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Eric the Clown

***PLEASE READ***Why the Fanboy Wars Thread is Locked: New Rules are being TESTED ***PLEASE READ***

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Some of you may have noticed that the Fanboy Wars thread has been locked for seemingly no reason. Well, over the past couple days, the staff has begun discussing the merits of the Fanboy Wars thread and its place in BOT. Well, the staff has talked things over, and some of us feel like the Fanboy Wars thread has caused more harm than good. Instead of being used as a way to stop fighting and trolling, it only encourages trolls to post here, because of a thread that gives them little to no repercussions. As a result, we feel like that gives people an excuse to be hateful to each other and turn away members who just want to reasonably discuss the box office.


So, for the next few weeks, we are going to lock the Fanboy Wars thread. Not just that, the staff is going to be a lot more strict when it comes to the posts that would have maybe been acceptable in the Fanboy Wars thread. So any sort of funny business meant to provoke other fans or poison the well will be treated with warning points or threadbans, depending on the situation.


Now I know you may have questions about this, so let me clear some of them up.


"So are we not allowed to say good or bad things about franchises we like or dislike?"


Of course not. This is a discussion forum, and we know that people will want to talk about issues they have with a franchise, or even compare one franchise to another. So that stuff is allowed...but you need to be nicer. No hyperbole ("DISNEY'S RUINING CINEMA! ZACK SNYDER IS EVIL!"), no passive-aggression ("My franchise is so good. It takes risks unlike some other franchises"), and so on. We're also strongly against conspiracies. So do not try and argue that woke critics hate all movies or that Disney is buying out theaters or anything else amongst that ilk.


"How will we know if what we're saying is trolling, baiting, fanboy wars, etc.?"


Basically, before you post, say to yourself, "Is it worth it? Is this post too unpleasant? Is it something I've already said enough? Am I provoking people on purpose?" If you say yes to any of these, then don't post it, or face the wrath of the staff.


"I posted something fine, and a bunch of fanboys are being ridiculous over it and attacking me!"


Then we'll punish them. Trust me. We know when your post is fine, and people are acting ridiculous and being fanboys and poisoning the well. And we will give them the warning points instead. You are still more than free to say negative things, so long as it doesn't go too far.


"Why are you doing this?"


Like I said, the Fanboy Wars thread is a very toxic place. But it's toxic in the way that it encourages people to troll and push an agenda. That makes it a challenge for people who just wanna talk about box office or enjoy the movies they want to enjoy. By closing the Fanboy Wars thread, we hope to not only discourage people from these kinds of toxic discussions, but also get rid of trolls and people who make this place a toxic environment, whether it be through permabans or by just driving them away to other forums and websites.


We understand that fanboy wars will never go away, and we understand that sometimes it's fair to discuss the state of a franchise or property. But the way many have acted has made this place insufferable for many, and we just want to make this place a bit better. So for the time being, for those who just want to push an agenda or troll, either cut out the act, or go somewhere else. Trust me, we're not the only place on the Internet where you can talk about Marvel or the box office.

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Well this should be an interesting experiment. However, I feel like this rule of thumb 



How will we know if what we're saying is trolling, baiting, fanboy wars, etc.?"


Basically, before you post, say to yourself, "will people get mad if I post this?" If you think they will, then don't post it, or face the wrath of the staff.

Would lead to not posting a lot of comments that are perfectly fine and valuable. Put another way: reasonable people can correctly expect unreasonable people to be mad about lots of posts that aren’t malicious/trolling/against (previous) rules.   

Not trying to be difficult, that just seemed a bit overly broad.

Edited by Arendelle Legion
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2 minutes ago, Arendelle Legion said:

Well this should be an interesting experiment. However, I feel like this rule of thumb 


Would lead to not posting a lot of comments that are perfectly fine and valuable. Put another way: reasonable people can correctly expect unreasonable people to be mad about lots of posts that aren’t malicious/trolling/against (previous) rules.   

Not trying to be difficult, that just seemed a bit overly broad.

Yeah, I mean you have people getting mad about posts in the tracking thread of all places because the poster is negative on the prospects of a film. Pretty much any post on here would fit that rule.

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it's an interesting idea for sure. i do feel like there's been a consistent rise of toxic, bad faith fanboyism in pretty much every thread in the box office section of the forum the last couple years. you'd think the fanboy wars thread could contain it but clearly it hasn't and it's just acted as a beacon for the worst kind of fanboys to show up here.

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3 minutes ago, Menor said:

Yeah, I mean you have people getting mad about posts in the tracking thread of all places because the poster is negative on the prospects of a film. Pretty much any post on here would fit that rule.

