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27 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

Stan Lee plays himself in the Kevin Smith's Mallrats.  In the cameo in Captain Marvel which is set just before the production of Mallrats Stan Lee is seen reading the script for Mallrats on the train and actually reading lines as if he was preparing for an audition.  



Nice catch 

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6 hours ago, expensiveho said:

Funny that after all the crying and whining there's nothing preachy or on the nose about feminism in the movie.


The only thing that I could think it might turn some men off is when she unleashes her powers and there's a "little girl standing up montage" ("I can do this all day" vibes) and that's a HUGE reach. It's a sweet "little girls will feel so good about this" moment, I can't really imagine what kind of person would get honestly upset about that.


And why would you start imagining things like that at all?


What made you think that normal men would have ANYthing against women? My problem is - and always has been - that a Marvel movie of Phase FOUR (effectively) is as bad or even much weaker than all Phase ONE movies. Objectively!! Even most reviews are admitting it.


So how did you feel about THAT??

Edited by shayhiri
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It's gonna be so satisfying to rewatch Iron Man later next week and then watch the post credits scene knowing how the Avengers Initiative related to Captain Marvel. 

I reckon the Tesseract is one of the most reoccurring MacGuffins we've had in a while. 

@Thanos Legion Turns out some of Shivampa's spoiler posts we saw in the Captain Marvel thread were true after all


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3 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

It's gonna be so satisfying to rewatch Iron Man later next week and then watch the post credits scene knowing how the Avengers Initiative related to Captain Marvel. 

I reckon the Tesseract is one of the most reoccurring MacGuffins we've had in a while. 

@Thanos Legion Turns out some of Shivampa's spoiler posts we saw in the Captain Marvel thread were true after all


I knew they were true when they happened, but it was important to preserve the ambiguity for everyone else.

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The Tesseract. A timeline. 


-Asgard at some point in that past hide it in Norway


-Red Scull locates it in Norway and uses it to build Hydra weapons


-Lost at the bottom of the Atlantic until it is located by Howard Stark during his search for Captain America. 


-Late 40’s to mid 80’s presumably in the possession of Howard Stark/SHIELD/US Government or some combination of the 3. 


-Finds it’s way to Mar-Vell who uses it in her research on Light Speed Travel. Accident creates Captain Marvel. 


-1989-1995 On the Kree Cruiser in Earth   orbit. 


-1995-Located by Captain Marvel et al, eaten by Goose, regurgitated by Goose on Fury’s desk. 


-In the possession of SHIELD until stolen by Loki and used to create the portal above New York. 


-Returned with Thor and Loki to the vault on Asgard. 


-Taken by Loki before the destruction of Asgard. 


-Thanos takes it from Loki and it joins the other stones on his gauntlet. 


Did I miss anything?



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1 hour ago, shayhiri said:


And why would you start imagining things like that at all?


What made you think that normal men would have ANYthing against women? My problem is - and always has been - that a Marvel movie of Phase FOUR (effectively) is as bad or even much weaker than all Phase ONE movies. Objectively!! Even most reviews are admitting it.


So how did you feel about THAT??

Your reasoning implies that Phase 1 movies were bad, which if you wanna talk about "objectively" it isn't true.


Since they were well received commercially and critically, there's nothing that indicates that they're widely perceived as "bad" (Just because I hate IM2 it doesn't mean that it's "objectively" bad, just that I think that it's trash). Even Thor 2 (Phase 2) which has Marvel's worst reception is still on the mixed-positive range and increased nicely from Thor1 (and I'm not seeing the consensus being "this is the worst marvel movie ever" or is it?) 


Also, I was talking about that there's literally 0 reason in the actual movie for the whole "CM is anti-men" controversy in some circles. The most outrageous "feminist SJW" thing is that montage which is a standard empowerment scene which just happens to feature a woman (in the same way that we saw Captain America's "I can do this all day")


So it looks that you're arguing for the sake of it, which seems common around this movie for some reason (but SH movies come with a lot of unnecessary arguing, don't they?)

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14 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Oh also thought the score was pretty good. Wished maybe there was a more recognizable "Captain Marvel theme"

Son wasn't happy with the score neither, especially missing the recognizeable detail too.

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26 minutes ago, expensiveho said:

So it looks that you're arguing for the sake of it, which seems common around this movie for some reason (but SH movies come with a lot of unnecessary arguing, don't they?)


No, I LITERALLY only ask and care about the qualities of the movie. I do not care one bit about any made up "controversies", designed by Disney to sell more tickets. YOU are the one that keeps trying to talk about that - while avoiding the objective questions - and then trying to accuse ME of unnecessary arguing, lol.


So how good was the movie objectively? How did you like it? Is it good, average - or weak for a Marvel movie - weaker than the others, like Hulk, Cap 1, IM2 and Thor 1 are. Or even weaker than them, as many RT reviews and posts here are implying? I'm not even talking about reviews @ UNcensored places, like IMDB.

