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Thor Ragnarok (2017)

Grade it  

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It's a fun movie with some great special effects (some shots were stunning) but the camerawork is still as predictable as ever. I can barely remember if they had any genuine close ups. 


Blanchett was easily the best in the film, but she needed more screen time. She gave Hela such a commanding and intense presence that I felt the film suffered a bit whenever she was off screen. But she could have been given much more depth as a character as her backstory could have been interesting, and Valkyrie was fine enough (the drunk fall made me lol though). But she supposedly has a deep backstory and I honestly expected some sort of intimate confrontation between her and Hela yet nothing happened except for a few sword fights. What a waste.


The guy with the guns in the realm door or whatever the fuck that thing is called should have been CUT altogether. He was never funny aside from the Texas joke. What a waste. 


Fun battle scenes, though, and the final battle was awesome. 

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The reviews here have said it all @4815162342 @Goffe @Christmas baumer. I agree with all the complaints by the people who don't like it. 


On top of that though, unlike some other films where my brain shuts off and gets annoyed by flaws, I was able to brush over them in the moment for the laugh 'sigh' it was entertaining, I had fun for two hours, but if I stop and put any thinking into the movie I didn't like it. 


This is not the type of film I'm gonna watch over and over again, I have a feeling it will not hold up as much with future viewings. Not sure what scene Id get excited for again. 


Also WTF I know its a movie and you always just give these things some leeway but my god, Asgard is just a city? smaller than Sacovia? They fit everyone on a half ass Hellicarrier. The last thing I expected was a worse version of the Age of Ultron finale and  they wasted hulk to fight some Wolf who we see do nothing, so its never really scary or has any weight to it. 


Anyways I'm feeling nice today and lets be real this movie was nearly SAVED by the GOLDBLUM. Gonna do a podcast probably and talk for a hour so no need for my full crazy bullet point review shit. 



B-  (80)  


but I'm sure when I get the blu ray and watch it again or just sleep on it for a few more days it will drop to C+ 


Edited by Jay Hollywood
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I saw it yesterday and there is a lot that can be done to improve this film. I agree with @Jay Hollywood First of Asgard seemed so small in this movie.  They all fit in one ship.  Seriously it made it seem only a couple of thousand people lives there. Why not have a lot of population follow Helena and they her as the queen or have Helena kill half of the population. Cate Blanchett did a good job what her character was given but she was never given anything that made fear her. She takes the crown and everyone in the city just lives. She has the Army of the Dead and Texas gun guy.  Nobody bows down to her. But of what makes a villain great is when they have followers that follow them out of loyalty or fear. Look at the Empire in Star Wars they had millions of working for them or the Joker in the Dark Knight who had gang world of Gotham follow him out of fear. He helps take down the mob. They have an Army that fights Helena but she kills all of them only one person decided to follow her.  Some of the humor does not work in this film. Marvel overuses jokes during scenes that do not need them. An example is in the first scene in the movie with Fire Demon guy. How Thor kept swing around reduce the impact when Thor escaped since it made the monster feel like a joke.  I felt like the Hulk was annoying in this film.

What I did like was the chemistry the actor have together. Goldblum was a highlight of the film.  He was fantastic I hope he has more roles in future Marvel movies. The movie was visually pleasing and I liked how Thor felt like the God of Thunder in the film. Overall the movie was "fun" I am glad I saw it in theaters but there were some flaws in this movie.



Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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On 12/11/2017 at 8:35 PM, Dexter of Suburbia said:

Some of the humor does not work in this film. Marvel overuses jokes during scenes that do not need them. An example is in the first scene in the movie with Fire Demon guy. How Thor kept swing around reduce the impact when Thor escaped since it made the monster feel like a joke. 


That was hilarious. That's when I got that the movie's brand of humor would fit right in my alley. It reminded me of wacky off-beat comedies when they cranked the absurd out of the settings like Hot Shots.

