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Weekend Thread | Official Estimates: Moana - 55.5/81.1M; Fantastic Beasts - 45.1M; Doctor Strange - 13.4M; Allied - 13/18M; Arrival - 11.3M; Trolls - 10.3M; Bad Santa 2 - 6.1/9M

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1 minute ago, water said:

mj2 second weekend: +106.2%, -4.9%, -47.9%

fb second weekend: +91.8%, -5.9%, -47.1%

Yes, because the week day increases for MJ2 where awful so it balanced a bit during the weekend. FB had great week days and a great weekend.  

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1 hour ago, TalismanRing said:

This is just weird. They have it with a 24.6% Sun increase.  That has to be a typo


7 5 Almost Christmas   Uni.    $7,610,000   +4.9%   1,769   -610 $4,302 $36,688,865 $17 3


Probably. But people do turn to Christmas after Thanksgiving - I know I'm going out to buy a tree today.


OTOH I have never heard of this movie.

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37 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


Well damn. :bourne:


The doc even beat Iron Man 1. 

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Just now, water said:

lkasdjfs on average the difference between mj2 and fb's increases is only 9% so i guess fb also had "awful" increases despite opening 25% smaller


Water I know you have issues with FB and the Johnny Depp stuff but this is ridiculous - you are grasping at straws to make your point. If you want to get technical about the Friday / Saturday stuff then acknowledge that across the board the Friday increases weren't as strong as last year or the Saturday holds. Don't single one film out because you have a beef - rise above such pettiness.

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Overall a fantastic Thanksgiving Frame - the expected bombs bombed (yeesh I was way high on Rules and I thought it would bomb!) and the others did as well or better than expected.


Moana - Beasts - Strange are all in a nice little three-way to see who comes out on top (my bet is on Moana by about 10m.)


The expanding / holding arthouse films all seemed to do from ok to great - exception of course being Billy Lynn....


All in All great weekend and now we officially have our first 200m film in that great void.

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1 minute ago, water said:

what im just saying that fb isn't doing particularly better than past thanksgiving thg movies


Semantics dude - the under 40% drop says a whole lot of otherwise. Daily isn't nearly as important as week to week.


And its also about expectations - Remember BO's prediction was 36.5m - not sure what Guru's or BOM's were but nobody expected 40m let alone 44-45. (at least as far as the media is concerned.)

Edited by narniadis
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8 minutes ago, water said:

fb opened 25% lower than mj2 and held 10% better, the bigger they are the harder they fall so fb holding a little better with smaller numbers isn't a big difference


FB is the start of a (semi-)brand new franchise.  MJ2 was the capstone to a established series.  The reason people are making a big deal about FB's legs is it showing that FB is performing more like an leggy movie than a frontloaded one. At least that's the early signs.  Who knows what weeks three, four, and beyond will show.


No more.  No less.

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Does anyone know why Arrival's foreign total as per BOM is so low (30M)? Is it that it didn't open in many countries or that there's just lack of interest? It doesn't matter cause it has only 47M budget so it's a bone fide hit. I'm just curious.

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1 minute ago, Valonqar said:

Does anyone know why Arrival total as per BOM is so low? Is it that it didn't open in many countries or that there's just lack of interest? It doesn't matter cause it has only 47M budget so it's a bone fide hit. I'm just curious.


You might need to be more specific with your question. What is so low? WW it's nearly to 95m which is great for where it's been released so far. 

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43 minutes ago, James said:

Lol, wut? MJ2 dropped 49% in it's second weekend. FB dropped 39%. They are not even close. 


Plus, MJ2 had an embarrassing 64% post-Thanksgiving drop, one of the worst ever. I doubt FB drops more than 50-55%. 


Lol....all movies drop very hard post-Thanksgiving. It's going to drop 60%.

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1 minute ago, narniadis said:

Leggy is still not the word I would use. By that token MJ2 is Leggy lol. Doing better than normal would be the phrase. FB still has to hit the 3x (which I don't expect) and even that is not Leggy just above average. 


'more like leggy' than 'frontloaded'.  But, sure.  Point taken.  


Also with multipliers going down and down and down, we might have to adjust our thinking on what 'leggy' is.  But a discussion for another time. :)

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2 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

Does anyone know why foreign Arrival total (30M) as per BOM is so low? Is it that it didn't open in many countries or that there's just lack of interest? It doesn't matter cause it has only 47M budget so it's a bone fide hit. I'm just curious.

It just kinda opened over here without any marketing I could detect.


Well okay, our biggest magazine had a positive review but it wasnt a headline or anything.

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2 minutes ago, Porthos said:


'more like leggy' than 'frontloaded'.  But, sure.  Point taken.  


Also with multipliers going down and down and down, we might have to adjust our thinking on what 'leggy' is.  But a discussion for another time. :)


Ain't that the truth lol u remember thinking that SM3 had awful legs (it did) but that has become more and more normal over the last 5 years culminating of course in the under 2x of BVS earlier this year. Legs definitely aren't what they used to be and that's for everything. 

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I see. Thanks. I thought it could be lack of marketing and lack of star power (doubtful that Adams is a draw overseas, I wouldn't say that she's a draw domestically either, just lucky to be in an acclaimed movie). 

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