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Jurassic World: Dominion | June 10 2022 | 6th Most Profitable Movie of 2023

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3 hours ago, AJG said:

I'm watching Fallen Kingdom and I'm struggling to understand the benefit of a Dino that can kill a man once its owner aims their gun at them, turns on a light attached to the gun, and then presses another button on the gun... why not just shoot the gun?

The only way I can justify it, is that laser guns don't rely on munition. Still kinda a dumb idea though.

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3 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

And you just increased my hopes up.


But then i don't realise why some people are saying less focus on dinosaurs or similar stuff.


Haven't seen the movie yet, but I pretty much know it beginning to end, without even mentioning spoilers, the entire subplot that leads the characters together also leads them into once again interacting heavily with dinosaurs. There is actually a lot of dinosaurs and dinosaur action in the movie. Even with said subplot which I won't bring up, it's primarily a dinosaur movie.


The possible explanation why some people are saying its boring is that the dinsoaurs are pretty much fully digital. And there seems to be a thing going with CG-focused action films like Jurassic Park/World, MCU and Transformers, where people get bored by constant CGI-heavy action.

Edited by Yandereprime101189
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I have just seen Dominion... and I really didn't like it. Found it unnecessarily long and I was bored during most of the movie.

There are some cool dino stuff from time to time, but most of the movie is lines and lines of exposition, presented on the least interesting way.

The new characters act straight like cartoons and the old ones have little to no chemistry.




It's my second least favorite movie of the year, only beaten (barely) by Fantastic Beasts 3.

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4 minutes ago, Grebacio said:

I have just seen Dominion... and I really didn't like it. Found it unnecessarily long and I was bored during most of the movie.

There are some cool dino stuff from time to time, but most of the movie is lines and lines of exposition, presented on the least interesting way.

The new characters act straight like cartoons and the old ones have little to no chemistry.




It's my second least favorite movie of the year, only beaten (barely) by Fantastic Beasts 3.


Does it actually feel like "the end of the jurassic era" or does it seem more like "it just ends" like some others have said.


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7 minutes ago, motionpic05 said:


Does it actually feel like "the end of the jurassic era" or does it seem more like "it just ends" like some others have said.


Kinda neither. It definitely feels like AN EVENT but it leaves things pretty open ended. It does feel like a love letter to the era, idk about conclusion.

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3 hours ago, AJG said:

I'm watching Fallen Kingdom and I'm struggling to understand the benefit of a Dino that can kill a man once its owner aims their gun at them, turns on a light attached to the gun, and then presses another button on the gun... why not just shoot the gun?

Your first mistake was looking for logic in Fallen Kingdom. That entire movie felt like it could have used a few more script passes - the ideas are good, the actual execution is awful. It really does not help that we spend half the movie in a single house which seems to be both huge and miniscule at the same time.

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8 hours ago, AJG said:

I'm watching Fallen Kingdom and I'm struggling to understand the benefit of a Dino that can kill a man once its owner aims their gun at them, turns on a light attached to the gun, and then presses another button on the gun... why not just shoot the gun?


The longer one considers the "dinosaurs are wanted by the military" angle they've been pushing since the second film, the funnier it gets. This was just the coup de grace.


Its considering the practicalities that's just amazing......your military has to spend salaries on animal handlers, cleaners, vets and trainers for years. Housing, food and electrics for years. Make the incredibly complicated transportation of a highly dangerous animal all the way to a combat zone, feeding it and cleaning it all the way and trusting that keeping it in a minuscule cage for its size won't have an impact on its capacity, wellbeing and aggression (it will). Billions and billions of dollars and logistics into this operation.


And finally there it is in the combat zone, all the handlers, the maintenance crew and trainers are there with you. It's time for your secret sniping operation so you bring them all. Finally it's in sight. You have your gun, you locate the target, you don't shoot the target for whatever reason and instead choose to launch the dinosaur. AND THERE IT GOES. All that money, all that time, all that energy. One kill. One kill that you could have made anyway. 


Oh, and now there's a dangerous wild dinosaur in the combat zone. Along, presumably with all the other dangerous wild dinosaurs your friends were using.




And to join in the rest of the discussion....yeah, the first one and the first half of the second were the scope of the series as a worthwhile entity. I'm not one for the revisionism that say the first JW was good. It wasn't. The realisation of the park was nice, and it had a good relationship to the first movies, but that's the extent of the positives. 


There's a difference between "sure, this is just a big dumb fun movie, it has license to be silly" and "This literally might as well have been set in Narnia" and the JW films have been in the second category from the start.


One element that to me just summed up the laziness that hasn't been commented upon is the motivation of the villain in the second film......It is established he controls the finances of the literal richest man in the world, and yet his motivation is MONEY????? And money that's 'just' in the millions as at the auction. Nitpicking perhaps but JEEEEEZ that's just shoddy, lazy writing of the highest order.

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5 hours ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

The possible explanation why some people are saying its boring is that the dinsoaurs are pretty much fully digital. And there seems to be a thing going with CG-focused action films like Jurassic Park/World, MCU and Transformers, where people get bored by constant CGI-heavy action.


I'd proffer that the reason some find it boring might well be that having turned the dinosaurs from actual-animals into just-monsters two films ago they're reaping what they've sown.


Now that it takes place in the real world the fact they're now just monsters is probably far more evident that when it was still in the jungles of Costa Rican islands. And it means that the film doesn't functionally have its USP since it's basically no different from a Godzilla/alien invasion/zombie movie because it's just monsters.

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13 hours ago, Noctis said:

Jurassic World is easily the second best in the franchise

For me it was the worst one till FK. First JP is still amazing, TLW is acceptable, the rest is just bad (JP > TLW > JPIII > JW > JW:FK for me), I wouldn't be surprise if Dominion is even worse than FK.

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6 hours ago, Grebacio said:

The only way I can justify it, is that laser guns don't rely on munition. Still kinda a dumb idea though.

not really. It covers all bases in that the dinosaur attacks in a relative direction. 
If you were approaching an enemy hideout and they didn’t know you were coming, and you wanted to set a raptor off in their direction - well a gunshot wouldn’t be the best idea. Best it emit a sound only the raptor can hear as the trigger. 

hilarious we’re all getting into this as a flaw when this was the film that had Claire and Owen trading quips as she rodoed on the T-Rex’s head.  🤪

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17 hours ago, Avatree said:

dinosaurs are the attraction for the audience but since they can never be characters, they are effectively part of the film's backdrop, the same as a disaster film. there are no successful disaster films that have justified a successful francise. zero.

the audience come to see a disaster film where the disaster is [asteroid] [volcano] [flood] [plague] [dinosaurs]. it's not like a monster movie where the monster (godzilla / king kong) can be a character that changes and has a story. after you've done it once, it just doesn't really justify itself a second, third, sixth time.




They should have left it with this one.

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42 minutes ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:

I see it in 3 1/2 hours from now. All i expect is to have fun and to like it.


25 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

hyped for your reaction more than any review tbh.  Hope you have a great time. 

As long as @Brainbug the Dinosaur likes it I don’t really care what else happens. 

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20 hours ago, Brainbug the Dinosaur said:



I will be bringing 3 friends with me, possibly four, to see JWD this Saturday. That is the most I can do pal, initially was planning for IMAX but after the review, let’s settle it with standard.

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