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1 minute ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

And I have no issue with that. WW was a better film than CM. A character name like that, very self explanatory. She's a woman. She accomplishes wondrous feats. 


Maybe Captain Marvel (the character) is supposed to marvel at things? As in respond with amazement and wonder? Because she didn't do that...

It's her comic name that in the comics she took from being Captain Mar-Vell ((The OG Captain Marvel's)) love interest. Of course now that's not the most empowering so they didn't include that plot point. It's not hard.

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24 minutes ago, SofNascimento said:

What you guys thought of the action scenes? I didn't care for any single one and I'm afraid I'm being too cynic and demanding. 

In my review this is the second major fault, right after the number one fault of having one of the lamest villians in MCU.

Edited by justvision
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15 minutes ago, SofNascimento said:

What you guys thought of the action scenes? I didn't care for any single one and I'm afraid I'm being too cynic and demanding. 

I thought they were fine. I felt like they peaked in the first act.

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2 minutes ago, Mulder said:

It's her comic name that in the comics she took from being Captain Mar-Vell ((The OG Captain Marvel's)) love interest. Of course now that's not the most empowering so they didn't include that plot point. It's not hard.

MCU films don't get bonus points for hinting at things in the comics without translating the elements to the screen. Find another way to adapt the plot point. They could have easily written a scene about Carol taking on the moniker to honor her mentor. Something about how Mar-Vell's technology resulted in Carol gaining her powers. But zilch. Instead we're left with a film title without a point. That won't bother most people, but it does annoy me.

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Just now, OncomingStorm93 said:

MCU films don't get bonus points for hinting at things in the comics without translating the elements to the screen. Find another way to adapt the plot point. They could have easily written a scene about Carol taking on the moniker to honor her mentor. Something about how Mar-Vell's technology resulted in Carol gaining her powers. But zilch. Instead we're left with a film title without a point. That won't bother most people, but it does annoy me.

Like most superhero movies? It's a trope for a reason-


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2 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

MCU films don't get bonus points for hinting at things in the comics without translating the elements to the screen. Find another way to adapt the plot point. They could have easily written a scene about Carol taking on the moniker to honor her mentor. Something about how Mar-Vell's technology resulted in Carol gaining her powers. But zilch. Instead we're left with a film title without a point. That won't bother most people, but it does annoy me.

Wait, wasn't that the whole point of the scene with her and Fury in the kitchen?

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24 minutes ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Now you're just making connections that aren't there.

As said, I found - now added to make it hopefully more clear - sitting then in the cinema - it funny what will happen. as in a wordplay way. I edited my reply btw, I forgot the lined out Major to add.

It is a symbol to the not stable new person. Yes, she reminds her past now, but also her persona during the Kree mind-f...

When she finds some quite moments she has to merge that, 6 years of remembered betrayal to work through too.

In the future, hence her being not at her full potential theory, not only for that reason. She isn't done.

I see what you mean, my take to it is another one. The title is the potential in a way to me. Her now unleashed powers are too new to already know what she really can do, to train herself accordingly.

We see her finding out this and that, but its like the first steps in a way.

For me its interesting, others complain about it.

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1 minute ago, Mulder said:

Like most superhero movies? It's a trope for a reason-


I'm not asking them to use code names. I'm asking for the title of the movie to make sense. You don't need to call Steve Rodgers "Captain America" in the film to understand why that is his moniker, and why that's the title of his films.


The title of this movie, "Captain Marvel", literally makes 0% sense within the context of this film. That's all I'm saying.

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1 minute ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

I'm not asking them to use code names. I'm asking for the title of the movie to make sense. You don't need to call Steve Rodgers "Captain America" in the film to understand why that is his moniker, and why that's the title of his films.


The title of this movie, "Captain Marvel", literally makes 0% sense within the context of this film. That's all I'm saying.

My dude it's not that big of a deal, her name is Captain Marvel because it sounds cool that's about it.

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15 minutes ago, terrestrial said:


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its about that the flerken/cat is a gateway to / and carries pocket dimensions within itself, and can 'relocate' itself and others in a blink of an eye in the comics



Oh yeah, I know about that. What I meant is that I don't think knowing that specific information is necessary to understand the joke in the second post-credits scene because in the movie we see Goose swallowing the Tesseract


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2 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

Wait, wasn't that the whole point of the scene with her and Fury in the kitchen?

I don't remember anything in that scene about Carol accepting the moniker of Marvel as a way to honor her mentor.


What I remember happening in that scene is Fury mixing up Mar-Vell and Marvel, Carol correcting his pronunciation, and Fury talking about how Marvel sounds better.


A wink-nod to the audience, but nothing of character substance. The Carol Danvers of that scene would have nicknamed herself Captain Mar-Vell, if she were to name herself anything at all.


