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charlie Jatinder

Name & Rate the Movies/TV You've Watched.

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Tragedy of Macbeth - I feel like I would've LOVED this if I could understand stupid fancy Shakespearean language. The movie is absolutely gorgeous to look at and the performances are great


The Night House - ehhhh kinda dumb but well made.


Fuck ambiguity just tell me what happened


Smiling Friends is great if you're a fan of Adult Swim stuff, really funny


The Alpinist and Summer of Soul are good documentaries worth watching. That is all

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) - The kills are awesome, there is some nice gore effects and a good amount of blood. The film overall though does suffer from trying to add in too many messages and never really exploring any of them further than surface level. One of which centring around a very traumatic event which is not handled well AT ALL.


Dog (2022) - I actually really enjoyed this movie. Channing Tatum carries it, given he is the only one who can say anything for about 70% of the movie. It sure is predictable, but it has heart and is a wholesome good time.

Edited by Mike Hunt
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Kimi - good fun, soderbergh in thriller mode is always worth the watch. i know there's been a few but just realized this is the first "covid movie" i've seen. blended into the story pretty well i thought.


also saw a couple movies that have been on my watchlist for years; only angels have wings (loooooved this) and jerry maguire - nails on a chalkboard, had previously tried to watch it like a decade ago but tapped out after 40 minutes. thought maybe i was just in a mood then and might appreciate now. it seems like my type of thing. nope..

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The French Dispatch - I swear this happens with every Wes Anderson movie. The first time I watch it I enjoy it, mostly on a purely visual level, however I'm left not sure how much I enjoyed it, or if I even "got" it. The second time I watch it I absolutely love it and think it's amazing. I think that's partly because his more recent movies throw a LOT of characters at you, and lots of information about said characters, and it delivers that information so fast it can be hard for a dullard like me to follow along.


The Card Counter - Thought this was great. Will definitely be in my top 10 of 2021, not sure where yet. There were a couple key scenes that I wasn't exactly sold on how they played out but overall this was really good


jeen-yuhs - I was hesitant to watch this because I've been so tired of Kanye's antics and music lately, but damn I loved this. Such a cool behind the scenes look into an important moment in hip-hop history, and the creation of an amazing album that was huge in shaping my musical tastes, and a whole generations. It's wild looking back and remembering how much everyone was rooting for him after The College Dropout (and the documentary makes it easy to see why), and how things have changed. Also the scenes with his mom are so touching. It seems like she was the only person who could have possibly humbled him, but she was such a huge fan of him that I don't know if she'd ever want to.



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Current Releases

Belle - 9/10 - Been listening to the soundtrack/score non-stop. Emotionally compelling and gets to a deeper point about human connection. Very sweet and beautifully animated.

Jackass Forever - 8/10 

Dog - 7/10 

Kimi - 7/10 - You could tell Soderbergh was having a lot of fun in an extreme genre kind of way. It’s not the most original idea but Kravitz is great and the COVID setting hits very close to home.

Uncharted - 6/10 

Death on the Nile - 5/10 

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) - 4/10 

Fistful of Vengeance - 1/10 - God awful, one of the worst films I’ve seen in years. I just wanted to see Iko kick some ass but the film couldn’t even deliver on that. Chemistry between the cast is woeful and any attempts at humour make you want to smack your head against the wall. 


Older Releases 

The Graduate - 10/10 - Another knockout soundtrack. Consistently funny, methodically directed and taps into post-graduate aimlessness that’s more relevant now than ever. 

Captain Phillips - 9/10 

Breakfast at Tiffany’s - 8/10 

Marie Antoinette - 8/10 - Stunning photography, inspired soundtrack. 

Hard Target - 8/10 

Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar - 8/10 - Jamie Dornan solo for the win. A real throwback to those classic SNL style comedies like Austin Powers.

The Hunt - 7/10 - Betty Gilpin is a total badass.

Patriot Games - 6/10 - I think I prefer Jack Ryan when the stakes are less personal.

Double Jeopardy - 6/10 - Absurd premise but great idea for a 90’s action thriller. Didn’t quite live up to the promise of it’s first half. It lacks momentum after Ashley Judd gets out of prison. 

Broken Arrow - 6/10 



Euphoria S2 - 9/10 - Increasingly chaotic in the best way possible, this season feels sure and certain of itself that just makes it looser and a lot more fun. Haven’t actually watched the finale yet so don’t spoil. 

