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Weekend Actuals (Page 92): Ant-Man and the Wasp 75.8M (#CRUMBLING EVEN MORE) | Jurassic World 28.6M | Incredibles 2 28.4M | The First Purge 17.4M

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37 minutes ago, Quake said:

Wonder Woman or The Dark Knight didn’t get an Oscar nomination for best picture. Why would this. Its a fairly straight forward superhero movie. Those 2 Movies are far superior.

Simple. The Dark Knight or Wonder Woman did not get the amount of rave reviews black panther got. Black panther has an 88 Universal acclaim rating on Metacritic and a 97 on Rotten Tomatoes with a hundred top credit critics score.  These are oscar level ratings. It's the best reviewed superhero movie on Metacritic and I believe also on Rotten Tomatoes. Also both of those movies didn't gross 700 million dollars.  black panther got oscar-worthy reviews and became such a phenomenon and that is going to be hard for not to pushing it for Oscars. 

Edited by Curtis1986
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3 minutes ago, Curtis1986 said:

Simple. The Dark Knight or Wonder Woman did not get the amount of rave reviews black panther got. It's the best reviewed superhero movie on Metacritic and I believe also on Rotten Tomatoes. Also both of those movies didn't gross 700 million dollars.  black panther got oscar-worthy reviews and became such a phenomenon and that is going to be hard for using not to push it for Oscars.

TDK is pretty close to BP adjusted and critically -- but it would have gotten a nom if it was 10 instead of 5 back then, so that might be more a point in favor than against.

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Just now, Thanos Legion said:

TDK is pretty close to BP adjusted and critically -- but it would have gotten a nom if it was 10 instead of 5 back then, so that might be more a point in favor than against.

Maybe.  The thought of the 10 film expansion was to include big box office genre films like TDK but that hasn't worked out in the last decade -  even if they have to just nominate 8 or 9 to avoid doing so. 

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5 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Maybe.  The thought of the 10 film expansion was to include big box office genre films like TDK but that hasn't worked out in the last decade -  even if they have to just nominate 8 or 9 to avoid doing so. 

It did work out for a while (the 2010 and 2012 line-ups were mostly anchored by big hits) but in recent years the most acclaimed/awards-friendly films have been largely relegated to the indie world (only three of last year's Best Picture nominees were from major studios while the rest were from arthouse divisions).

Edited by filmlover
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I'm very amused by the "who has better female comics characters - Marvel or DC" argument b/c it's an unanswerable one:).  They BOTH have awesome female characters in their universes.  Right now, as a comics reader, my favorite female Marvel superhero is Squirrel Girl (prior to last issue, they had the best team working on this comic and it was so modern, yet so timeless and "not trying to hard"...not to mention, funny and smart:)...and my favorite female DC superhero is Catwoman (but this changes b/c I'm reading more DC than Marvel right now, but I'm really enjoying her plotline:)...


So, you can like both lines:)...I think Marvel will do a good job with Captain Marvel, just like I thought DC hit it out of the park with Wonder Woman:)...it's okay to cheerlead all of them (and the male supers, too...please, please DC, make me a Nightwing vs Deathstroke movie:)!

Edited by TwoMisfits
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I personally think captain marvel will outgross ww1 cause of how big marvel is now, especially overseas, and I beleieve it’s going to have a huge hook leading into the next avengers movie. But I also think ww2 could outgross captain marvel later that year depending on how good it is. 


In the end the box office means nothing to me as I see none of the money(I should clarify, it’s still fun to follow lol). As long as the movies continue to be well received and they make more of them that’s all I care about. 

Edited by cax16
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When deciding if a movie is profitable, studio’s shouldn’t (and likely don’t) just look at if they made more revenue than cost.


They likely look to see how it did relative to some of their other movies.  Marvel for example may see BP, Ragnarok, and GOTG2 did really well, while AMATW did fine.  They may then choose to invest in a new IP or extend Ragnarok instead of make another Ant-Man movie.  As profits for a firm aren’t just making more revenue than costs, as if there was something more profitable they could have invested their money in, then you’d consider it a loss and should switch strategies.

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The thing is just because the Oscars can nominate ten films, doesn’t mean they will. It’s all about how many first place votes a film gets. If a movie doesn’t get any/enough then they’re out. So the question is how many folks are going to have Black Panther as their number one film by the end of the voting calendar. 


I kinda wish they’d go back to the original format to be honest considering they don’t ever include the big films anymore, despite some of them actually being worthy, and instead just nominate an additional 3-4 indies that wouldnt ever be considered if it was limited to 5 films. 


But what’s odd to me is that decades ago, a lot of big blockbusters would get nominated for best picture. If those films were released today, the thought of them getting a nomination would be laughed at. 

Edited by Nova
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3 minutes ago, StevenG said:

LOL So this andersonhoran person went from "Gadot cannot act" to "Wonder Woman is a shitty character" in trhee seconds flat. Is that obsessive attitude due to AMATW underwheliming OW? Jeez

A good person to add to the ever growing ignore list. 

