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AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR | 1369.5 M overseas ● 2048.4 M worldwide

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13 minutes ago, KenterKane said:

Dude, believe me you need tons more to make me angry.


And make no mistake, I love Star Wars but they are not in my top 5 of my favorite films, and don´t get me wrong, i love Marvel too, i saw Black Panther 6 times in the theaters. But all of those films (SW and Marvel) they are just popcorn films, but i honestly think that TLJ try a bit more than just please the crowd, and for me that´s something special. 


I do not think that Infinity War deserves that kind of high praised from the fans, i mean the film is spectacular and that epic feeling that everybody enjoys, but is just the momentum... when you see the film again, decreases from what you initially think. Believe me, i like Infinity War... is very very fun, but is a tricky film that makes us believe that is better than it is. Even so, i will buy it when it comes in blu ray, so don´t think that i am fuckin fanboy, i´m just giving my honest opinion of which film i prefer. 

That's nice. 


Also I like how "popcorn films" is a diplomatic putdown. You know you can make a quote "popcorn film" and still make a great movie, right? I thought BP and IW were both quite exceptional entertaining films for their respective spectrum. (Honestly you can make the argument for how both were successful in ways that TLJ was striving for, but they did it better.) Their ambitions are to be blockbuster action films, yet I got more out of them as both a cinephile and as a person than I do many Best Picture Oscar winning movies. 


I liked TLJ and will defend it when merited, but when people go pretentious and make it more than what it is (which of course is pulp-inspired space opera with laser swords and cool spaceships) then that's where I tune out. Hell at times such folks pull the "it's too dense for its detractors" and I get deja vu of DCEU fans saying similar things after MOS/BVS. Like what fan wants a fandom they're part of to fall into that intellectual dead end?

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24 minutes ago, bladels said:

Dude, I don't think you convinced anyone with that :)

And think we should move this to other thread.

I'll say this tho, I'm a MCU fanboy and I disagree with your IW analysis ^_^

hahahaha at least you admitted that you are a fanboy, then i don´t have to argue with you, you don´t have any argument then.  I disagree with you too ;), keep it that way man.

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18 minutes ago, RRA said:

That's nice. 


Also I like how "popcorn films" is a diplomatic putdown. You know you can make a quote "popcorn film" and still make a great movie, right? I thought BP and IW were both quite exceptional entertaining films for their respective spectrum. (Honestly you can make the argument for how both were successful in ways that TLJ was striving for, but they did it better.) Their ambitions are to be blockbuster action films, yet I got more out of them as both a cinephile and as a person than I do many Best Picture Oscar winning movies. 


I liked TLJ and will defend it when merited, but when people go pretentious and make it more than what it is (which of course is pulp-inspired space opera with laser swords and cool spaceships) then that's where I tune out. Hell at times such folks pull the "it's too dense for its detractors" and I get deja vu of DCEU fans saying similar things after MOS/BVS. Like what fan wants a fandom they're part of to fall into that intellectual dead end?

It´s not the same thing dude, BvS was bashed by the critics and by most of the General Audience. Meanwhile The Last Jedi was completely different, the critics love the film, but the "fans" were divided, a few ones love the film, and the other half hate the film with passion.  But i think that the "SW" fans are very closed mind.  

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3 hours ago, KenterKane said:

hahahaha at least you admitted that you are a fanboy, then i don´t have to argue with you, you don´t have any argument then.  I disagree with you too ;), keep it that way man.

I said it like fanboy is a bad thing <_<

What MCU has achieved is unprecedented. Not even SW can recreate MCU's success

OTH, the fact that I'm MCU fanboy doesn't mean I can't see its flaws :P

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9 hours ago, KenterKane said:

For God Sake!!!!! Everybody praises Infinity War, but is not THAT good, the only developed character is Thanos, and despite what many people think, that ending is not daring, the truth is that Marvel played it quite safe.  I enjoyed Infinity War a lot, but is too damn overrated, Black Panther was a much better film.  The Last Jedi may not be a spectacular film, but it has a lot more to say, and of both films that one is definitely risking a lot. 


So, no.... THANKS GOD Infinity War is not surpassing The Force Awakens.  

Gotta love how triggered you got here :hahaha:


1st of all, I thought we were talking about TFA (hell, you literally say so in your last line..... yet you spent your whole paragraph defending TLJ). But on that topic, you know that risks don't equal good stories, right? It would've been a risk to say that Kylo was Rey's father, but it would've been a terrible one as well. Personally, I liked the directions taken in the main storyline of TLJ, but I would never say that, AS A WHOLE, TLJ fully works as a film. Wayyyy too many problems with the secondary storylines and plotlines given to characters like Finn, Poe, etc, even if I liked the ideas behind them (heroes displaying incompetence and proving themselves as human).


