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Fox's record with X-men has been very hit and miss.


I'm not exactly losing sleep that the Apocalypse cast will be rebooted or New Mutants might lose the forced and very narrow horror theme.


As long as they let Deadpool stays the same I highly anticipate how Marvel Studios will handle the source material for X-men/X-Force/New Mutants/etc.

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If this deal ends up going through, and with Disney launching its own exclusive streaming service...will the Netflix productions (Defenders and all the indivial series) become the new X-Men? In terms of lacking support through new comic series and merchandise, simply because Disney doesn't get all the money from them.

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4 minutes ago, The47th said:

If this deal ends up going through, and with Disney launching its own exclusive streaming service...will the Netflix productions (Defenders and all the indivial series) become the new X-Men? In terms of lacking support through new comic series and merchandise, simply because Disney doesn't get all the money from them.


Doubt it. Unlike Xmen, Disney own those shows and those characters. Studios produce shows and merchandise for shows that don’t broadcast on their related network all the time, so this here is nothing new.

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On 12/7/2017 at 8:30 AM, BK007 said:



Why do people keep bringing up ridiculous comparisons?


Just because there are other industries that are worse, does not mean that this industry is doing fine.


The trend is bad, and that's the focus.


If Disney bought over DC, do you think the same number of superhero movies would be made every year?


Disney has cut their slate considerably. Fact. Their slate is pretty much only brands. Fact. This was Iger's plan. Fact.


Where do you think the new financing for Fox movies is going to come from?


And, lest you be ignorant, Disney has ignored its back catalogue on home video for years. Only the same few animated classics get rereleased again and again, whilst others are released with shoddy transfers or not at all. Let's not talk about anyone who was fans of their live action work or anything from Hollywood Pictures etc.


Maybe, they make different decisions, but based on their outlook, the industry trend and their own admitted focus, it's more realistic to see the downfalls than these diversionary non-arguments that people keep bringing up.


On 12/7/2017 at 8:43 AM, BK007 said:


No one is even remotely suggesting they are taking over Fox to close it. What an inaccurate dismissal.


Once again, comparisons are way off. Did anyone understand AIDS back then? Climate change is going out of control, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean the process can suddenly be reversed once it passes breaking point. There are millions in poverty and are starving. It's not yet the end, so don't conclude just yet.


Once again, no one is saying that ingenious movies can't happen. However, it's going to be even harder. As, is what happens when corporations are allowed to get bigger and bigger. I would like to blame all of this on the Western world's pandering to them during the Reagan era and we are suffering the consequences, and it will get worse yet. Money corrupts all, but obviously politicians are first and without backbone in much of the Congress. Pity. Look at DAJK's post on Star Wars/Disney, and tell me that nothing will happen.


You bring up YouTube, but as YouTube has got bigger, it too has started censoring, starving content creators of funds, all kinds of dictatorial shit. There are hints of where a company is heading. Look at Amazon and home video pricing. They used to be a leader, now after years of having the best deals, they only price match. Once the competition is out, they get to do whatever they want.


There are more important things than the X-Men. Fact. Just because someone cares more about superheroes doesn't actually mean that those are the most important actual consequences.


Fox shouldn't be sold, but if they are too, then, yes Disney is one of the worst places it could go. It's not an agenda, it's based on people observing the trends and history moreso than those who are just drinking the Kool-Aid. It's not great that the only movies some people care about are superheroes and brands, but fine, that's the choices they have made. However, a lot more potential exists outside this narrow corridor. Disney's past shows and even future shows no signs that it supports the same kind of ethos as Fox.




Great post.


On 12/7/2017 at 10:39 AM, Fullbuster said:

I love Disney, I'm fine about them getting more franchises, I know I'll have quality products with them at the helm. But I hope they won't go too far after that because competition is needed.


I'd like them to invest in videogames by creating studios and becoming one of the biggest third parties, I want to see ambitious games featuring Disney properties. For now we only have Kingdom Hearts doing that.


