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Blade Runner 2049








Denis Villenueve delivered a worthy sequel to one of the best sci-fi movies of all time. The movie was very imaginative and created a great mood throughout. A really good performance by Gosling and an extended cameo by a Harrison Ford who appeared to be trying at the very least anchored the movie. Any other year and this would have probably been #1.


User Reviews:


It's very good. Dug the Pinocchio route the went with for the story. Really made it feel like it's own thing rather than just a sequel. Also glad they stuck with the ambiguity on Deckard being/not being a replicant. I was a little concerned about the runtime going in but honestly can't think of anything I would of taken out. Might have been a bit tighter with some stuff cut, but I really loved spending time in the Blade Runner world again. Honestly, they could have had it run for like five hours and I'd probably still be happy. Real good stuff.


I only wish they could have got Vangelis back for this; the score was by far the most disappointing thing for me.


Also Deakins diddydatazz2.png


PS. I felt bad for that naked girl that Leto kept rubbing his hands all over. I'd definitely be questioning my career choices at that point.



Wow! Even with the level of hype and critical acclaim having ascended as high as they have, I did not expect to be this taken with Blade Runner 2049. In virtually every respect, it's exactly the sequel Blade Runner deserves: it deepens the mythology and development of the original film's universe while also paying homage to many memorable details; it calls on audiences to ponder many of the original's intriguing questions about human nature while introducing new and equally intriguing questions; and it captures much of the cool, mysterious feel of the original while taking several bold chances as it advances the story in new directions. Whereas the original Blade Runner was a dense film that packed a great deal of material into its two-hour frame, this one uses its near-three-hour running time to its advantage, allowing every plot thread proper room to breathe while also never feeling bloated. Director Denis Villeneuve does an excellent job of representing an expanded vision of Ridley Scott's original landscape (assisted in large part by characteristically outstanding work from Roger Deakins and some eye-popping visual effects) and gets terrifically grounded work out of everyone in the cast. Ryan Gosling eases comfortably into the action hero role and lends K's existential angst some real weight, and his chemistry with Ana de Armas feels reminiscent of the best qualities of the romance in Her while still taking a sufficiently singular direction to fit within its own universe. Sylvia Hoeks is also terrific as the icy henchwoman, and even Jared Leto - a known wild card who can fly off the rails without proper direction - is notably eerie in his few scenes. Harrison Ford's reprisal of Deckard - much like his work as Han Solo in The Force Awakens - also carries enough weight to work as far more than a gimmicky nod to the previous film; as in Force Awakens, he allows the passage of time to inform a more chiseled characterization whose resolution has a big payoff. As much as I enjoy the original Blade Runner and recognize the high perch it rests on in the history of science-fiction filmmaking, I dare say I may have liked this sequel just a bit better.





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