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On 11/27/2018 at 10:55 PM, Alli said:

 speaking of....    


A weird thing happened. stewart and pattinson started doing indie movies and now hipster critics did a revisionist history and stewart and pattinson are the greatest thing since slice bread. it's kinda funny how easily you can fool people. both are still untalented at acting, especially stewart.

This, even tho Kstew have her moments with her niche acting style .

Rpatt should leanr his craft before walking in front of a camera.

Edited by The Futurist
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36 minutes ago, PANDA said:

Somebody on my Facebook shared a video about “A Pastor converts a Mormon to Christianity!”.  


I looked at the comments sections and saw comments like, “Thank God I was converted from Catholicism to Baptist, so I could truly be saved!”


with a retort “Well, thank God I was converted to Presbyterian, the actual way to be saved!”


And another comment “The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints is the ONLY way to be saved, he was a fool!”


It’s always rubbed me the wrong way how certain people in individual denominations (not even individual religions, these denominations are all technically the same religion) can be that their denomination is the only true way to be moral and saved, and all the rest are terrible.  


If people think political purity tests are bad, they should just look at American Christianity and it’s denominations.  There’s literally a church branch that thinks people will go to hell if they worship in a building that has a kitchen.

Yeah. This is the number one reason I'm not religious. Back when I was a tween and questioned why getting my Confirmation was so important, my mom was touting how Catholicism is the only true, original form of Christianity. I was just like, "Ok, but every other denomination says the same thing." It's honestly kind of frustrating that I believe in an afterlife/higher being yet have no religious affiliation because I'm always just defaulting to "Christian" even though I think the Bible is bs.

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2 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Yeah. This is the number one reason I'm not religious. Back when I was a tween and questioned why getting my Confirmation was so important, my mom was touting how Catholicism is the only true, original form of Christianity. I was just like, "Ok, but every other denomination says the same thing." It's honestly kind of frustrating that I believe in an afterlife/higher being yet have no religious affiliation because I'm always just defaulting to "Christian" even though I think the Bible is bs.

You are religious, you just don't realize it.

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1 hour ago, PANDA said:

Somebody on my Facebook shared a video about “A Pastor converts a Mormon to Christianity!”.  


I looked at the comments sections and saw comments like, “Thank God I was converted from Catholicism to Baptist, so I could truly be saved!”


with a retort “Well, thank God I was converted to Presbyterian, the actual way to be saved!”


And another comment “The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints is the ONLY way to be saved, he was a fool!”


It’s always rubbed me the wrong way how certain people in individual denominations (not even individual religions, these denominations are all technically the same religion) can be that their denomination is the only true way to be moral and saved, and all the rest are terrible.  


If people think political purity tests are bad, they should just look at American Christianity and it’s denominations.  There’s literally a church branch that thinks people will go to hell if they worship in a building that has a kitchen.

Hell is a meme


The real threat is the future AI that will simulate torture against everyone that ever was against it.

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3 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Yeah. This is the number one reason I'm not religious. Back when I was a tween and questioned why getting my Confirmation was so important, my mom was touting how Catholicism is the only true, original form of Christianity. I was just like, "Ok, but every other denomination says the same thing." It's honestly kind of frustrating that I believe in an afterlife/higher being yet have no religious affiliation because I'm always just defaulting to "Christian" even though I think the Bible is bs.

Here's the thing with religion...you can be the "one, true faith" and yet not be "the perfect" faith.  I mean, just like those who believe in freedom know that it's not a 100% universally perfect belief b/c we are human and we mess up (so we have to limit it to prevent us from killing each other, for example), so too should those who believe they belong to "the one, true" faith know that while it's probably the closest to the right path, it's not perfect, either.  It can't be, b/c it's led by humans on Earth, and those humans sin and screw up all the time.  So, every faith is gonna have flaws, and possibly ones that other religions get right. 


But just b/c it's not perfect, doesn't mean that religion does not have its place in people's lives.  Again, freedom is not perfect, but we've found societies that are more free tend to be preferable to ones that are less free.  The same might be said for societies than embrace religious faith (in its multiple forms) vs those societies which wholesale reject it.  Maybe it's b/c religion forces a consideration beyond oneself and one's current state as its norm, maybe it's b/c religion can provide almost a hopeful state to anyone's life, maybe it's b/c religions provide an ordered, followable standard for life so no one has to remake the wheel, maybe it's all of the above - who knows?


I, for one, embrace religion.  Knowing 70 years ago, my starving grandmother believes that she was literally helped through the Berlin Wall by an angel (was she mistaken - maybe, but maybe not...and going back 70 years to check is impossible:) and that my 1st child was 100% unexpectedly born 5 weeks early (on the Immaculate Conception date) so my terminally ill dad could see her before he died 4 weeks later (aka - if she was born on time, he never would have seen his 1st grandkid), I have some belief that while these situations could be totally coincidence, I believe there's more going on and a higher power in play.  And if there is more going on (and I believe there is), faith tends to be helped by religion, since it gives a guidepost if nothing else:)...but I know my faith nor my practiced religion will ever be perfect, b/c it can't be.  But I can believe it is still the best that a flawed, human institution can do on Earth...but I can be wrong, too:)...forgetting that one can be personally wrong is something we do way too often as society...it tends to make us overreact to and wholesale reject others who we think are wrong, b/c we think "how can anyone think that?  Are they morons?  I can't be around that!",...well, yes, they are morons and we are morons b/c we all tend to be morons about something...embracing that fact could help us empathize and see everyone for who they are...flawed and human and still wonderful despite the flaws...or maybe b/c of them:)...