Peacemaker - 9/10 - Fantastic action and Cena kills it. Perfect mix of sad and funny.

Pam & Tommy - 8/10 - Show isn’t quite finished yet but Lily James and Sebastian Stan absolutely disappear into their roles. 

Murderville - 8/10 

Reacher - 7/10 - Pretty standard TV murder/conspiracy stuff, fun enough. 

The Book of Boba Fett - 5/10 

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Queen & Slim. There's a really good movie hidden somewhere in here but as it exists it's just mostly boring.

Red Rocket. Refreshinngly unapologetic movie, Simon Rex is being a giant human turd for 2 hours straight and he revels in it. Loved it.

The Nice Guys. I'm throwing this on once a year and get depressed when it ends because it floped and we'll never get a sequel. I also do the exact same thing with The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Belfast. classic oscar nominated snoozeterpiece no one will remember in 6 months. I liked Jamie Dornan and Catriona Balfe. If anyone should have been nominated for this mess it's them.

Spencer. Might be me being a weirdo, but I think the Larrain movies that aren't about an iconic figure of the 20th century are like... way better.

Uncharted. I guess it's watchable. As a huge fan of the games I'm not bothered at all with the casting or the changed story. I'm mostly bothered by Ruben Fleischer's continued success. There's no budget high enough that he couldn't turn into something that looks like a CW show.

In the Cut. Technically watched this back in its time, but maybe I had just watched the nude scenes because I remembered none of it. It's actually a pretty great movie.

Nightmare Alley. Twice. Really really liked this one. They should have cast someone a decade younger than BCoop, Leo or any other middle age dude Del Toro had in mind. This is a hill I'm dying on.

Titane. Didn't love it like Raw but it's definately an experience.



Inventing Anna. Enjoyable soapy goodness. Shonda still got it and maybe Netflix where most shows don't last more than 2-3 seasons is a great fit for her stuff.

Edited by Joel M
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Stagecoach - 8/10

Star Trek: Generations - 5/10

Star Trek: First Contact - 8/10

Star Trek: Insurrection - 5/10

Den of Thieves - 8/10

Scream 2 - 7/10

Riders of Justice - 8/10

Star Trek: Nemesis - 4/10

Black Girl - 7/10

Raging Fire - 8/10

The Foreigner - 7/10

Showdown in Little Tokyo - 7/10

Scream 3 - 8/10

Batman (1966) - 9/10

Watchmen Directors Cut - 10/10

Licorice Pizza - 9/10

Red Rocket - 8/10

Godzilla (1954) - 10/10

Batman (1989) - 10/10

Scream 4 - 4/10

Batman Returns - 10/10 Best Batman movie, fav comic book film in general.

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - 7/10

Batman Forever - 8/10

Batman & Robin - 8/10

Batman Begins - 8/10

The Dark Knight - 8/10



The Young Pope - 10/10

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I watched Batman Returns last night. I grew up on Tim Burton but this movie used to scare the shit out of me as a kid, I couldn't watch it. I think there was something about the Penguin riding around on that big yellow duck that I just couldn't handle, because that image has stayed with me my whole life. I still probably like The Dark Knight as a movie more, but part of me wants to say this is my favorite Batman for how unabashedly weird and grotesque it is. They'll never make another major blockbuster film like it again.

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18 minutes ago, FilmFincher said:

I'm also on board for Batman Returns. It's just so bonkers but god I love it. Michelle Pfeiffer and Danny DeVito completely steal the show, iconic performances. Pick up the new 4K if anybody hasn't, beautiful remaster.

The entire quadrilogy are some of the best looking 4k discs I have.

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So decided to go through an MCU marathon .

Score criteria
A++( 9.7-10) , A+(9.5)    A(8.5-9)
A-(8).   B++(7.6-7.9)   B+(7.5)
B(7)B-(6.5) C+/C(6).  C-(5.5)
D+/D(5) D-(3-4)  F(1-2)


Avengers A+
Ironman A
Thor A-
First avenger B++
Incredible Hulk B
Iron man 2 C


Original ironman holds up pretty well and still stands as one of the best MCU movies, Rdj right from the start was the scene stealer,Obadiah was a solid villian but the third act is no doubt the weakest part of the film.loved the relationship btn pepper and Tony and is one best  romantic subplots in the MCU .


