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On 12/8/2017 at 12:50 AM, Harpospoke said:



That literally happened in the post directly above yours.


Then there was:

So yeah, there are people who believe Disney would spend 60 billion just to shut down movies.

No they did not.   And they made doomsday predictions anyway.   Just like how no one knows what is going to happen here but that of course doesn't stop the doomsday predictions.   When those predictions fail, we'll get the same excuses like you just offered:   "Well...no one knew xxxxx was going to happen back then!   How could we know it was going to result in a major improvement in xxxxx?"


That's why doomsayers always fail.   They never take into account the fact of human ingenuity and how the market reacts to changes.

I know how those go too.   Big predictions of doom and then excuses later when they fail.    Here is one of the early doom predictions for "climate change" complete with the "point of no return" BS:



But then later excuses are made when we don't see it happen.   Now "Well it's happening even though you can't see it" and "The new point of no return is now in the future instead of the year 2000!"    The "doom" keeps being moved into the future as with all doomsday predictions.    Climate change doomsayers are just doing what other religions have been doing for centuries.   The doom date is always moved into the future when the apocalypse doesn't happen.


We are currently feeding more people on LESS LAND than at any time in human history.   We are setting records for grain production worldwide and less people are starving than ever before.   The only reason anyone starves today is because we can't get the food to them.   That is the problem we should solve.


Paul Ehrlich got it all started in the late 60s with his doomsday predictions about over population:

1969: “By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth’s population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people” and “By 1980 the United States would see life expectancy drop to 42 years because of pesticides, and by 1999 its population would plummet to 22.6 million”.

1970: “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish” and “Sometime in the next 15 years, the end will come. And by the end I mean an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity”.

1971: “By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people. If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.”


He of course was wrong about everything he said and so were all the doomsayers who copied him afterward.   The funny thing is that Ehrlich is still at it and pretending he was right all along.


Here is where we are today thanks to human innovation:

World grains production will break records again this year. Although usage also is expected to rise, ending stocks will be higher and export availabilities will be ample.




More claims of knowing what will happen.   Naturally it's bad.   The claim has always been "things will get worse"....and yet the OPPOSITE happened.    Things have improved in almost every way over the years but that never stops doomsayers.

I bought up Youtube as an example of something that happens that no one can predict.  I did not go any further and offer up a prediction.   Innovation always makes predictions impossible.


One example no one predicted was the cell phone.   Phone companies used to charge customers for "long distance".  ...Long after there was no need to do that.   That created a market for something like the cell phone and now the old phone companies are hurting.   Amazon can do what they want but there will be market consequences if they try to exploit customers.   Someone else will fill a need if they create one.   Ebay is already a great alternative to Amazon for me.   I never shop with Amazon.

According to you.   Naturally the movies you like are "more important".

It's "larger implications" when it's movies you like...naturally.

More doomsday predictions.   Based on the idea that Disney would spend 60 billion to shut down movies.


If we want to talk about jobs, how about those end credits for Marvel movies?   A lot more people get work on them than Fox employed for Deadpool or Logan.   So "jobs" are only "important" when it's convenient?   


I know this is slightly off topic, but if you're taking up a stance of climate change denier, there's not much left to go on.


Sensationalist headlines, whatever they may be, are really not the best source of proof. Where do you live? I feel like it's America with the tone and attitude you are bringing to this.


Anyway, addressing your points;


This was the post above mine. Don't pull out random accusations without citing. Seems to have no relation to your point.

On 12/7/2017 at 6:02 PM, Caladbolg said:

Great for Star Wars and Marvel reunification. Thought it will be interesting to see how Disney handles stuff like The Simpsons and Family Guy. They should use the 20th century label in a way they use to do with Touchstone 


The next post you bring up is true. Disney focus on G/PG/PG-13 movies. Your reduction to "people think Disney are paying $60b to take Fox out" is hyperbolic and doomsday itself.


The next bit, you seem to be showing your hand as a true blue capitalist. Or true red capitalist. The one thing you guys get wrong all the time, and yes, I am reducing you into a group now, is that you're arrogant with your beliefs. I would also include ignorant and lacking in empathy amongst other descriptors. You can tell with your words and assumptions.


Anyway, your comparison is terrible. AIDS was an unknown disease. This is a merger between two companies. Mergers happen constantly. Many industries have become less and less competitive over the years, including the movie business. I highly doubt this ingenuity you speak of. Unless you mean, complex financial deals that sell worthless junk to undereducated people. Since, you know, the markets and all you keep referring to.


Your sources are ones you have evidently cherry-picked. Sounding more and more like a cardboard cutout figure. When you take off your privilege, give the conversation another go if you can.


"Things have improved" cries the capitalist. Why do you fit the caricature to a tee? What is it you are referring to that has improved? An improvement in an overall downward trend amounts to fuck all. I'm not doom-mongering or all-knowing, it's obvious. Only certain types of people cover their ears and shout everything's gonna be okay. Nothing bad is ever attributed to unfettered capitalism. Did you mention religion? Your group is more "religious" than you think.


