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⊃∪∩⪽ | Legendary | October 22 2021 | Denis Villeneuve | Returns to IMAX on December 3

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19 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

At this point, I think the biggest thing this movie might have going against it (aside from the situation surrounding the pandemic) is that some people have said that it looks like an angsty YA thriller, rather than a sweeping epic. Of course, I haven’t finished reading the book yet, but from what I’ve read so far, it certainly doesn’t seem like it would translate to a Star Wars style epic anyway. 

but it isn't a SW style epic anyway so it shouldn't translate to it. 


I also don't know how it is an angsty YA thriller. Because the protagonist is a teenager? Because he has a love interest? Big chunk of the trailer is Mohiam's narration that his father will lose everything which is why he should learn how to rule so that he doesn't. I don't see much YA here. But fair enough, you do. I understand why but I also have book bias. 

Edited by Valonqar
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1 minute ago, Valonqar said:

but it isn't a SW style epic anyway so it shouldn't translate to it. 


I also don't know how it is an angsty YA thriller. Because the protagonist is a teenager? Because he has a love interest? Big chunk of the trailer is Mohiam's narration that his father will lose everything which is why he should learn how to rule so that he doesn't. I don't see much YA here. 

Other people’s words, not mine. I guess they‘re saying that because the movie looks like it takes itself seriously, and uses an ominous cover of a pop song. Also, something something colors. 

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15 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

Other people’s words, not mine. I guess they‘re saying that because the movie looks like it takes itself seriously, and uses an ominous cover of a pop song. Also, something something colors. 


No that's fine. I like feedback. 


11 minutes ago, Maggie said:

To be honest, i read the book/s in high school and i don't remember much, but i remember loving it. I don't think it's YA, but epic. Maybe i remember wrong tho, should re read.


it isn't YA. Paul is annoying, though, because he gets less and less human as his powers grow and all older and wiser people step aside and let him lead them because they believe in him even though he's so annoying ha ha. 

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14 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

it isn't YA.

It is YA adjacent at the very least (like a Lord of the Ring is)



Ask yourself, at what age did you decide to read this ? Villeneuve read that when he was a teenager himself.


It is a book massively popular among teen and it involve a young lead character and is quest toward adulthood.

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7 minutes ago, Barnack said:

It is YA adjacent at the very least (like a Lord of the Ring is)



Ask yourself, at what age did you decide to read this ? Villeneuve read that when he was a teenager himself.


It is a book massively popular among teen and it involve a young lead character and is quest toward adulthood.

Agreed with this. I didn't associate it with YA because it isn't drivel ha ha but I was 15 when I read it for the first time and got obsessed. so after that I sat through Lynch movie several times actually even if I still find it boring af and hunted down the TV show which I liked much better. This is going to be the real deal, though. 

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The movie looks really good but I wasn't a fan of the trailer (specially the music). Unfortunately, I think this movie will not make a lot of money, I really want this movie to succeed but right now the maximum I see is an opening like BR2049 and maybe Christmas legs (if it doesn't change release dates) can take it to +$175M DOM

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People think the Dune novels are a YA series????

I am shocked so many people are unaware that the Dune novels..at least the first three...are generally considered among the best Sci Fi novels ever written,truly classic, comparabel to LOTR.

I admit, the cultural illitereacy of people around here deeply distrubs me. I don't expect everybody to have read the books, but not even being awaer of them.

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4 minutes ago, dudalb said:

People think the Dune novels are a YA series????

I am shocked so many people are unaware that the Dune novels..at least the first three...are generally considered among the best Sci Fi novels ever written,truly classic, comparabel to LOTR.

I admit, the cultural illitereacy of people around here deeply distrubs me. I don't expect everybody to have read the books, but not even being awaer of them.

People aren't saying Dune is YA, they're saying the trailer makes it look YA. Other than Barnack, at least, but he is using YA in a broader sense.

Edited by Menor
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21 hours ago, TepidShark said:

In addition to making Part 2, there are 5 more novels from the original author + many released after his death. So if the movie gets a following, it could last for a very long time.

I would bet a lot of money that franchise possiblities are a  major reason Warners agreed to fund this film.

You have, aside from Part 2 of the novel Five Sequels writtne byHerbert, and a numbe of others written after his death.

Thought, to be fair, the quality of the last couple of herbert novel is a steep decline, and the non Frank Herbert novels quality falls into the abyss.

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6 hours ago, Barnack said:

It is YA adjacent at the very least (like a Lord of the Ring is)



Ask yourself, at what age did you decide to read this ? Villeneuve read that when he was a teenager himself.


It is a book massively popular among teen and it involve a young lead character and is quest toward adulthood.


I can relate to this. I haven't read Dune, but I read Lord of the Rings for the first time when I was 12, and a big part of my appreciation for it at the time was that very aspect you identify. As I continue to re-read the book as I get older, I appreciate more about it (and different aspects of it).


With the trailer release, I'm now discovering I have a lot of friends who have read Dune and have shared the trailer with enthusiasm. I'm choosing to take this as a good sign.




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Just now, MikeQ said:


I can relate to this. I haven't read Dune, but I read Lord of the Rings for the first time when I was 12, and a big part of my appreciation for it at the time was that very aspect you identify. As I continue to re-read the book as I get older, I appreciate more about it (and different aspects of it).


With the trailer release, I'm now discovering I have a lot of friends who have read Dune and have shared the trailer with enthusiasm. I'm choosing to take this as a good sign.




Dune and LOTR are two books that made a huge impression one me when I read them in Highschool in the early 80;s, and that of course colors the way I am going to view the films. if Villaneuva can do for Dune what Jackson did with LOTR, I will be a happy camper.

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4 minutes ago, Menor said:

People aren't saying Dune is YA, they're saying the trailer makes it look YA.

For the most part, yes but there are a couple who seem to think they are YA novels.

I liked the trialer over all,but I admit the YA angle turned me off. Not sure that is the best way to sell this movie with YA' adaptatins not having done well . They should market as a sort of sucessor to LOTR.

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25 minutes ago, dudalb said:

People think the Dune novels are a YA series????

I am shocked so many people are unaware that the Dune novels..at least the first three...are generally considered among the best Sci Fi novels ever written,truly classic, comparabel to LOTR.

I admit, the cultural illitereacy of people around here deeply distrubs me. I don't expect everybody to have read the books, but not even being awaer of them.

In a way at least the early parts are. Btw, I read in especial part 1-3 then, as part 4 was not even released then, I finally looked up why some references were so unfamiliar to me, the ones in the Internet I could not remember are all out of the later books. As part 4 got released here in Germany I was already working and other reasons to miss then the release of it.


Lead character is at the beginning of part one only 15y old, and the story tells as such also how he comes of age, gets to be an adult and respected as one, first love, first heart break by atypical for a CoA story (death, war,...), critical resistance to the established ways, .....

ATOS reading level for part one equals mid to end of grade 5 (ATOS 5.5-5.9), interest level of all of the analyzed books is grade 9-12.

Part / book 2 is ATOS early to mid grade 6 (ATOS 6.0-6.4), Chapterhouse‘s ATOS is ‘only’ 5.0-5.4

Dune: House Atreides ATOS 7.5-7.9, some of the later books do not have a grade level analysis, means those analysis either never were made for whatever reasons, or those books are considered to be at an adult level.


In a library you’ll find the earlier books, depending how it organizes them, in either the Sci-Fi shelves or in the teen / YA area (as I run a library, I actually know a bit about reading levels, organizing books and such)


Personally I think the books include enough ‘heavy’ themes to not consider it as a YA adults series per se, but am aware they do have enough YA typical details to be such too.


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