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Eric S'ennui

WEEKEND THREAD | 3-DAY ESTIMATES: Pirates - 62M ; Baywatch - 18M; Alien - 10.5M (71% drop) like. F8 crosses 1B OS.

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3 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

Those days are gone. There are still professional critics, those whose opinions I value but many of the critics factored into RT are bloggers, people I've never heard of, people popping up from who knows where, their own websites,  and when I read some of their reviews I'm not reading Ebert. I feel like I'm reading a paragraph written by one of my friends on social media. Which is fine I guess, but I don't have the same trust in their words as I would a professional critic.  



Your entire post - well said, I want to highlight this because yeah. Technically everybody is a critic, but that doesn't mean your thoughts are worth listening to and taken seriously as a professional critic, or even as someone who takes the hobby very seriously like a lot of us here.


Part of the critic backlash stems from the realization that "Hey, LeDankMovie and his awful camera setup and terrible sound liked Baywatch, and so did I, but the hoity-toity guy at NYT didn't! Professionals suck!" Everyone can have an opinion, I don't like to think that people can't. But this is two different groups of people watching movies and ""Reviewing"" them.

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5 hours ago, LaughingEvans said:

It would best work if as a user you could follow only critics you trust and get an average score/percentage from them.


4 hours ago, DAARRRRR said:

Best way is to not completely dismiss what critics say nor is hanging on their every word.  Pick your local critic and maybe one or two national ones.  And of course trust your own instincts.  


Yes please! That's all I want from RT, an easy way to filter the reviews into the critics of my choice only, the critics whose opinions I either trust or tend to generally agree with. Is that so hard to do?? Just give us a "favorites" filter! As someone whose opinions don't tend to align with a lot f critics that would be incredibly helpful.


5 hours ago, grey ghost said:

People ignored RT for AWE.


They ignored RT for OST.


They get tired of wasting money and pay attention to RT for POTC5 and it's RT fault the movie doesn't do well?


You burned the audience 2 to 3 times!


How stupid do you expect them to be?






Eh, I don't think RT was a thing back when OST and AWE were released anyway, was it? The "problem" is relatively recent.


5 hours ago, Alli said:

we should have a middle. like @UNDERDOG said, the mixed reviews need to be accounted somehow.


Yep, something between rotten and fresh would be nice.


4 hours ago, franfar said:

Good reviews are only a part of the equation


Not trying to sound like an asshole, but it doesn't change the fact that it looks like a true mess in ads. Just like GITS


Valerian's trailers look incredible on the big screen.


3 hours ago, Celedhring said:


The institution I do some jobs for has been approached to come up with ideas on how to tackle this issue (can't get too specific without getting my ass on the line). There's indeed a very real concern on showbiz about how these ratings drive patronage, but they seem a bit lost about what to do. They can't just shut them down or change them up in some lame obvious way, because the format is too popular and somebody else will run it if they close or neuter RT. They seem to be more interested in finding ways to bend aggregated ratings to their will, so to speak.


Thank you for letting us know about it, I wish you could talk more about the subject but I understand why you cant.


2 hours ago, Water Bottle said:


Nah. Then they cant use great RT scores in advertising if they wait until OD.


They will for some movies I think put critics on tiers.


Fanboy critics who will likely be friendly to them go first. Inflate the RT score.


Then the critics who can be in the middle. Depending on which way they lean will determine when the toughest critics release reviews.


This way you can try to manipulate when people see the RT score.


2 hours ago, grim22 said:


Interesting :thinking:


We could be moving towards no reviews till OD soon.



Yeah, I think that's one way to tackle it but it sounds extreme and as Water Bottle pointed out they wouldn't be able to use great critics review in the ads anymore. But I'm sure there are some executives somewhere giving this idea serious thought.


Water Bottle's idea might be the way they will end up going with, having favorite critics for each genre.


2 hours ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:



(with reviewers named Chris between the ages of 24 and 27)


Marketing done right! :lol:


57 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

It's weird that Fandango shows the RT score when people go buy tickets on their website. It's like owning a store and having labels telling consumers which products are not good. It doesn't make sense.