Disney ain't touching video-games like that ever again, mark my words. They couldn't give a shit about it, not enough money to be made for them.


On 12/7/2017 at 4:41 PM, Barnack said:

If I remember correctly Pixar was 7.4 billion, Marvel and Star wars 4 billion.


I would tend to agree that planet of the apes, simpsons, Fan4, X-mens, etc... adaptation rights + libraries are probably not the main factor for that price.


A Fox property like Star india has 650! million clients and could be worth 15billion alone, the IP people talk about could be less than 6% of that deal value.


They are buying around 75-80% of a company that make around 30b a year in revenues with media assets all over the worlds often with much better margins than movies, a big movie make 500-700m in revenues one time.


11 hours ago, BXT said:

According to a WSJ report , Disney will fold Fox into their main studio and it will function similar to Lucasfilms and Marvel so they will be making maybe 3-4 movies per year for Disney if it pans out. That's a sucky situation because not only will it kill Fox, it will hurt studios like Sony and Paramount who will now have to face even more $200 million Disney movies. Hopefully a few studios will still stick to some mid-range movies.


Yup. It's so fucking obvious where this is all heading to right now but people will continue to stick their heads in the sand, won't they? If you guys think Disney will suddenly change its release schedule and strategy completely just to let Fox continue releasing as many movies as they have been for the past years, think again. We'll see a drastic reduction in the number of movies coming out from them, it seems pretty obvious to me.


Their movie studios aren't even the main focus of this deal, it's just the cherry on the top.



Happy to be proven wrong though.

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(Not the franchise war thread)


As someone who gets into pointless arguments about CBMs, can this stop please? Time and a place. If you really want to bitch about someone's opinion on a Franchise, go move over to the proper thread and keep bitching there.


Has anything been said in the past few pages about the buyout at all?

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4 hours ago, Arlborn said:

Disney ain't touching video-games like that ever again, mark my words. They couldn't give a shit about it, not enough money to be made for them.

Disney failed so many time in video games in the past and they just recently bought one of the most legendary video games studios in Lucas Art and closed it.


Licensing their franchise to other video game studio will probably be what they continue to do for a good while, the AAA size of those title they want to have make it hard to do them with a new studio.

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4 hours ago, grey ghost said:

Fox's record with X-men has been very hit and miss.


I'm not exactly losing sleep that the Apocalypse cast will be rebooted or New Mutants might lose the forced and very narrow horror theme.


As long as they let Deadpool stays the same I highly anticipate how Marvel Studios will handle the source material for X-men/X-Force/New Mutants/etc.

I agree entirely.  Some good stuff but also some horrible movies in there.  And I'm with you on Deadpool, I hope that gets left alone although I want the rest of the characters incorporated in the MCU. I would definitely anticipate Disney and Marvel leaving Deadpool alone as well since the first movie was such a huge success and the 2nd one almost assuredly will be as well.  Plus, Deadpool frankly works best on his own.  The breaking the 4th wall stuff and the tone for Deadpool just works best if you aren't trying to incorporate him as part of a larger universe.

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12 hours ago, Barnack said:

That almost impossible to make it look like he gonna bite, specially when it is the hero and has sequels announced, do anyone in the audience really though even for the smallest second they're was a 0.0001% chance AntMan would die when he went sub atomic or Dr Strange would die ?

Just like 99% of all movies ever.   This "rooting for heroes to die" thing is brand new.

12 hours ago, Darth Suburious said:

No Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, planet of the Apes, all of these movie have tension. They can build suspension No one those sences you mentioned work in their movies. 

Leave out Star Wars.   Every time it tries to build tension, Han Solo, CP30, or R2D2 will make a joke and ruin it. 


That's why Star Wars is forgotten today.   Pretty much impossible to watch that movie and take it serious.   Harrison Ford's character did it again in Raiders of the Lost Ark.   That guy sucks.

6 hours ago, grey ghost said:

Fox was going to sell anyway. 