Okay, off the soap box:)...



Edited by TwoMisfits
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2 hours ago, Alli said:

I think i've found my new obsession: spanish thrillers. Today i watched two: The Bar and The Invisible Guest.  I enjoyed both very much.

I didn't like The Bar ... just didn't do it for me even though I like both Mario Casas and Blanca Suárez. I'll try to watch Invisible Guest soon. BTW try to watch The Secret In Their Eyes (2009) if you haven't already.

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This might not be the crowd, but I would be reminisced not to say that:


OMG.  Michael's is having a sale on custom frames/frames AND if you order online together, you get another 20% off, even sales items.  I am finally gonna be an Adult and frame all my artwork and posters.  *yesssss*

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4 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

Here's the thing with religion...you can be the "one, true faith" and yet not be "the perfect" faith.  I mean, just like those who believe in freedom know that it's not a 100% universally perfect belief b/c we are human and we mess up (so we have to limit it to prevent us from killing each other, for example), so too should those who believe they belong to "the one, true" faith know that while it's probably the closest to the right path, it's not perfect, either.  It can't be, b/c it's led by humans on Earth, and those humans sin and screw up all the time.  So, every faith is gonna have flaws, and possibly ones that other religions get right. 


But just b/c it's not perfect, doesn't mean that religion does not have its place in people's lives.  Again, freedom is not perfect, but we've found societies that are more free tend to be preferable to ones that are less free.  The same might be said for societies than embrace religious faith (in its multiple forms) vs those societies which wholesale reject it.  Maybe it's b/c religion forces a consideration beyond oneself and one's current state as its norm, maybe it's b/c religion can provide almost a hopeful state to anyone's life, maybe it's b/c religions provide an ordered, followable standard for life so no one has to remake the wheel, maybe it's all of the above - who knows?


I, for one, embrace religion.  Knowing 70 years ago, my starving grandmother believes that she was literally helped through the Berlin Wall by an angel (was she mistaken - maybe, but maybe not...and going back 70 years to check is impossible:) and that my 1st child was 100% unexpectedly born 5 weeks early (on the Immaculate Conception date) so my terminally ill dad could see her before he died 4 weeks later (aka - if she was born on time, he never would have seen his 1st grandkid), I have some belief that while these situations could be totally coincidence, I believe there's more going on and a higher power in play.  And if there is more going on (and I believe there is), faith tends to be helped by religion, since it gives a guidepost if nothing else:)...but I know my faith nor my practiced religion will ever be perfect, b/c it can't be.  But I can believe it is still the best that a flawed, human institution can do on Earth...but I can be wrong, too:)...forgetting that one can be personally wrong is something we do way too often as society...it tends to make us overreact to and wholesale reject others who we think are wrong, b/c we think "how can anyone think that?  Are they morons?  I can't be around that!",...well, yes, they are morons and we are morons b/c we all tend to be morons about something...embracing that fact could help us empathize and see everyone for who they are...flawed and human and still wonderful despite the flaws...or maybe b/c of them:)...


Okay, off the soap box:)...



I really don't want to sound insensitive or offend you in any way but this is party the mentality that made me stay away of religion. I am one of the 7.7 billion people living on this earth right now, one of the trillions of living organisms who have ever stood their foot on this planet. Isn't it foolish to believe that my problems matter that much for a higher power to intervene while

a.)there is so much pain in this world. (Much more important and common problems where that higher power did nothing to prevent them).

b.)our existance matters so little. (We live and die and macroscopically we change almost nothing).

So pretty much I have never been religious because I believe that religion has always been a weapon of manipulation for those in power and I wholeheartedly disagree with how it is practised.However, even if that was not a problem, I still wouldn't believe because I am perfectly aware and have accepted how little my life matters and so I have no need to find answers that don't exist to avoid the truth.

Edited by FantasticBeasts
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Can someone explain to me why Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz are being placed in supporting and Olivia Coleman is being placed in lead? When in reality, Stone and Weisz are the leads and Coleman is supporting. Imagine a person who is actually a supporting actress not getting a nom this year because of blatant as hell category fraud. 


Another thing The Academy/The Globes needs to fix. Just because someone wants to campaign in lead or supporting when they're not obviously lead or in a supporting role, doesn't mean you grant their wish. Stone and Weisz should be in lead. Coleman in supporting. If Weisz and Stone cancel each other out, oh well. *Although I think the Globes does that considering Portman put herself in supporting and they said no and decided she was lead. They should do the same for Weisz and Stone tbh 

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