Edited by dashrendar44
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5 hours ago, dashrendar44 said:

That was hilarious. That's when I got that the movie's brand of humor would fit right in my alley. It reminded me of wacky off-beat comedies when they cranked the absurd out of the settings like Hot Shots.

Not my type humor. It took me out of the movie.  

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Saw the Ragnarok last week and loved it. The new director knocked it out of the park!

I loved the new comedic take on Thor and it has to be the funnest MCU film yet. Basically the entire cast seems to be having a good time. Chris got many great scenes with everyone in the main cast. Talking Hulk was a long time coming, Valkyrie was cool, Loki grew up, Goldblum went full Goldblum, and Hela was one of the better MCU villains.

The action was great, with Thor vs Hulk being the standout of course.

They thankfully jettisoned the entire human cast of Jane and her annoying sidekicks, I never thought the Thor Jane romance worked.

This movie has a very similar structure to the first Thor which I thought was cool. Movie begins with Asgard, there is a massive detour in the middle after Thor loses his hammer while the main villain is taking over Asgard, and the final act when Thor returns back home to kick ass.

Ragnarok equals the first Thor for me, and both those movies are way ahead of The Dark World.


Edited by Mojoguy
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(85%) B

It's been a while since I gave a 4/5+ rating to a superhero movie.


Anyways, it's not bad. (It wasn't like, "Best MCU Movie Ever" great, but shoo. Wasn't bad.) Funny, exciting, action packed, etc. Had it all packed into one.


Ion needa comment on the acting, everyone did amazingly well. (Except for the guy who played Odin, imo. In this film, he was so... meh when he said his lines. Idk. It was like his ass was tired lmfao. Luckily he wasn't in it too much.)


+5 For that looong ass shirtless scene of Hemsworth. 



......Deciding whether or not to add points for all that gratuitous Hulk shit jsjsksndkd. I'ma not.



Ima give +3 for Ruffalo's scenes tho. Heh.


BITCH I love me some Tessa Thompson. 


nd I'm soooooo glad the score wasn't trash. I loved how in some parts it went back to old movie scores (like Avengers nd stuff, etc.)


The cinematography in that scene when all the Valkyrie (or how ever the hell u spell that) nd Hela all fought???? BITCH, SCALPED!!!!! MR. WAITITI DID NOT COME TO PLAY !!!!! Made my ass wanna watch it in IMAX.


Some cons, it was a lil bit (a lotta bit) reminiscent of Guardians of the Galaxy. Like..... spot on. Watch the two back to back. The two alien sidekicks, one being much smaller than the other. The badass chick who was against the protagonist at first, but then joined the team. Hulk was Drax. Thor was Starlord. But anyways. Ima let em have "The Revengers".


I'm still in loooooove with the fact that all of the MCU movies are in this big ass shared universe!!!! Bitch, I be getting these references left and right !!!!


Idris Elba ain't never disappointed my ass nd never will disappoint. 


I loved the movie, story was fun and great, and got a key part of Thor's storyline out of the way. 


So anyways, yeah issa B from me.

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Pretty much just schooled DCU into how to make a real movie that entertains then causes endless flame wars that never end. 



I like the visual style of the film, very very well done. 


Likely best comic book movie after Logan this year. 



Edited by Lordmandeep
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I enjoyed it, because the jokes worked better than most of the MCU movies. But it's still exactly the same movie as the rest of them, and I cannot for one second imagine that it'll hold up as well as Guardians of the Galaxy - where as well as the humour, I actually cared about the characters.

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Even with a completely dull crowd and a horrible mood going into it, Thor: Ragnarok is ridiculously fun. You can tell Taika had such a good time directing this and the cast had a blast too. The joy is infectious in nearly every scene with Thor. It's nice to have a Marvel film with an actual directorial signature, and all the heroic characters' arcs track beautifully so it's not just a silly time; it feels like they all actually accomplished something and GREW. If this didn't have the Asgard scenes, Thor: Ragnarok could very well be the best comic book movie of the year. As it is, it's the most delightful. I adore this. A-

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