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Weekend Numbers: Fantastic Beasts 75M, Strange 17.6M, Trolls 17.5M, Arrival 11.8M, Edge of 17 4.8M, Bleed 2.35M, Billy Lynn 930k

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Just now, filmlover said:

The only disappointing thing about this is if the studio isn't satisfied with this movie's run they will force Harry & Co. to come back in the sequel via time travel. That would be silly.


As if Rowling would ever let that happen. 

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5 minutes ago, Nutella of Arabia said:


You're incredibly literal when it comes to these things. And then you take that literalness to an extreme when it comes to themes or other people's interpretations. Rey does not follow Luke's path 100% throughout the entire story. Nevertheless, it's mind-boggling to argue that her character doesn't share a great many characteristics with him.


rey, luke, and hundreds of other main characters all have the similar characteristics you're talking about. i'm talking about their differences

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1 minute ago, water said:


that's kind of the whole reason i like rey random. she rises to greatness from nothing, not because of her parentage


I'd agree if they didn't just completely crib the last two protagonist's imagery and backstory. Have her fucking grow up in jungle or some other environment at least. Throwing her on a desert for no reason is more irritating than sand.

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53 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


Here you go @Nutella of Arabia


Like I said, next time try a little harder to read the thread and understand before you call someone out publicly.  


WOW! Now that post u quoted is a massive insult to you. Im going to talk to the other mods and im going to recommend a perma ban for giantcalbears.

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31 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

Next time PM me if you have a problem with something I posted.  Show a little respect my way and I will show the same back as I always have.  


Wow. I dont even.....lol

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Alright, with all of the craziness going on, here's my two cents:


I definitely feel that many of us overpredicted Fantastic Beasts, but to be fair, a lot of signs pointed towards it being huge. Presales seemed strong, Cursed Child was a huge hit, and it was supposed to kick off 4 other movies instead of 2, which showed that WB was super-confident with it.


And on its own, if the OW is above $70M, it's definitely a great number. It works as a good launchpad for a franchise, and if it gets around $750M WW, I'm certain WB would be happy. But again, this is supposed to start a 5-movie series, and I don't see something that might not even cross $200M as the perfect place to start. I'll gladly eat crow if there's some major increase for the sequel, or if it has crazy good legs, but I do feel there should be a hint of hesitance.


As for the whole Rogue One thing, I do feel Beasts is a good indicator for there being a potential big drop from what's expected. But that's just it: a potential big drop. Star Wars as of now is in a much better situation in terms of films, as this movie comes hot off the heels of the biggest domestic earner of all time, and this one promises to have a much bigger connection to the original series than Fantastic Beasts did. Juding off the trailers, Rogue One promises stormtroopers, AT-ATs, Vader, and the Death Star, all being key features of the original trilogy and film franchise as a whole. Fantastic Beasts has wands...a character from the book that wasn't in any of the movies...fantasy creatures...yeah, that's about it. But again, only time will tell, and quite frankly, I feel that if Rogue One is at least close to half of what TFA got domestically, I'd say Disney would be happy with that.


Also, to EmpireCity, if you want people to PM you about their grievances, why aren't you doing the same to other people?

Edited by CoolEric258
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16 minutes ago, Noctis said:


Please be quiet. You've tainted this thread with your ludicrous posts. You sound like a tumblr user - well-intentioned, but naive and comes off as aggressive and immature. 


Please take a seat, water. 


can you like.. chill. how am i the one coming off as aggressive and immature when i was 1) talking about a MOVIE 2) wasn't even talking to YOU, nor do i ever, but YOU quote my posts like multiple times a day telling me variations of "shut up" usually including swearing, and i never react or acknowledge it despite the fact that you're butting into conversations that you weren't part of, not to join in on the conversation but just to be rude to me. me having opinions on fantastic beasts or star wars or whatever that differ from yours is not life or death, so like. stop pls

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I went to every Harry Potter midnight opening for both the books and the movies and consider the franchise a defining piece of media for my whole generation, and even I skipped out on midnights and am holding off till the weekend. There's just no real reason to rush out and see this one. Nothing about the trailers or the reviews is particularly compelling at all. If I wasn't a fan, I'd probably chalk this up as just another skippable fantasy franchise. But I will see it, because I do love me some Wizarding World.  Rogue One is coming immediately off a movie that almost a billion dollars here alone. It has prominent characters and features from the original trilogy. Everyone knows the Death Star and Vader, they're as famous as any element of the franchise.  It's a story people understand and want to see on the screen. It isn't just "another movie with wizards set well before Harry Potter with no real connection." It's a direct prequel to a New Hope with the main villain of the franchise. It's a much less thin needle to thread than Fantastic Beasts. I have that right around 450. 

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14 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Alright, with all of the craziness going on, here's my two cents:


I definitely feel that many of us overpredicted Fantastic Beasts, but to be fair, a lot of signs pointed towards it being huge. Presales seemed strong, Cursed Child was a huge hit, and it was supposed to kick off 4 other movies instead of 2, which showed that WB was super-confident with it.


And on its own, if the OW is above $70M, it's definitely a great number. It works as a good launchpad for a franchise, and if it gets around $750M WW, I'm certain WB would be happy. But again, this is supposed to start a 5-movie series, and I don't see something that might not even cross $200M as the perfect place to start. I'll gladly eat crow if there's some major increase for the sequel, or if it has crazy good legs, but I do feel there should be a hint of hesitance.


As for the whole Rogue One thing, I do feel Beasts is a good indicator for there being a potential big drop from what's expected. But that's just it: a potential big drop. Star Wars as of now is in a much better situation in terms of films, as this movie comes hot off the heels of the biggest domestic earner of all time, and this one promises to have a much bigger connection to the original series than Fantastic Beasts did. Juding off the trailers, Rogue One promises stormtroopers, AT-ATs, Vader, and the Death Star, all being key features of the original trilogy and film franchise as a whole. Fantastic Beasts has wands...a character from the book that wasn't in any of the movies...fantasy creatures...yeah, that's about it. But again, only time will tell, and quite frankly, I feel that if Rogue One is at least close to half of what TFA got domestically, I'd say Disney would be happy with that.


Also, to EmpireCity, if you want people to PM you about their grievances, why aren't you doing the same to other people?



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8 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Not too surprised after last night, my 10pm show was half full when Doctor Strange same place and time was 95%. 


The movie didn't come close to any of the Potter Films for me ether. 

This and this. Kind of feeling the your second sentence may end up the consensus. That said, I do believe next one will be a HUGE improvement. But, yeah, it paled to me and group I was with as well.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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