This film is making my head hurt. I wish there was better writing. It feels like this script was chopped up all over the place. Again, makes sense with 5 writers.

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It's a good movie but I'm not entirely convinced on Brie Larson's take on the character.


Samuel L Jackson and Ben Mendehlson absolutely save this movie IMO, so awesome.


I kinda dig the Dragon Ball-style fight at the end. Really looking forward to more of that in Endgame.



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6 minutes ago, Mulder said:

My dude it's not that big of a deal, her name is Captain Marvel because it sounds cool that's about it.

Her name is Carol Danvers. There is no Captain Marvel in this film. At least not one that's given any explanation. "Because it sounds cool and that's about it" is a no-go for me when the MCU has shown better care in the past. Even Will Smith in Suicide Squad justified the film's title better, and that script was much much worse than CM's.


And again, I'm taking up this particular issue because it's IMO representative of similar holes all throughout the script.

Edited by OncomingStorm93
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This is mid to low tier and it's entirely directors fault. What a flat lifeless direction! Not a single supposedly inspirational moment felt inspirational or cheer-worthy thanks to the hack job done by Mousy Teachers. Who the heck thought they were a good fit? Also, several truly awful scenes. The memory extraction aka jumbled memories (lol, that's what they cast McKenna Grace for?) was atrocity but nothing can beat the cringe that was Monica Rambeau (horrid child actress BTW) urging her mom to take a sure-to-kill-her dangerous mission cause that would make her a good role model!?????????? WTF? You can write that shit but you can't say it. Heck, you can't write it either. 


That said, I liked Brie in this role very much and she did what she could with blank slate character injecting sweetness here and there. I can't wait to see what Rossos do for her cause I'm telling you she could be amazing in this role. She's not miscast and she isn't unlikable either. Marketing didn't do he justice. she has range just needs a story that actually lets her show all of it.


shockingly, this is the best Nick Fury movie for SLJ is charisma overload. also fantastic chemistry with Brie which is something that Nick and Maria Hill lack. Also, we get a chance to learn more about him and see SLJ's full charm at work.


while this was the central relationship and heart of the movie (lol anyone who tried to make Maria Rambeau the MVP Lmao! she was fine but nah friendship was so forced and that bob made her look more alien than a Skrull) the most interesting one, albeit underdeveloped atm, is between Carol/Vers and Yoggy Bear (sorry didn't catch the name but I know it's Yoggy something). Brie and Jude have great playful chemistry and if they develop them to be rivals frenemies like Magneto/Xavier I'm all for it, minus Mousy teachers of course. they gotta go. 


and now we get to the show stealer. No, not the overhyped cat who was barely in the movie, though she had those flerkin kitty moments. Bendelson. he was just great. Sucks that he had to spend most of the time with expressionless plastic alien mask on (pure TV Star Trek level which means baaad) but he made up with his voice, body language and natural charm. 


So the politics. hoo boy. did they really get their panties in a twist over a movie where the heroine stands up to...the woman she could have been if she didn't break through the net of lies? Seriously, watch the movie, incels! carol's main antagonist is the false heroine that Krees tried to model her after. The false Mar-vell. It's a classic fairtyale dynamic the Maiden and the Mother. Heroine has to defeat the Mother so that she wouldn't become like her. It's very simple and it's all in the movie. When Carol rises and stands up in all its incarnations (present, various past memories) it's against Supreme Intelligence in the form of Annette Bening aka Kree warrior hero Mar-vell (who was actually a peace keeper, something that Krees wanted to hide). not Jude Law or another man, but a woman that carol could have become. how will incels ever recover? 


So anyway, ditch the directors and Earth and CM will soar like she deserves. Brie was the right choice now give her the right movie.

Edited by Valonqar
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Just now, SirPetras said:

What exactaly are the plot holes people are talking about? Don't think I've caught anything particularly important

For me the major one is Captain Marvel not being present in anything apocalyptic before the snap/decimation

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Just now, OncomingStorm93 said:

Her name is Carol Danvers. There is no Captain Marvel in this film. At least not one that's given any explanation. "Because it sounds cool and that's about it" is a no-go for me when the MCU has shown better care in the past. Even Will Smith in Suicide Squad justified the film's title better.


And again, I'm taking up this particular issue because it's IMO representative of similar holes all throughout the script.

You're getting this upset over a character's name come on man. If there's other 'plot holes' actually say them.

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1 minute ago, JGAR4LIFE said:

For me the major one is Captain Marvel not being present in anything apocalyptic before the snap/decimation

There's a reason the Avengers Initiative exists. Fury assembled them exactly so that he didn't need to count on Carol who obviously takes a bit to arrive and is obviously busy. He only called on her at the end of IW because the Avengers had obviously failed.

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