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John Marston

Wednesday Box Office - (Asgard pg 17) R1 about 15, Sing 11, Ass 4.5, Pass 4.1, Moana 2.2

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Since we are talking about Deadpool, one of my favorite moments of this year involved the commentary on the Deadpool Blu-ray from Ryan Reynolds and Company. The commentary for Deadpool was done even before the film had been released. They obviously had no idea how big the movie was going to be. Parts of the commentary had them thanking the studio for taking a risk on them and then saying that they hoped that the film was liked by the audience and that the studio would recoup its budget. Everything is always twenty-twenty hindsight but that one just gave me a good laugh. If only they could have seen into the future to see how truly gigantic their film was lol

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Just now, Christmas Baumer said:

Since we are talking about Deadpool, one of my favorite moments of this year involved the commentary on the Deadpool Blu-ray from Ryan Reynolds and Company. The commentary for Deadpool was done even before the film had been released. They obviously had no idea how big the movie was going to be. Parts of the commentary had them thanking the studio for taking a risk on them and then saying that they hoped that the film was liked by the audience and that the studio would recoup its budget. Everything is always twenty-twenty hindsight but that one just gave me a good laugh. If only they could have seen into the future to see how truly gigantic their film was lol

I remember watching that and found it amusing. Especially because Ryan is always making fun of Fox and the budget particularly in the movie itself haha But little did they know how big the movie was going to be. But you're right when you say everything in hindsight is 20/20. I think they were like a lot of folks on this board who called a modest opening weekend followed by a decent run. I just remember Rob L on Twitter though telling anyone who would listen that Deadpool was going to be huge. 

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I am not the biggest comic book guy... I knew nothing about Deadpool. I think it's safe to say more than any other comic book movie with the exception of perhaps The Dark Knight, it shocked me the most. I was hooked right from the opening credits when it says directed by some douchebag or whatever the opening scroll said. I knew right then and there I was in for Something Completely up my alley.

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Jennifer Lawrence is responsible for my CF, MJ1 and MJ2 tickets. I also introduced the series to my family and we went to the cinema together. I also went to see American Hustle and Joy because of her. DofP too even if she wasn't the only reason. I'll also watch Passengers because of her. I guess that's what you call a draw.

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17 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

It's kind of hard to blame anybody except for the studio for Serena. That film wasn't even released. I mean okay it was released in like three or four theaters with no marketing behind it LOL


It wasn't released because no studio would buy it after years of different edits - none of which worked.  That's why it was on the shelf for 2 years.  The Production company then released it small through their own studio arm.   If any studio though that her or Cooper's (yes he was in it too but gets little flack over it or Burnt), popularity could power this movie past poor reviews and be worth the Marketing expense to release it wide they would have distributed it. 


But stuff like this happens to almost every actor - now more than ever when marketing for a wide release is so damn expensive.

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I don't doubt what you are saying Lord Mandeep but do you have a link for that or anything? I don't remember reading anything about Alec Guinness making a pile of money off of Star Wars.

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11 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

I recall Obi Wan actor Alec Guinness signed a back end deal and made a killing.


It was the most money he ever made in his long illustrious brilliant career - and he earned it because he gave gravitas to the movie and made that dialogue (some of which he changed for the better) sound fantastic!



Edited by TalismanRing
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9 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I don't doubt what you are saying Lord Mandeep but do you have a link for that or anything? I don't remember reading anything about Alec Guinness making a pile of money off of Star Wars.


He made 2.25%.  HUGE.  He should have made even more but was kind of screwed a bit



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8 minutes ago, Christmas Baumer said:

I don't doubt what you are saying Lord Mandeep but do you have a link for that or anything? I don't remember reading anything about Alec Guinness making a pile of money off of Star Wars.

He took a deal that gave him part of Lucas' cut. Lucas was originally set to receive 20% of the gross, and gave Guinness 2% from his share so he would be in the movie.

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2 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

"Ass Pass" sounds like a really bad gay porn :ph34r:


But in all seriousness, Sing is looking good (to the shock of no one but a few people), the other two... eh. We'll see in the next few days.


"Ass Pass Moan" will be the next "Ow my balls"

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