That's the exact same plot behind IW: heroes being (somewhat) incompetent before the greatest threat their universe has ever faced, but unlike TLJ, every single separated story wasn't misdirected or dull as fuck, the character development wasn't wholly necessary due to the fact that we've already had 18 previous movies to develop these characters (and it's not like IW didn't change them or explore them in anyway; plus everyone, out of like 50 characters, got at least one moment to shine), and the ending, which you think isn't all that risky, is 1) something that has rarely ever happened in a movie, nevermind a cbm, and 2) an ending that had pretty much all the potential in the world to alienate the younger/family audiences BIG TIME given the fact that it is a very dour and depressing finale, and while we know there's gonna be an Avengers 4, a lot of people in the General Audience were unaware of that fact. So, it was a risk. And it paid off. And yeah, you can have your opinion, but it's a wrong opinion :ph34r:

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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.... OK


China is on pace to have a $14m w/e - a crazy 20% drop from last w/e for a current $358m total on way to about $375m and possibly $380m+ if it gets an extension


Germany looks to be down about 5% from last w/e

UK also "very slightly down" (RTH) from last weekend because of weather

SK drop is in the the low 30's


Domestically should be around  $10.6-11m for a 35-39% drop




Edited by TalismanRing
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15 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

.... OK


China is on pace to have a $14m w/e - a crazy 20% drop from last w/e for a current $358m total on way to about $375m and possibly $380m+ if it gets an extension


Germany looks to be down about 5% from last w/e

UK also "very slightly down" (RTH) from last weekend because of weather

SK drop is in the the low 30's


Domestically should be around  $10.6-11m for a 35-39% drop




Good analysis, completly agree.

$1.93B Last week + Dom

$21.2m week from China (used 6.4 to 1 exchange rate)

$12m + for OS-China week so atleast 1.963B

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1 minute ago, Brainbug said:

That is really awesome for Infinity War and really bad for my JW2 > IW China club :lol:

You have to look at it this way: if JW2 will do more than IW the more IW get, the bigger JW2 would be to pass it :P

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11 minutes ago, pepsa said:

You have to look at it this way: if JW2 will do more than IW the more IW get, the bigger JW2 would be to pass it :P


Yeah, but i dont really see much more than 350M for JW at absolute max. Still hoping for it ofc though :lol:

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2 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

This is reaching 2B then? Thank Buddha. But now I’m getting greedy and want it to beat TFA. Who should I pray to to make this happen?:apocalypse:

Maybe you can make a sacrifice of not commenting here till it crosses TFA WW. Once it does you can resume.

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11 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

This is reaching 2B then? Thank Buddha. But now I’m getting greedy and want it to beat TFA. Who should I pray to for this to happen?:apocalypse:

You ever doubted IW? :redcapes:

7 minutes ago, bladels said:

Pushing it a little and we can get:

$1B OS-China

$685M DOM

$385M China

$2.07B WW

I say about 10% chance of passing TFA ^_^


China is realistic.

DOM 643.5m after this WE, I don't think 4x this WE is realistic. If Disney gives double features to BP or AWIT this is practicly impossible. Also DVD release. But who knows, let's see how it holds vs O8.

OS-China will die with JW's release :P

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1 hour ago, pepsa said:

You ever doubted IW? :redcapes:


China is realistic.

DOM 643.5m after this WE, I don't think 4x this WE is realistic. If Disney gives double features to BP or AWIT this is practicly impossible. Also DVD release. But who knows, let's see how it holds vs O8.

OS-China will die with JW's release :P

GOGT2 and AOU's legs get IW DOM to $675M, IW's better than those 2 when facing competition so I think it can get to $680M. With a little push from Disney, I think it's possible

OS-China will be at ~$975M+ after this weekend, need little more than 3x this wk to get $1B. It'll be tough with JW on horizon but IW showed it could recover from direct competitions before.

10% seems about right, right?

Edited by bladels
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Thankfully after this weekend all the , slightly silly, talk about IW reaching 2 billion will come to an end. Oh and all these films , Star Wars, MCU, Harry Potter, titanic, avatar, Lotr ....you name it are basically pop corn flicks.

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3 minutes ago, bladels said:

GOGT2 and AOU's legs get IW DOM to $675M, IW's better than those 2 when facing competition so I think it can get to $680M. With a little push from Disney, I think it's possible

OS-China will be at ~$975M+ after this weekend, need little more than 2x this wk to get $1B. It'll be tough with JW on horizon but IW showed it could recover from direct competitions before.

10% seems about right, right?

Yeah 10% seems about right. 

If it wasn't for the DvD release I would say $680m DOM would be locked. If it gets a good boost with I2 release then yeah maybe $685m Dom is realistic. If it does what AOU did from monday and forward than it does $674m, GG2 it does $677m so yeah $680m seems fairly likely.


For China we have to wait for the extention announcement, if it gets it $385m is doable. Let's wait next weekend :P

And for OS-China I don't think it has $25m more, I think this is most unlikely one. The others I could see having a decent shot. 


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