This post makes a lot of sense.

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53 minutes ago, grim22 said:

I have started seeing Vudu and other online movie rental services put the RT score next to the title. That is actually hurting yourself as a lot of viewers may not watch a movie which is rated low


On the other hand users will see a movie they've never heard of with a 90% and give it a shot

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Welp, "Dead Man Chest" will forever be the apex of the franchise.  "At Worlds End" actually did not do bad at all but I remember people weren't happy about the weekend and domestic drop from "Chest".  "Tides" and "Tales" will heavily have to thank International Audiences.  "Pearl" will always get props from me for it's legs and resurrecting pirates films after "Cutthroat Island" seemed to put it on life support.  Overall it's a very successful franchise but they might want to end it after Part 6.   I wonder will it be rebooted in 20 years with Johnny coming back.  "Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow Awakens", lol.   I mean he would be 73 at that point and it would be 2037.


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If I was a Fox exec I'd have gone with Covenant as opposed to Blomkamp's Alien film.  Prometheus was a success and he delivered a big success with the Martian.  Blomkamp has provided two films in a row that were flops

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Since Pirates, Alien, and likely Transformers 5 (and maybe Cars 3 and DM3 too), I wonder if Spider-Man: Homecoming and Justice League will suffer from fatigue due to previous mediocre movies to the GA (ASM1&2, SM3, SS, BVS, MOS). 

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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

What were the last films that weren't  affected at all by terrible reviews/RT scores  in the last 3 years or so ?






Suicide Squad, Central Intelligence, Jason Bourne

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13 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

Eh, I don't think RT was a thing back when OST and AWE were released anyway, was it? The "problem" is relatively recent


It was a thing when OST and AWE came out.




From a comment on that blog:


This movie is a blockbuster and it's bad, boring and stupid most of the time. This is what most viewers think (look at rottentomatoes), even if some won't admit it.

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2 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Suicide Squad, Central Intelligence, Jason Bourne


Jason Bourne had 56%, so mixed/meh/not great is different than terrible to me which would be around 40% I guess.

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2 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


It was a thing when OST and AWE came out.




From a comment on that blog:





While it was a thing, social media had not emerged into the force it is now. Just RT as opposed to RT scores being signal boosted by Twitter as fans actually tweet the scores to filmmakers is completely different. Not to mention the fact that these scores are now everywhere from Fandango to digital rental websites etc. it's not that RT has changed, the film industry and online space has changed around it.

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Just now, grim22 said:


While it was a thing, social media had not emerged into the force it is now. Just RT as opposed to RT scores being signal boosted by Twitter as fans actually tweet the scores to filmmakers is completely different. Not to mention the fact that these scores are now everywhere from Fandango to digital rental websites etc. it's not that RT has changed, the film industry and online space has changed around it.


RT has also changed. I remember when it used to have RT scores for video games. At least I think I remember that. The site's been around since 1998 and only has grown and gotten more popular.

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4 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


It was a thing when OST and AWE came out.




From a comment on that blog:

From that blog post


You probably already knew it would be coming, but the early word spreading is that critics are giving nothing but negative feedback on Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and I'm here to squash that bug and defend what is truly a great film made for fans, despite what they'll claim to say.


I know I can usually predict the buzz, which this time I can just about guarantee it will beat Spider-Man 3's opening records


 It's like Matrix Revolutions or Return of the King, where after you see it, it almost makes the second film in the series obsolete or dulls it down enough that we can accept it in our trilogy DVD collections without ever watching it.


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7 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


It was a thing when OST and AWE came out.




From a comment on that blog:








It's like Matrix Revolutions or Return of the King, where after you see it, it almost makes the second film in the series obsolete or dulls it down enough that we can accept it in our trilogy DVD collections without ever watching it.


What the hell? No way I'm skipping Matrix Reloaded and The Two Towers (who does that?), this guy just spouts random nonsense


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 It's like Matrix Revolutions or Return of the King, where after you see it, it almost makes the second film in the series obsolete or dulls it down enough that we can accept it in our trilogy DVD collections without ever watching it.



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