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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

I see the depression of this only doing 55% of TFA's OW business at best is starting to sink in with you. 


Why would that even come close to disappointing me?  You are a fucking worthless troll at this point, the worst kind of movie follower that flat out tries to ruin things because you are a troll with nothing to do but shit on whatever you decide you aren't going to like months before you see it.  

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Are you like 16 or something? So edgy!


Alright, time to put someone on ignore for me. Sorry mods for even having hinted at suggesting that MovieMan should leave this thread on his own before he causes more damage, I'm no longer replying to him, I promise.

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2 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

You are literally blinded by your fanboy if you think this is even kid appealing in the slightest. Or you've never been around kids. 


Seriously, you are everything that is wrong with the internet, movie fandom and people in general.  Get a fucking life.  


I actually have a kid so there goes your theory.  

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1 minute ago, EmpireCity said:


Why would that even come close to disappointing me?  You are a fucking worthless troll at this point, the worst kind of movie follower that flat out tries to ruin things because you are a troll with nothing to do but shit on whatever you decide you aren't going to like months before you see it.  

And yet you're the one name calling, aka the defining trait of an internet troll. You're the one who was literally being condescending about the fact that "the stats" proved that there was no way this wasn't headed for a 150m OW bare minimum. Maybe don't be so smug next time in something you can't prove and then you won't have to go into fits of rage over it. 

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LOL you crack me up dude. You've been pushing this weird Godzilla agenda forever. At least you're consistent, I guess. I don't know what it had anything to do with that. I wouldn't have known the same director made the two movies unless I read that. I doubt audiences will know or care.


By the way I assume it's not a spoiler if it was in the trailer, thus please excuse my Chirrut is blind comment as I think everyone already understood that from the trailers :P 


I will say it makes me laugh when I think of how Star Wars fans think of a dark movie versus if you try to use any facts about each movie... doesn't play out so well with reality. I think most fans saw ESB when they were 6, so it was "very dark" compared to either ANH or ROTJ in their minds, because the good guys win in the end for ANH and ROTJ. There's a problem with that, though, ESB is only dark in tone. The events are, meh, not light, not exactly that dark. It's still literally the only Star Wars movie where nobody significant dies. Oh my god no Luke loses a hand and has it replaced immediately by a hand that looks and functions identically! Horrible loss, that. Granted he's a "bad guy," but even in AOTC Jango Fett dies and some good Jedi die, in TPM Qui-Gon dies which is a big deal considering he was the film's main character, and in ROTS everyone dies pretty much, then in ANH Obi-Wan dies, a central figure to the saga as a whole. In ROTJ Yoda dies, who is my favorite character from the saga, so does Anakin (which is bitter sweet at that point in time, since he's revealed to be more of a sad tragic figure than the ultimate personification of evil -- which is actually the emperor), and in TFA Han dies, one of the most beloved characters. 


Without spoiling Rogue One, let's just say ESB still remains on paper, not in tone, the least dark Star Wars movie. The heroes all have their feelings hurt and yearn for a safe space to get away from the trigger words that Vader uttered. Boy, what a dark movie! Nah, ROGUE ONE is a dark movie. It was damn awesome, though, and yeah I see why everyone is saying the final act is amazing. Still though, general impression, no spoilers, you need the setup of the first half of the movie, first 2/3 of the movie, to get to that awesome part. I loved it all, and felt the tone and look was fantastic. I guess specifically that it feels like it fits right in there with ANH and the OT, like it has that sense of scale and visual style. 

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2 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


Seriously, you are everything that is wrong with the internet, movie fandom and people in general.  Get a fucking life.  


I actually have a kid so there goes your theory.  

Wow you speak to people the way you do and you're a parent? That's extremely irresponsible of someone so emotionally immature to take on such an important job as parenting. 

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For what it's worth, even though there were a bunch of pissed off folks because of the film stopping twice, there was healthy applause at my IMAX showing at the end.  As long as we're pulling out that card, I might as well play mine.


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The people that wishes a blockbuster to do worse than expected.....is usually the ones that really hates a certain movie. They always want these kind of Movies to do lower. It's unfortunately always like that. But it doesn't work like that for well-recieved Movies, never will.


Don't believe me?.....Then look what happened when BK007 thought that SW:EP7 would not top Avatar because of his own biased hatred towards that film.


It's not gonna happen here either. This film will do the business it could end with.....and not even one single person will change otherwise. It got very good reception, deal with it.

Edited by MrFanaticGuy34
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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

Wow you speak to people the way you do and you're a parent? That's extremely irresponsible of someone so emotionally immature to take on such an important job as parenting. 


Yes, I call worthless trolls worthless trolls.  You now are getting EXACTLY the response you wanted.  Congrats.  

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1 minute ago, Daxtreme said:

Are you like 16 or something? So edgy!


Alright, time to put someone on ignore for me. Sorry mods for even having hinted at suggesting that MovieMan should leave this thread on his own before he causes more damage, I'm no longer replying to him, I promise.



Yeah agreed with you i do not post very much i prefer most reading but during the last 5 pages he was king  of annoying.


i get it no on can enjoy movie or we all have different opinions about movies but an get a break and let alone the people who enjoy the movie.


Let's enjoy the opening week end for a SW ^^ it's a event and it's vey good for this forum to have many people share his or  her opinion but let's do this in the respect of everyone:)



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Alright so now that this is out of the way, I came back not long ago and the movie was damn great!


The ending just got everyone on their feet once credits rolled, clapping and cheering, it was awesome. I think this is the movie everyone was looking for, me included, although there are some flaws, excusable flaws that don't detract too much.


I still need to process the movie but damn, seeing all those reviews I managed to keep my expectations in check and let's just say I was thoroughly satisfied. A worthy addition to the saga, surpassing most of them even, I dare say.


Can't wait to see what they have in store for VIII, at this point Disney/Marvel/Lucasfilm have my trust and I'll be there Opening Week-End.

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1 minute ago, Bonenash said:



Yeah agreed with you i do not post very much i prefer most reading but during the last 5 pages he was king  of annoying.


i get it no on can enjoy movie or we all have different opinions about movies but an get a break and let alone the people who enjoy the movie.


Let's enjoy the opening week end for a SW ^^ it's a event and it's vey good for this forum to have many people share his or  her opinion but let's do this in the respect of everyone:)




Not an event :qotd:

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