Disney simply took their offer before someone bigger did.


It's almost like, you have a grudge. 

Yeah this is about Disney.    Almost no one ever mentions that Fox is selling.   It's "Disney is buying everything!"    And Comcast might as well not be a part of it because no one is interested in them either.    If Fox were selling to Comcast the story would suddenly become unimportant.

5 hours ago, Hades said:

I am going to watch the remaining FOX Marvel film yet to be release multiple times in the cinema. I have to appreciate the moment and variety before everything becomes all samey. Save us Department of Justice. You are our only hope now 

That sounds like making an effort to drink as much water as possible out of a stagnant pond before getting clean drinking water from indoor plumbing.

4 hours ago, Arlborn said:

Yup. It's so fucking obvious where this is all heading to right now but people will continue to stick their heads in the sand, won't they? If you guys think Disney will suddenly change its release schedule and strategy completely just to let Fox continue releasing as many movies as they have been for the past years, think again. We'll see a drastic reduction in the number of movies coming out from them, it seems pretty obvious to me.


Their movie studios aren't even the main focus of this deal, it's just the cherry on the top.



Happy to be proven wrong though.

Doom!   We are doomed!


Or is it now somehow "political" to point out that most of these doomsday predictions don't come true?


When this one doesn't come true it will just be forgotten like all the other ones.  (which of course frees up the doomsayers to make brand new doomsday predictions)

20 minutes ago, ReyReyBattery said:



For real, this isn't the thread to discuss the quality of Marvel movies and their tones and what-not. This is the thread to discuss the Fox/Disney deal. Take that stuff to the relevant threads please.

Honest question:   Isn't it relevant to this thread to discuss the possible changes to the Fox CBMs under Marvel?


I say that as someone who rolls their eyes at the idea that Fox was somehow doing a great job.

8 minutes ago, SoSaysI said:

I agree entirely.  Some good stuff but also some horrible movies in there.  And I'm with you on Deadpool, I hope that gets left alone although I want the rest of the characters incorporated in the MCU. I would definitely anticipate Disney and Marvel leaving Deadpool alone as well since the first movie was such a huge success and the 2nd one almost assuredly will be as well.  Plus, Deadpool frankly works best on his own.  The breaking the 4th wall stuff and the tone for Deadpool just works best if you aren't trying to incorporate him as part of a larger universe.

The Deadpool example is a bad one in my mind because it was good because Fox stayed out of it.    We all saw the DP Fox came up with:




Now that DP was such a huge hit, let's see how DP2 goes with Fox being more interested before we anoint them as some kind of visionary studio.


Fox is in a good spot here.   If Disney buys them, it looks like history will be rewritten to erase all their epic fails in past.    They will start to become deified.

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Disney is not trying to become a monopoly lol. They're just trying to stay relevant, everyone knows that the industry is changing and that streaming will become the main platform (just like it happened in the music industry). 


They need to take advantage of Netflix lack of movie success so they don't end up like Apple losing to Spotify (on music revenue, obviously)


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37 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:

Just like 99% of all movies ever.   This "rooting for heroes to die" thing is brand new.

13 hours ago, Darth Suburious said:

That why the stake often need to be something else we always know the heroes will succeed and survive.

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On 12/7/2017 at 3:41 PM, Warmaster506 said:

Will Disney have Avatar and Star Wars alternate years or be real assholes and release both in the same?




On 12/7/2017 at 5:41 PM, AJG said:


Do it the same year just to savages. Bully other studios into submission.

"Doctor @IronJimbo or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mouse"

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55 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:


Honest question:   Isn't it relevant to this thread to discuss the possible changes to the Fox CBMs under Marvel?


I say that as someone who rolls their eyes at the idea that Fox was somehow doing a great job.


To a degree, but people aren't discussing changes to the Fox CBM's, they're just discussing their opinions on the quality of the current MCU films under Disney. 


Pretty much all of that discussion is better kept to the Franchise Wars thread. 

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