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Grant Brisbee is a god damn national treasure:



(board posted this early, so I'm editing in the rest of my thoughts momentarily)


Every paragraph is perfect, but for those of you without a sub to The Athletic, a couple of key bits:



The stick-to-sports mindset is a way of hiding in an underground bunker while the nuclear fallout of politics and real life ruins everything above you. The catch is that not everyone has access to those bunkers. It’s incredibly easy for me to forget where I stand in the American social hierarchy; it’s impossible for a person of color to do the same. So when the principal owner of the San Francisco Giants is spending money to support a controversial Mississippi Senator, the bunker is open to me. There’s coffee in there and I can turn up the music as loud as I like. It drowns out the mean, old world and allows me to remain oblivious. It’s not available to everyone, though.


By being in the bunker, I’m engaging in a political activity. Not explicitly, but by dusting my hands off and going away to write Steve Scarsone limericks, I’m essentially saying, “Here, you clean this mess up.” The “you” in that sentence references anyone who has no choice but to face reality, even when it’s withering and unpleasant and affects their ability to enjoy what they do in their spare time.


That doesn’t mean you have to take up arms with anyone who fits that description. Just consider them for a moment. Consider how it can affect the feelings and enjoyment of others. Consider it in the larger context of an organization that’s responsible for Until There’s A Cure Day and all sorts of charitable endeavors, and consider it in the context of an organization that invites Barry Bonds back to retire his number. Consider it in the context of a fan base that packed the ballpark for that ceremony. It all counts.

Just consider it. That’s all. Consider it and listen to the people most affected by the video, the people who can’t seal the door behind them. Make up your own mind after that, but poke your head out and see what’s going on first.


There is no sticking to sports. By pretending to stick to sports, you’re sticking to the politics of comfort, which is most certainly not sports. The CEO of the San Francisco Giants was caught on video acting in a repugnant manner — and on Monday took a personal leave from the team — and it’s going to bother a whole lot of people whenever he’s associated with the team in the future. Your personal enjoyment may vary, but realize that it’s not going to be the same for everyone.


There are people — lots of them — who won’t be able to shake this off so easily. Listening to them seems like the least you can do.

There's so so so much more at the article, but these are the really important parts.  Just have some damn empathy for folks who might not be able to be in the position to brush things like this off.


That really shouldn't be so hard.  Sadly it is for far too many.

Edited by Porthos
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here is one for stereotypes in social class. 


https://www.yahoo.com/news/hollywood-madam-rich-men-dingy-081509280.html - Hollywood Madam: Want to stop human trafficking? Legalize consensual sex for money.


almost all of the comments from this article philosophically support prostitution.

can anyone think up some good deep think concept that will mentally scare culture away from legal prostitution?

shaming is an uphill battle, so I'm on the loosing side of this argument, but with some convincing images and messages that I could use on social media, I could get a head start with the brainwashing.

any good ideas for this will help to stick it to the man harder then what legalization offers in this circumstance...

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6 minutes ago, filmlover said:

lmao just saw that Jessie has been permanently banned. Still surprised it didn't happen after he mocked the suicide of Zack Snyder's daughter that forced him to step down from making Justice League. Once you've sunken that low...

I wonder if Theprophet saw it coming.

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