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1 hour ago, andersonhoran said:

Those who attack Captain Marvel are not fans, but trolls or sexists.
And Wonder Woman is a dated, generic and cliche character, she being all these years in the media doesn't mean anything, because any character gets known through the media. 
There are several other characters better than her. Like I said Marvel has all the X-Women: Jean Grey,Storm,Rogue,Emma Frost,Kitty Pryde,Psylocke...Black Widow,Wasp,Captain Marvel,Ms Marvel,Thor/Jane Foster(who was nominated the most influential character in the comics of the decade and has one of the most acclaimed and award-winning comic of the decade),Invisible Woman,Spider-Woman,Gamora,Scarlet Witch,Valkyrie,Medusa,Jessica Jones,Elektra,She Hulk,Kate Bishop,..all strong,independet,iconic female characters,and all of them reunited in A-Force.

These DC characters you mentioned are just female versions of the male characters,the others are who,and...Harley Quinn, a sexualized character who lives in an abusive relationship, oh let's not forget that DC has already been accused of sexism several times and caused the movement ' 'Women in Refrigerators'.

For the LGBT characters Marvel has Mystique,Loki,Iceman,Wiccan,Hulkling,America Chavez,Northstar,Shatterstar,Daken,Karolina Dean all more iconic than those you mentioned. 

Marvel also has the most iconic black characters: Black Panther,Storm,Luke Cage,Blade,Bishop,Misty Knight,Falcon,Monica Rambeau.

You're being a total hypocrite. You say fans that criticize Captain Marvel are just sexist? Well aren't you also sexist for what you're saying about the likes of Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn? Aren't you sexist for completely dismissing the female counterparts of male superheroes, many of whom are strong, independent and sucessful in their own right!?


Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Hawkgirl, Raven, Starfire, Bumblebee, Vixen, Zatanna, Jessica Cruz, Katana, Black Canary, Huntress, Mera, Amanda Waller, Fire, Ice, Cheetah, Killer Frost, Enchantress, Ms Martian, Terra, Renee Montoya, Cassandra Cain, Spoiler....etc I can keep going...


Also get back to me when A-Force or X-Women lasts half as long as Birds of Prey and Gotham Girls did! Get back to me when Marvel women are leading a billion dollar franchise all on their own (with merchandise, shorts, animated series, movies, graphic novels, legos..etc), or when any of the Marvel women catch up to Wonder Woman/Supergirl/Catwoman/Lois Lane in solo issues... I'll wait. There's a reason Marvel was known as a boys club for a long time.


As for LGBT: Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are the most iconic LGBT couple. And get back to me when any of those LGBT Marvel characters have led a series as long as the likes of Constantine or Batwoman have. Hell Midnighter and Apollo have led more stuff than those characters you've mentioned.


As for Black characters, notice in my original post how i ommited them (only mentioned Female/LGBT/Hispanic/Asian), because Marvel indeed has the stronger roster there. Though DC is no slouch either since they have Cyborg, John Stewart, Static Shock, Bumblebee and Amanda Waller, just to name a few.


Anyway I feel like we should take this to the franchise war thread? If you wish to continue debating of course.


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36 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

I'm very amused by the "who has better female comics characters - Marvel or DC" argument b/c it's an unanswerable one:).  They BOTH have awesome female characters in their universes.  Right now, as a comics reader, my favorite female Marvel superhero is Squirrel Girl (prior to last issue, they had the best team working on this comic and it was so modern, yet so timeless and "not trying to hard"...not to mention, funny and smart:)...and my favorite female DC superhero is Catwoman (but this changes b/c I'm reading more DC than Marvel right now, but I'm really enjoying her plotline:)...


So, you can like both lines:)...I think Marvel will do a good job with Captain Marvel, just like I thought DC hit it out of the park with Wonder Woman:)...it's okay to cheerlead all of them (and the male supers, too...please, please DC, make me a Nightwing vs Deathstroke movie:)!

I like both universes myself. Love the X-Women! I just feel that DC has the stronger roster of characters, or rather they've utilized their females better than Marvel ever has. Take a look a look at outside media over the years. The DC women have always been side by side the DC men in terms of marketing, whether it's movies, animation, video games or comics. Same doesn't hold true for Marvel, unfortunately. Just my observations though. 

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15 minutes ago, Nova said:

But what’s odd to me is that decades ago, a lot of big blockbusters would get nominated for best picture. If those films were released today, the thought of them getting a nomination would be laughed at. 

Not sure I agree, non sequel/universe good blockbuster that 60 year's old can enjoy very often get in, Inception, Gravity, Martian, Dunkirk, Lincoln, The Revenant, Fury Road, Django Unchained, Life Of Pi, Wolf of Wall street, Inglorious Basterds, etc... There is just not that many of them getting made.


Which blockbuster of the past would not get in today ?


Titanic, E.T. Lords of the Rings, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, Beautiful Mind, Chicago, Few Good Man, Platoon, Green Mile, Silence of the lambs, Rain Man, Jerry Maguire, As good as it get would get in, maybe The Sixth Sense ?

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