Great example. Even purely factual, on-topic posts with 0 editorializing have elicited anger and negative reactions.   

To be clear, I’m overall behind removing the fanboy war thread. I kind of understand the impetus behind its existence, but I’ve also felt for a longtime that it might be net increasing bad vibes around here rather than being a helpful outlet for them.

Edited by Arendelle Legion
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1 minute ago, Arendelle Legion said:

Well this should be an interesting experiment. However, I feel like this rule of thumb 


Would lead to not posting a lot of comments that are perfectly fine and valuable. Put another way: reasonable people can correctly expect unreasonable people to be mad about lots of posts that aren’t malicious/trolling/against (previous) rules.   

Not trying to be difficult, that just seemed a bit overly broad.

You bring up a good point and I completely understand. The broad term was just used as a general blanket for what to not post, but I understand that could be vague.


Obviously we encourage people to post items that may seem controversial, so long as they don't go too far. Something like "I don't think Wonder Woman will do well this June" is fine, even if it may get unreasonable responses. Using it as a way to badmouth the movie, its fans, Gal Gadot, DC, etc. Yeah, not so much. But in the case of people giving unreasonable and harsh responses to regular posts, we will definitely look over these posts as well and give them the needed punishments.

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"How will we know if what we're saying is trolling, baiting, fanboy wars, etc.?"


Basically, before you post, say to yourself, "will people get mad if I post this?" If you think they will, then don't post it, or face the wrath of the staff.


Maybe a better explanation for this point...vs a "getting mad" b/c internet folks get mad...all the time...


Basically, before you post, ask yourself the following questions...if you answer yes to any, maybe rethink the post...


"Is this the 5th time I've posted the same info today?"

"Am I cursing off another poster or directly calling them names?"

"Am I using derogatory and/or offensive language in the post?"

"Is there actually a reason I'm bring up a comparison and did I explain it vs just "Marvel is always better b/c reasons? aka am I adding to the discussion with the info or just screwing with people?"

"Has anyone already asked me to calm down or move on within the thread?"

Edited by TwoMisfits
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48 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

"How will we know if what we're saying is trolling, baiting, fanboy wars, etc.?"


Basically, before you post, say to yourself, "will people get mad if I post this?" If you think they will, then don't post it, or face the wrath of the staff.


Maybe a better explanation for this point...vs a "getting mad" b/c internet folks get mad...all the time...


Basically, before you post, ask yourself the following questions...if you answer yes to any, maybe rethink the post...


"Is this the 5th time I've posted the same info today?"

"Am I cursing off another poster or directly calling them names?"

"Am I using derogatory and/or offensive language in the post?"

"Is there actually a reason I'm bring up a comparison and did I explain it vs just "Marvel is always better b/c reasons? aka am I adding to the discussion with the info or just screwing with people?"

"Has anyone already asked me to calm down or move on within the thread?"

Fair enough. I just didn't want to make my post longer, and wanted to use a basic umbrella term of "mad" to get my point across.

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I got points for saying the anti-woke movement hurt TLJ.


Basically it was a debate whether the anti-woke movement would hurt BOP.


I don't think this broad attack on fanboy discussion is helpful.


This forum is not just about non-franchises. It's also about the biggest films and like it or not most of the biggest films are franchise films. Heavily censoring fanboy discussion cuts out much possible blockbuster discussion.


If the main issue is hurt feelings then ban people for being cruel or malicious not for debating the director of Suicide Squad 2 or debating controversy regarding Black Widow.


You guys let people debate BOP flopping in the weekend thread and while some people feel it was a dumpster fire other have been reading and liking comments in the thread.


Next week Sonic comes out, another franchise/geek property. You want people to avoid discussing anything except the numbers when the franchise/geek weekend threads get the most discussion and traffic for mostly other reasons. It's all a bit disingenuous. 


Those threads are more popular because geek/franchise threads are lightning rod for discussion. Which means in all the excitement a little controversy is going to be part of the process. It also means a thread over 10 pages (zzzzzz).

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10 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Is it considered poisening the well if i say that Godzilla and Jurassic World are objectively the best franchises ever or not, since no one from day one has taken me seriously on that matter 😥

Don’t worry BB, you’re safe. That’s not poisoning the well because no one could take it seriously.   


This spoiler box to clarify that the above is snarky playful humor, not trolling 👍


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Smells like typical censorship. Just talk like a robot, be always happy about everything, have no personality, don't have an opinion different from others. Honestly this forum was far from toxic, even Fanboy Wars thread was rarely toxic, no reason to make it all even more strict, that's just not healthy.