And finally, back to X-Men and superheroes, which coincidentally also seem to be favourites amongst your group. It's all quite a sad little fit. Anyway, you accuse me of movies I like being more important, what movies are you referring to? It's bad for the industry. Yes, it's bad for movies because it reduces diversity. I have not aligned myself with anything that you accuse me of liking. Not that, after reading your entire post, am I expected to believe you are able to comprehend. When comic book fanboys are called out, they resort to illogical statements. Good job, you are exactly what they prescribed.



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28 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I’m pretty sure that Disney will either sell Blue Sky or fold it into DisneyToon (depending on how well Ferdinand does).


Folding it into Disneytoon makes a lot of sense, since it would make Disneytoon much better.

Edited by Walt Disney
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10 minutes ago, Walt Disney said:


Folding it into Disneytoon makes a lot of sense, since it would make Disneytoon much better.


DisneyToon is based in California whilst Blue Sky is Connecticut. Blue Sky films also often cost double of what DisneyToon spends. It’s getting either shut down or sold imo.

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21 hours ago, dudalb said:

Please do not talk about politics. You don't know what the hell you are talking about.

That’s funny, this is the way you address someone who disagrees with you. Actually you sound like this post you made applies directly to you.


Got a lot of European posters here? Is that why it reeks of socialism and anti-capitalist ideas? The above long post is a good example. The guy gives some great points and is then spouted with laughable bullshit courtesy of someone trying to act like “those evil capitalists are at it again.” Hahaha yeah ok! I would love to know about any other system that has created more opportunity and led to more innovation. Oh wait, see, I am educated and actually listened to history and economics so no I don’t need to ask that because there isn’t one. 

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11 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

That’s funny, this is the way you address someone who disagrees with you. Actually you sound like this post you made applies directly to you.


Got a lot of European posters here? Is that why it reeks of socialism and anti-capitalist ideas? The above long post is a good example. The guy gives some great points and is then spouted with laughable bullshit courtesy of someone trying to act like “those evil capitalists are at it again.” Hahaha yeah ok! I would love to know about any other system that has created more opportunity and led to more innovation. Oh wait, see, I am educated and actually listened to history and economics so no I don’t need to ask that because there isn’t one. 

Why is it that generally people who preach this are the same ones who have no qualms about taking other people’s healthcare away? 

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46 minutes ago, AJG said:


DisneyToon is based in California whilst Blue Sky is Connecticut. Blue Sky films also often cost double of what DisneyToon spends. It’s getting either shut down or sold imo.

Both the Cars and Tinkerbell franchises are dead and Disney could go for more spinoffs and sequels. Also allows films like Pigeon Impossible and Nimona to get made.

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Am I the only one who wonders what is so hard about taking politics to the politics thread? Look, I love discussing politics, I think I've had more posts in the politics thread than elsewhere in the past year (admittedly still not a lot). But I know a lot of people would really rather have a focused discussion on the topic at hand, myself included.


There's no need to bring any of the political stuff up. You can rebut or refute someone else's arguments of the merits or faults of the Disney-Fox deal without making disparaging remarks about what you believe their general political opinions to be.

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2 minutes ago, tribefan695 said:

Blue Sky's real estate is pretty valuable. They get tax breaks for the state they're based in they're as close as you can get to New York City while still in Connecticut. It may be downsized but I don't think it'll get shut down.


It could get sold. Both Paramount and Sony want to increase Animation right?

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21 minutes ago, Jason said:

Am I the only one who wonders what is so hard about taking politics to the politics thread? Look, I love discussing politics, I think I've had more posts in the politics thread than elsewhere in the past year (admittedly still not a lot). But I know a lot of people would really rather have a focused discussion on the topic at hand, myself included.


There's no need to bring any of the political stuff up. You can rebut or refute someone else's arguments of the merits or faults of the Disney-Fox deal without making disparaging remarks about what you believe their general political opinions to be.

I agree with this. I go here to escape political talk. I cant stand people constantly needing to mention Trump in every thread. All of that talk should be in the politics thread. 

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So John Campea seems to think Marvel gets the rights back to X-men and FF no matter what happens.


1-Fox sells to Disney...rights go back to Marvel

2-Fox sells to someone else....rights go back to Marvel.


If that's true then I don't really care who buys Fox's assets.


Would be interesting to see the reactions if Fox didn't sell to Disney and Marvel still got the rights back.   Agendas would be revealed methinks.

19 hours ago, AJG said:


5 hours ago, Krissykins said:

No one is interested in Fantastic Four.

Thanks to Fox.


We live in a world where Starlord, Gamora, Groot, Rocket, and Drax are a bigger deal than the FF.    Thanks to Marvel Studios knowing what they are doing and Fox not knowing what they are doing.


Oh...and also Ant-Man, Dr Strange, and soon to be Black Panther.


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8 hours ago, Harpospoke said:

Thanks to Fox.


We live in a world where Starlord, Gamora, Groot, Rocket, and Drax are a bigger deal than the FF.    Thanks to Marvel Studios knowing what they are doing and Fox not knowing what they are doing.


Oh...and also Ant-Man, Dr Strange, and soon to be Black Panther.

Going in line with the argument that getting some properties is a bit irrelevant no ? Do they really need any properties at all to make those movie ? I feel like they could just come up with new stuff by now and be able to make it work anyway, the success is not base at all on how known those properties are, as long that they are MCU release it seem like.

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