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5 minutes ago, shayhiri said:


No, I LITERALLY only ask and care about the qualities of the movie. I do not care one bit about any made up "controversies", designed by Disney to sell more tickets. YOU are the one that keeps trying to talk about that - while avoiding the objective questions - and then trying to accuse ME of unnecessary arguing, lol.


So how good was the movie objectively? How did you like it? Is it good, average - or weak for a Marvel movie - weaker than the others, like Hulk, Cap 1, IM2 and Thor 1 are. Or even weaker than them, as many reviews are implying?

For me it's about middle tier Marvel. Out of the films you listed I think it's better than all of them except Cap 1. 

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15 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Oh also thought the score was pretty good. Wished maybe there was a more recognizable "Captain Marvel theme" but it certainly wasn't as bland as alot of MCU scores can be. 

You just reminded me to check for the score digitally and it's finally been made available on itunes. I've been holding out for it so I'm glad it's finally released. I really want to listen to it in isolation since I only really noticed it at the end during the final fight, particularly when she breaks free of the tendrils and then powers up for the first time, but I really liked it there.

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Decent film. Brie was very entertaining. Mendelson more so. Very little special about the film, probably won’t rewatch. Too many MCU elements shoehorned in. Poor pacing throughout (so many things happen without buildup or payoff).


Now can someone explain to me where she gets the Captain Marvel moniker from because that’s not explained in the film. Not even close.

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Okay, having arrived from my screening, I'll just lay out a few thoughts since I'm too tired to write a full review:


I found the movie pretty entertaining, but I don't think it reaches its full potential.

The non-linearity of the plot is a neat twist to escape the origin formula, but my problem is that they don't go up a notch in the action scenes. There are already very few of them, and when you think they'll pick up the steam, they're done. The final fight is the best one, and even then it feels too short.



I like the characters quite a lot, both Carol and the supporting cast. Brie does the most with the script she's given. You can tell she's still finding her footing in the beginning, but by the end of the movie she's more comfortable in the role. Her and Fury's partnership is the best relationship of the film. 

Just wish her friendship with Maria Rambeau was more developed. Talos was suprisingly charming, I liked him a lot. 

Yon-Rogg was meh, competent and that's it. But I LOVED Anette Bening as the Supreme Intelligence. Think she would've made a better main villain for the movie.


About the big twists: One was kinda predictable, but the other was quite a surprise for someone like me who has just a basic knowledge of the comics.


Also, the exploring of her past is way too rushed. You get glimpses on the flashbacks, but IMO not enough to create the necessary sympathy for the character. You can tell they didn't want to double down in her past with fear of forcing the more feminist themes.


People argue the first act is slow, but I'd argue the second act is the slowest of the movie, do to the things I said about not developing her past in its entirety and her relationship with Maria.


Overall, it is a fine movie. Even with the unique elements, its still an origin story that is stuck in the boundaries of the larger MCU. Its clearly just making way for her in Endgame and the future of the francshise.

But even so, I think its one of the better origin stories in the MCU. If I were to rank them (just the origin movies) would be:


1. Guardians of the Galaxy

2. Captain Marvel/Doctor Strange

3. The rest


I'll agree with something I read in some reviews: Brie will probably grow with the role and turn it her own, much like Chris Evans/Hemsworth with their characters. And she'll also probably go through the same as Doctor Strange: be more liked in the team-up than in this movie. 

One of the bigger entertainment sites here in Brazil went to visit the set and the reporter told us she could see Brie Larson looked like she still hadn't grasped the escale of the role and being part of a franchise this big, and as herself admitted, she is an introvert and deals with anxiety, same as Chris Evans, so I'm sure she'll get better with time and people will warm up more to her.


People clapped at the end of my screnning. I really can't wait to see her in a group and how the Russos utilize her.


About the post-credit scene: First one everybody went wild. Second one, laughs. Nothing unusual.




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13 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Now can someone explain to me where she gets the Captain Marvel moniker from because that’s not explained in the film. Not even close.

Air-Force pilot = officer = Mar-Vell per mentor


Captain America, army = officer = ....


Disagree about the payoff...

I do not think she reached her full potential yet btw

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But I'm gonna say that Marvel REALLY screwed up with the marketing for this movie. Even in the beginning when she's still with the Kree she does show glimpses of her real character and humor. I don't know why Marvel needed to double down this "epic/badass/don't care" atittude when the reactions to the first trailer already weren't the best. If they waited a couple of weeks, added some few scenes and released that "Special Look" as the 2nd trailer, it would had hyped people up way more.


Also, Feige should've known better than to run his mouth everywhere talking about how she's "the strongest character in the MCU" if they're gonna play safe on her introduction. Classic case of show, don't tell  and if you're not gonna show, then tell nothing at all. 


Let's hope they learn from this mistake.

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