I was threadbanned from BoP thread when I said it'll get at least 80+% on RT no matter if it's good or bad. Well, it got 80+% and I don't see much excitement about it.

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What if for example you seriously think “Disney is ruining cinema”?  As in you think their current business model has been harmful to the artistic medium?


That’s not an uncommon opinion, so I get the “avoid hyperbole” bit, but that’s an odd example to use.


Also, hyperbole in general is a form of expression, not sure if I’d agree with disallowing it in a broad sense.  I wouldn’t consider a comment toxic, for example, simply because they used hyperbole.

Edited by The Panda
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10 minutes ago, The Panda said:

What if for example you seriously think “Disney is ruining cinema”?  As in you think their current business model has been harmful to the artistic medium?


That’s not an uncommon opinion, so I get the “avoid hyperbole” bit, but that’s an odd example to use.


Also, hyperbole in general is a form of expression, not sure if I’d agree with disallowing it in a broad sense.  I wouldn’t consider a comment toxic, for example, simply because they used hyperbole.

Like with all other posts, it depends on the context. Sharing concerns or frustrations with Disney is totally cool. If it gets personal, you repeat yourself too much, or poison the well, as a few examples, then it becomes an issue. And if people are being harsh towards you as a response, we’ll try to take action

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The Fanboy thread literally adds nothing to the forums so I say you guys should never bring it back. 

I’m completely fine with discussing whatever, like with respects to this weekend and people giving their opinions on why BOP isn’t doing well. But that can happen in the weekend thread and/or the movies own thread.

What we don’t need is to hear people’s opinions on BvS or MOS or Iron man 3 for the 100th time. 

Cracking down on trolls would be great, my ignore list is getting big :( 

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It was all going so well until certain theme park franchises started getting the most gunfire then it became a problem.. maybe it’s time for some people to step down from their position of power if they can’t appropriately handle fire at those franchises they like when the shoe is on the other foot.. 


I find it funny I was thread-banned from the Star Wars threads for spreading news Rise of the skywalker went through extensive reshoots in November and now it’s clear it did but no repercussions for those responsible for that decision

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1 hour ago, Eric Sionis said:

Fair enough. I just didn't want to make my post longer, and wanted to use a basic umbrella term of "mad" to get my point across.

I get that...but sometimes, folks will need it spelled out and pointed to:)...and some things are best spelled out:).


Mad is not a word that works without getting spelled out.  It's not the "making someone get emotional" that's an issue...it's making it unpleasant for everyone reading the thread.  For example, I don't want to see folks getting piled on and called names/derogatory terms in a thread when their opinion is just unpopular, but not anything I listed above, whether it's aimed at me or someone else:)...


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  • Community Manager
2 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

"How will we know if what we're saying is trolling, baiting, fanboy wars, etc.?"


Basically, before you post, say to yourself, "will people get mad if I post this?" If you think they will, then don't post it, or face the wrath of the staff.


Maybe a better explanation for this point...vs a "getting mad" b/c internet folks get mad...all the time...


Basically, before you post, ask yourself the following questions...if you answer yes to any, maybe rethink the post...


"Is this the 5th time I've posted the same info today?"

"Am I cursing off another poster or directly calling them names?"

"Am I using derogatory and/or offensive language in the post?"

"Is there actually a reason I'm bring up a comparison and did I explain it vs just "Marvel is always better b/c reasons? aka am I adding to the discussion with the info or just screwing with people?"

"Has anyone already asked me to calm down or move on within the thread?"


To add to this "do I need to say I hated or loved a movie this user loved/hated?" Like it's fine to state your opinion. But you don't always need to defend/attack a movie just because someone liked/didn't like it. 

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Just now, Water Bottle said:


To add to this "do I need to say I hated or loved a movie this user loved/hated?" Like it's fine to state your opinion. But you don't always need to defend/attack a movie just because someone liked/didn't like it. 

I mean If you want to stifle people’s opinions of a ‘effin’ movie be my guest but watch your forum crash and burn harder than solo

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Fantastic to see this, IMO. 👍




Folks can disagree, even passionately, without being rude.  That's it.  Don't be rude.  Don't be unpleasant.  And for fucks sake, don't troll.


It's really not that hard to do.  


And if you find you MUST talk about how you feel about certain critics/film franchises/studios and can only do it in a way that isn't welcome here?  Well plenty of other places to talk on the net.  I hear reddit is making something of a comeback, for instance.

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