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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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5 minutes ago, Quigley said:

After the results of Friday, it is now very likely that Disney will finish the year with a domestic BO north of $3B, the first time ever in cinematic history that a studio has achieved this.

They've really outdone themselves this year, what a ride.

Their lineup was simply impeccable, both commercial AND critical success. I mean just look at the titles: R1, Dory, CW, TJB, Zoo, Moana and DS. 

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Glad that La La Land jumped smack dab into the top 10. I feel it's a missed oportunity to not release this in Christmas week, but then again, Sing is coming out as well, and they're both targeting the same audience w/Sing going even broader due to it being a family animation. It could've been a bit risky, when you really think about it. And I'm worried about LLL being lost in the middle of so much Oscary stuff in January (Silence, The Founder, Live By Night, Patriots Day, A Monster Calls, Hidden Figures), but considering what it's got going for itself, I shouldn't, really.


Also, good holds for Arrival and Moana in face w/a BIG opener. Let's wait and see how badly Sing gets to the Disney flick next weekend.

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8 minutes ago, yjs said:

They've really outdone themselves this year, what a ride.

Their lineup was simply impeccable, both commercial AND critical success. I mean just look at the titles: R1, Dory, CW, TJB, Zoo, Moana and DS. 

And Alice 2. :P

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As we speak about Star Wars films and Disney this year...


Doctor Strange's OS at BOM is still dated 11 December


Star Wars 2 ww: 


DS ww with OS since 11 Dec missing and the dom Friday missing:



6 months back I wouldn't have dreamed about a DS film surpassing a SW film's ww  


To reach the top 100 ww it has to surpass $653.4 = Mockingjay - Part 2, the current #100 on that list. I guess sometime this 'cinema-week'


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5 hours ago, Fancyarcher said:



Gosling's actually Canadian, though he does live in New York.



Canada is basically extra American states.


And had the invasion of Quebec succeeded back in the day, it might actually be! :ohmyzod:

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2 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

Lol never heard that description. Bae just means babe, it's an annoying abbreviation and pet word for someone. Like calling your girlfriend bae. Extremely stupid and painful in every respect. Think Twilight audience, they would use that term.

 Every speech community has linguistic forms that are unique and "annoying" (if you base your linguistic judgments and your annoyance thresholds on the myth of "standard American English").

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I'm pretty sure business La La Land was even more insane than it was for Rogue One last night at my theater (even though the latter is on 4 screens and in the biggest theaters, compared to 2 for La La Land, 1 in another big house and the other in a semi-big house).

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Just now, Valonqar said:

Fences is tanking in a limited release. It's a populist movie (Denzel, duh!), why did they think it would play well with arthouse crowd?

I'm pretty sure it was originally supposed to open in limited on December 16, then was switched to open wide on Christmas Day without a limited bow, then had its limited release reinstated at the 11th hour.

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5 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


It got mentioned here in Germany (more surprised to get an information about another countries weather something on a German weather website, than if it is something big or not)




Lake-effect snow is produced during cooler atmospheric conditions when a cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake water, warming the lower layer of air which picks up water vapor from the lake, rises up through the colder air above, freezes and is deposited on the leeward (downwind) shores.[1]

The same effect also occurs over bodies of salt water, when it is termed ocean-effect or bay-effect snow. The effect is enhanced when the moving air mass is uplifted by the orographic influence of higher elevations on the downwind shores. This uplifting can produce narrow but very intense bands of precipitation, which deposit at a rate of many inches of snow each hour, often resulting in a large amount of total snowfall.

The areas affected by lake-effect snow are called snowbelts. These include areas east of the Great Lakes, the west coasts of northern Japan, the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, and areas near the Great Salt Lake, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Baltic Sea, and parts of the northern Atlantic Ocean.





Basically the areas bordering Lake Erie and Ontario in the U.S. are prone to huge snowstorms caused by cold air moving over the warmer lakes and picking up tons of moisture that that gets dropped over land as snow.

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15 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


It got mentioned here in Germany (more surprised to get an information about another countries weather something on a German weather website, than if it is something big or not)


It's actually not an completely uncommon occurance in Germany either, one of the few ways to get snow in certain parts of northern Germany. Usually happens with easterly winds bringing cold dry air from eastern Europe that moves over the baltic sea, loading up with moisture there, which then gets released as snow with landfall. Mostly in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, etc. It doesn't happen that often, because we rarely get easterly winds, but it's not particularly rare either.

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4 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:


Basically the areas bordering Lake Erie and Ontario in the U.S. are prone to huge snowstorms caused by cold air moving over the warmer lakes and picking up tons of moisture that that gets dropped over land as snow.


Thank you (me to myself = duhhh, its an established / official term, you could have looked that up yourself)


= they say that is what the US is getting or is having already this weekend. Still no idea why a German weather web-site tweeted that (I have it for my region)


I never know how strongly lets say 20 inches of snow impacts in a region, here no one would feel troubled if within 24h and not within 20 minutes nor at a very steep part of a country-side road (for the locals) - if at a date in year we already have the winter wheels on the cars, but I know there are regions in Germany where the traffic breaks down with less then half of it.

Depends also on how cold the streets were beforehand, how strong the wind goes.... 

Hope for a nice weekend for all in bad weather, we have this weekend a coldish foggy day, and tomorrow a snow-rain mix. Monday dry again, but maybe slippery partly, as still cold and windy might let freeze some streets. Fingers crossed not here,

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5 minutes ago, George Parr said:

It's actually not an completely uncommon occurance in Germany either, one of the few ways to get snow in certain parts of northern Germany. Usually happens with easterly winds bringing cold dry air from eastern Europe that moves over the baltic sea, loading up with moisture there, which then gets released as snow with landfall. Mostly in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, etc. It doesn't happen that often, because we rarely get easterly winds, but it's not particularly rare either.

Me = living nearer to the Alps than Munich = no really idea why those happen, something new learned (or something forgotten relearned).

Hmm I can remember in the past (a few decades back), news with snowed in in trains with people inside waiting days for getting out or have to go through a lot of snow... I think that was there. That was - I think - between SW 4 and SW 5 got released. If that is what you pointed out, they had e.g. huge problems with wind-created high portions. I can remember pictures with people on ladders, leaning on a snow... bank (?) 2 men high


Fingers crossed no one will have to go through that this winter.

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39 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


It got mentioned here in Germany (more surprised to get an information about another countries weather something on a German weather website, than if it is something big or not)


Sounds like what the combined oceanic power of Moana and freezing power of Elsa can do lol.

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