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Weekend Numbers: Fantastic Beasts 75M, Strange 17.6M, Trolls 17.5M, Arrival 11.8M, Edge of 17 4.8M, Bleed 2.35M, Billy Lynn 930k

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30 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

I am new here. Can someone please tell me If the Saturday number is good for Fantastic Beasts? Does it change anything with predictions? Also, I saw that in Italy it made in Saturday more than the first 2 days combined. Is it possible that worldwilde it may end up being bigger in Saturday than Friday?


@Nutella of Arabia



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14 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

What can we expect from Thanksgiving weekend?


Small drops for all movies?


Nah. Buissnes is spread out over 5 days and some could drop big due to theater loss. But most will do good. Strange,Trolls,Arrival ect

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16 hours ago, James said:

Agree. But I remain to my point that a lot of the new readers are kids. I personally know two brothers, 15 and 10 who just started reading them because a new edition was recently published here. 

Also, I just thought of something else. Maybe books are borrowed less from libraries because most homes already have them? It's a stretch, but just think about the fact that in these 18-19 years since they were published, over 500 million copies have been sold. 110m for the first book alone. To that add the fact that e-books are getting stronger and stronger the HP books have been in the Amazon ebook bestseller list all year. I think SS is in Top 5 even now. I don't think people truly appreciate how much does numbers mean. Think of The Hobbit and LOTR and Da Vinci Code or Fifty Shades. All literary phenomenons and the first HP book alone outsold each of them. 

I do speak about books,.. with a lot of people, not only pupils amd not only in the library. And with a few book stores,... I take a lot of time finding out what might be interesting for the actual children and teenangers and their parents.

Be assured, HP books do not stand in all people's homes.

What age span do you interpret as 'schildren' or children's books?

The 15y old brother is not a 'child' IMHO, he is a teen, not far away from being a YA


12 hours ago, Chewy said:

27 and I'm tired always, like never eat junk food anymore, have a freakin BUDGET that I genuinely stick to, now this?

Enjoy your youth folks

I am probably older than your parents. If you are always tired beside eating healthy, maybe your organism needs a bit more or less from whatever. A lot of people do have slight inbalances or even coming up allergies. The rest the at the bottom


12 hours ago, grey ghost said:

Superhero movies and Star Wars are the only thing that warrants a movie ticket these days.

If the kids beg to see an animated movie, I'll take them.

Outside of that, I'll just buy critically acclaimed sci fi (Mad Max, Ex Machina) on blu ray then watch them for the first time at home.

Agree, also any movie I am unterested in with wide nature spaces, high speed races, space battles, marine battles,...


I lost of interest to watch movies not 'needed' to be seen in a cinema based on behavior of others. To loud, kicking in the seats, texting,... I do not need during a film. And as a blu-Ray I can watch or re-watchh anytime, even if it's in the middle of the night.


11 hours ago, Jake Gittes said:

It doesn't help that me (and a lot of other people here around my age) came of age during a pretty good time for blockbusters/franchises, when there was a lot of dreck, sure, but studios were more willing to consistently throw tons of money at filmmakers who got to keep their distinct voice - Jackson, Verbinski, Raimi, Nolan, Greengrass, the Wachowskis. Then those directors mostly flamed out, and it all turned to the direction of the cinematic universes where the execs can just hire whoever and it likely won't make much difference, and in most cases even if you like it you soon forget it. Whenever there's a Fury Road or a standalone Gravity/Martian type movie it always feels like some lucky accident that may not happen again. It shouldn't be that way.

see bottom



9 hours ago, La Binoche said:

Bob & Harvey were hustlers who started from the bottom as concert promoters and revolutionized the American indepdenent film movement (revolutionized is kind of an understatement since it didn't even really exist before them).

Megan's filthy rich dad wrote her (and her brother) multi-billion dollar checks to go make movies. 


I think the way you words that is sounding rather strongly biased against the roots of creative people, if those are rich roots. I really have no idea what that kind of argument even has to do in a discussion about creativity or helping / supporting creativity.

And btw, the Weinsteins did also quite some against creativity and seem to be a bit spiteful, see e.g. the background to Snowpiercer (a film I've still not seen) and other films


7 hours ago, La Binoche said:

It's germane to the conversation because what made Miramax so successful and influential was their hustle and ruthless ambition. They had to do it in order to survive. They didn't have mommy and daddy writing them $2 billion dollar checks to fall back on. The impact of Sex, Lies alone was bigger than anything Ellison has done or will ever do (the way it revolutionized not only Sundance but also made indies look sexy to the industry by taking them out of arthouses and into the multiplex for the very first time > what daddy's rich little girl is doing). 


Even worse wording IMHO


6 hours ago, yjs said:

with all that money she could have easily done tons of other stuff, be Paris Hilton or whatever. so so glad she's a movie nerd like us, even with such refined taste.

This = thumbs up!


6 hours ago, La Binoche said:

Who said I have a problem with Megan Elli$on or A24? He said she's better than the Weinsteins; I disagreed. 


IMHO you did not provide any comparisons of their work, see above. IMHO you did not even disagree, to me it sounds like... demean her work based on her roots, not her work itself.


1 hour ago, BK007 said:

Maybe not for her, but this kind of attitude is elitist.

Does anyone care how the Wolf of Wall Street was financed? 

Stolen money from the people of Malaysia. Does the third world not matter? Clearly not for the sake of "art". 

di Caprio is an arrogant hypocrite. 

