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What a WONDERful Weekend | WW down only 16% on Sunday. 103M weekend. pg 226

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4 minutes ago, Walt Disney said:


I remember when Gitesh did that with Age of Ultron because it was one of the very few times that Rth was wrong. And I was defending Rth to the end against this one poster who kept bashing him and anyone who believed him. Then, Rth turned out to be wrong and that poster laughed and laughed. Fast forward months later and the poster that bashed Rth now praises him along with the rest of us....but I'll never forget the Rth doubter!

Who is that poster :ph34r:

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15 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Gitesh said the same thing this morning when the preview numbers came out and he thought that could mean $100m.  His new data is telling him something different.  Oh Rth, where art thou?





@Tele Came Back  could you change the title to $33-35

Yeah, we'll find out soon enough I'm sure!

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1 hour ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Maybe it's paying the same price Batman Begins did for previous shitty movies in the franchise. MOS, BvS, SS...three turds in a row. 

Are we ignoring the pretty unimpressive marketing campaign and lack of a clear hook besides being the first adaptation of the character? WW is doing pretty good numbers, but let's stop with this nonsense that the previous DC entries hurt this movie's BO, especially since they had no or barely any connection with WW. 


TIH, Thor, Cap and IM2 all did less than average business and that didn't stop The Avengers from breaking records. 


If the audience sees your product as different enough from the badly received predecessors, a negative impact on the product will be pretty much zero.

Edited by Goffe
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Just now, Nova said:

Johnny Depp (imo) was one of those movie stars who could get butts into theaters on his name alone. He is a brand much like Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Kevin Hart etc. Unfortunately Depp did some fucked up things that tarnished said brand and hasn't done anything to show that he's better or fixed those things. So his appeal has decreased by a lot, as a result and it's because he tarnished his brand and never attempted to fix it. But make no make mistake 5-10 years ago Depp was a household name that drew folks to the theaters. Now he's the guy with all the personal stuff going on. And I don't want to go into details about it but yea that stuff ruined his appeal/brand to the GA and his fans. 

A household name because of Jack. Was he really ever a big draw outside of that franchise? I think that's debatable, at least domestically. Worldwide he was definitely a big draw outside of Pirates. 

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3 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


I disagree on point 2 because I would bet mint coins that a suicide squad sequel would do at least $100M OW despite how bad the first one was. The GA doesn't seem to fall in line with what I'd consider a good or bad film or critics in general 

lol no SS sequel will not open to 100 million. 

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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

A household name because of Jack. Was he really ever a big draw outside of that franchise? I think that's debatable, at least domestically. Worldwide he was definitely a big draw outside of Pirates. 

Yeah, I gotta say that Johnny Depp is #NOTANEVENT.

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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

A household name because of Jack. Was he really ever a big draw outside of that franchise? I think that's debatable, at least domestically. Worldwide he was definitely a big draw outside of Pirates. 

I was 15 then probably even younger depending on the year but I remember all the girls at school thinking he was hot and the guys loving Johnny Depp. I definitely think he had a lot of pull though. 

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10 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Give me the whole damn zoo!


I never knew this. Next you're going to tell me MEW is a musician!




Image result for mary elizabeth winstead gif fargo

Brie can sing? Didn't know that. Really cool. Felt like she was playing herself in Kong when she was joking around with Tom. Bet she's like that in real life.

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Just now, MovieMan89 said:

A household name because of Jack. Was he really ever a big draw outside of that franchise? I think that's debatable, at least domestically. Worldwide he was definitely a big draw outside of Pirates. 


It's not.  It's like people trying to say RDJ didn't help make Sherlock Holmes blockbusters - as if all the numerous previous SH movies were doing $500-600m ww


Or that DiCaprio didn't greatly help make The Great Gatsby big because everyone and their great grandmother has read the book.



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1 minute ago, DealWithIt said:

The numbers are not going down from nearly $39 million down to $33 million in a half hour span. 


These are all projections. It comes down to looking at the raw data so far and extrapolating based on comps. A wrong comp here and there can easily skew the result a few million in either direction. 

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4 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

A household name because of Jack. Was he really ever a big draw outside of that franchise? I think that's debatable, at least domestically. Worldwide he was definitely a big draw outside of Pirates. 

Nah he wasn't except to horror fans for Nightmare On Elm St (but this came much later) and other odd burton films like Edward Scissorhands. 

I would compare his star turn as Jack Sparrow to RDJs turn as Tony Stark.

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8 minutes ago, Nova said:

Who is that poster :ph34r:


I will not name names. You can always check the weekend thread in the archives when Age of Ultron was released to see. If you do, please don't copy and paste any of it here, including the guilty person's name. I am not trying to start trouble.....just saying I remember the Rth doubter!

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