I don't mean literally just plugging him into every single movie because that would just be stupid but it's a stupid move that Fox would do. But to make him the main character of their universe going forward. Especially because like I've said before they can use him to connect with other cinematic universes if they really wanted to. He'd fit right into the MCU at the moment. 

Edited by Nova
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20 minutes ago, No Prisoners said:

I do. It can be used as "tanked after the open" Therefore it tanked.  You're usage is exclusively  

fail completely, especially at great financial cost.

There is more than one meaning for every word and they can be interpreted.  Most will say it failed as a picture, and there is great financial cost in what they have to do about its franchise future.

I'm amazed how the DC fanboys @CJohn @Baumer deny the piracy effect on CW and incessantly continur to defend an obvious major disappointment.

I'm neutral. I'm with Spielberg. I look forward to all of them tanking and some new things come along.  




HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA I'm a DC fanboy. OK bud. 

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There goes my $200M even prediction.


Had this pegged at $80-$90M for the 4 day, which was reasonable and perfectly fine (It was never going to top or match Days of Future Past's 4 day... and remember, that actually fell below expectations too!) There was just plain nothing to set Apocalypse apart from any other superhero fare and the fact is the First Class cast (while I love em and... yeah prefer them to the original cast) was never hot with the general public. So much so their own sequel (not unlike what happened to the Man of Steel sequel) was morphed into Days of Future Past to integrate the "old favorites" back instead. Would be like returning to the Tokyo Drift cast after Fast & Furious 4.


Then again... Fox was happy as pigs in shit at how great The Wolverine did overseas and OKed a third film... even though it badly under-performed here. And were equally elated with Days of Future Past's overseas performance. So we know where their head is. If this still manages $500-600M worldwide (as I expected), then we'll get that 90's era installment.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Unless the franchise goes away completely for several years and gets rebooted, these numbers are probably par the course. Days of Future Past was an outlier.


I agree Days of Future Past was the outlier, and I think that conclusion is why Fox will choose to put X-Men team movies on the shelf and reboot. I do wonder what numbers would be with different creatives, better quality and reviews, X-23, and fresh/intriguing hooks. This movie makes in the low 60s and with a better multiplier from stronger quality, better word of mouth, and reviews, it seems like 150-160M is within range. But, I think you're broadly right. 


Box office put up the estimate.



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1 minute ago, Baumer said:


HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA I'm a DC fanboy. OK bud. 

I notice you barely posted during BvS, but you're all over CA3 with the under 400m club and denial of piracy. Yes. You are. So was I back in 78. 

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13 hours ago, cannastop said:

Uh, that actually sounds like a pretty poor test.

I only knew about Michael Moore because I was a well-read 10-year-old.

Then you failed his test.  You aren't old enough  to be nostalgic for that decade.  The 00s brought us 9/11, Islamic terrorism,  the tsa,  George W.  Bush,  the Iraq War,  the schiavo  case,  hurricane Katrina,  the housing crash,  the financial collapse,  the auto industry crisis, wide spread  spying on Americans,  Guantanamo  Bay,  American Idol, the boom of reality TV on every single channel in existence, the Kardashian  plague,  Kanye West, Myspace, Twitter,  facebook,  people using their damn phones in the theatres,  oh and the cancellation  of Firefly.  Terrible decade and we're  still suffering for it. 

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