Arrogance is not the same than corruption, one is a maybe slight or maybe a bit more massive flaw in character, the other is a crime and speaks about not only a big flaw in character, but also in social / ethical / law terms too (plus some other signs of a bad person).

An arrogant actor/director/... does not molest, steal, does not others harm. IMHO an unbalanced comparison.


Sometimes I have a feeling like people here are not aware about some points:

in the past there were,.... Westerns, Westerns, Westerns, something else film, Western. Plus Romance, comedy

Or Western mixed with some crime/cop/war/spy whatever. Plus Romance, comedy

Or some genre-mix, like a Western as a road movie

Than there was a change in viewing habits, better matching to its time, as we  (the world in a way) have also this decade again. And will have in the future too.


Who dares to demand what others have a reason for to going into a cinema? Does the GA not have the right to watch a fun pop-corn film without getting spoken down too? maybe they want to relive their own youth, maybe the want to go on a date, or to forh´get trouble for a few hours. You do not know what else they watch and enjoy.


To 'expect' seemingly 'only' mind-blowing experiences can only end in disappointed, how to do more more more endlessly? Even a ??? % fresh/new/unseen/ is a huge accomplishment in a bigger budget nowadays, and also for the special / small ones (varying degrees, smaller than some might expect)


Looking at the release years on my 'mind-blowing' 10/10 list: per decade I have in average 10 films I see so (beside I think 1920 and earlier, a bit less), where is the difference to the time today? Do I expect all to be so good? No.

Do you really expect every year to get only those? It sounds strange to me, not realistic / RL at all.


I think also a lot of people seem to get jaded fast based on their expectations. Think about pre-cinema, pre-internet,... times, what about small city theatres with only hobby actors on the stage as the only visual / live version of storytelling. I guess we do get a lot more films to watch with way better plays and actors then than, or? = not meant as to accept all, but to maybe think about realistic expectations a bit?


Maybe starting to split up the films into 'cultural' hoped for experience and the simply enjoyment of pop-corn films, just for the fun of them. Or to leave those out on the to-watch list?


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39 minutes ago, FantasticBeasts said:

I am new here. Can someone please tell me If the Saturday number is good for Fantastic Beasts? Does it change anything with predictions? Also, I saw that in Italy it made in Saturday more than the first 2 days combined. Is it possible that worldwilde it may end up being bigger in Saturday than Friday?

In case you are not a double account... :welcome:

If there is no holiday or another reason (big skandal, extremly bad WOM,,...) why the usual rules does not count, Saturday is alway higher in the US/CAN ( here also called 'dom') than Fridays.

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28 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

To 'expect' seemingly 'only' mind-blowing experiences can only end in disappointed, how to do more more more endlessly? Even a ??? % fresh/new/unseen/ is a huge accomplishment in a bigger budget nowadays, and also for the special / small ones (varying degrees, smaller than some might expect)


Looking at the release years on my 'mind-blowing' 10/10 list: per decade I have in average 10 films I see so (beside I think 1920 and earlier, a bit less), where is the difference to the time today? Do I expect all to be so good? No.

Do you really expect every year to get only those? It sounds strange to me, not realistic / RL at all.


I think also a lot of people seem to get jaded fast based on their expectations. Think about pre-cinema, pre-internet,... times, what about small city theatres with only hobby actors on the stage as the only visual / live version of storytelling. I guess we do get a lot more films to watch with way better plays and actors then than, or? = not meant as to accept all, but to maybe think about realistic expectations a bit?


Maybe starting to split up the films into 'cultural' hoped for experience and the simply enjoyment of pop-corn films, just for the fun of them. Or to leave those out on the to-watch list?



I don't expect only mind-blowing experiences, that would be idiotic. But I do ask that a movie I watch be at least accomplished in some memorable way, give me something positive to chew on after it's over. It doesn't have to be perfect, or especially complex (sometimes it's as simple as, say, freaking Ouija 2 actually having solid acting and writing and production values), but I'm not gonna consistently watch movies and embrace that the people involved do a 6/10 job on them. Sure I'm entertained by forgettable fluff every now and then, and I don't judge anyone who prefers it to more challenging movies (as long as they aren't obnoxious/snobby about it) but it shouldn't be the standard. That's no way for any medium to move forward. And today it's becoming more of a problem that these forgettable movies also tend to be the ones that have the biggest amount of money spent on them and are the most aggressively pushed. 

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13 hours ago, Chewy said:


Don't do this to me. Embiid and Ben Simmons are off-limits.


Go after Wentz


Whoa! The Eagles have hope this year, whereas the Sixers will turn in about 20ish wins per season for the next decade, because their management has no idea what a team, or basketball, is.

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8 hours ago, grim22 said:



Looks like 75M for Beasts, 17.7M for Strange and 16M for Trolls. That Trolls Saturday increase is insane, it more than doubled the Friday number.


Beasts caused the holdovers to drop almost like a mega opener, but in some cases I guess a 70-80M opener is worse than a mega opener, it will hog the exact same number of screens but will not cause spillover sellouts.


Pretty good Saturday bump for Beasts as well, almost a 30% increase over the Friday-only number.


Well in fairness to the major holdovers - Strange and Trolls - this is their third weekend, so they had significantly diminished strength to begin with. 

On another note: Trolls has shown pretty strong legs. That might eat into Moana's opening in  a  few days. 

Edited by SteveJaros
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Solid but meh opening for Beasts as it didn't break out from tracking but it is nowhere near a failure.  It's a decent result and I'm sure the studio is happy enough  :) 


Geez the spin on both extreme sides are making me dizzy :P 

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