Ironman  2 was pretty bad. Hadn't watched this in a while so in my mind it was just meh but oh boy there are corny bits of the dialogue.terrible villian who does fuck all in the film and just complains about his bird for the film and then just becomes badass in the end without showing A conclusive part of his plan. Then there is the pepper-tony relationship which just became irritating .
This film juggles way too much , avengers intaitive, his father ,polidium effects on his body etc...and none of this plotlines gets ample time to develop. Court scene was kind of fun when I watched it back then but now its strange, they are a lot of ethical concerns concerning his suit and it's ramifications if in the wrong hands and the whole subject is just glossed over .I know Tony is a narccistic character but he really comes off an inconsiderate and careless , this whole scene and the
Party scene undermine his arc from the previous film.

The good parts in this Justin hammer was pretty good in this.Intro of black widow was good too . Was surprised with how bad this was



First avenger great start,meh in the middle and a  strong finish. Steve Rogers did a good job and watching this movie after finishing the infinity saga just makes it better, all his character traits are clearly evidenced in this movie, the scene when he is being beaten near the dumpster and just keeps getting up and is not willing to stand down despite his disadvantage embodies the character which we get to see clearly in the future installments . He is no doubt the most 
consistently written character in the MCU. Red skull was a solid villian 



Incredible Hulk feels so different from the MCU but it was a solid B movie. It's not particularly bad, it's just fine. It starts of well and Norton is good in the role but it eventually slows down avut . Their is wooden acting at parts. Abominable is ok and action sequences were ok enough. In general this movie is just ok


Thor 1 was sort of a suprise. Everything regarding Asgard and frost giants was pretty good. Loki was a good villian , elements of the avenger Loki(narccistic craving for attention) are there but he is still not quite sure of himself yet. Like how he struggles to grapple with his identity and whether he is loved by odin or it's all just guilt and pitty.

Thor has a half decent arc . The worst parts of this . Soap operish plotline with Jane, Dutch fucking 
angles . Bits of wooden dialogue.


Also  liked this visually ,Kenneth branagh went for this Shakespearean fantasy vibe and I think he pulled it of well, he should have come back for the sequel.
Dark world felt so directionless .

Avengers IMO to this day has one of the best screenplays in the MCU. Whedon just makes this characters likable and relatable and in the end they feel like a team. They are lots of clever bits of dialogue and not just  quips ,the dialogue jells well with  the characters and feels natural to each character. 

The loki- black widow interaction is one the best moments in the MCU IMO. It just shows how cunning yet ruthless Loki is and gives the first glimpses of what motivates black widow  as a character and strength of her relationship with Hawkeye.


The third act is basically them punching aliens but it still works because the first half takes it time to relate us to this characters. 

This movie has pretty good dialogue ,even the third act has some memorable lines. Though the sequel falls short. The party at avengers HQ was fucking gold.  



Overall phase one was pretty solid though IM2 was pretty bad ,so many of the future movies work  Bse it set a pretty strong foundation . 



Phase four has felt so labored for the most part. They are trying to get 
 it started again but now parts feel rushed, 

Edited by Liiviig 1998
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2021 Catch Up:

Spencer - 8/10

Nine Days - 7/10

Wife of a Spy - 8/10

Finally finished my catch up (https://boxd.it/bnr5I). Ended up seeing 90 films last year which was a tad excessive, I'll definitely dial that down and be more selective this year!


New Favourites I Discovered This Month:

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning - 10/10 On the surface just a legacyquel DTV action flick but is more in line with an arthouse horror film, more indebted to David Lynch, Gaspar Noe and Michael Haneke than traditional action stuff. It's still insanely action packed but it's so extremely brutal (it earns the NC17 so fair warning) and intense that my heart was pounding out my chest the entire time. It's also standalone so you don't need to see the other UniSol films!


Out of the Blue (1980) - 10/10 Dennis Hopper's finest hour behind of and in front of the camera. A spiritual successor to Easy Rider and the last dying gasp of New Hollywood. Haven't been this knocked out by something in a long time.

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Current Releases

The Batman - 9/10 - I’ve aired some nitpicks but ultimately this is the meatiest, most worthwhile superhero movie in a while. A nice reminder of how distinct and authorial something in the genre can feel while also being an exciting blockbuster. 

X - 8/10 - What surprised me the most is the craftsmanship on display. Some scenes are forever burned into my brain. And the discussions around sexuality were well handled.

Turning Red - 8/10 - Solid Pixar outing, was successfully brought to tears.

Fresh - 7/10 - When the opening credits hit, I thought ‘wow this is going to be one of the best surprises of the year’. And the film is largely great until the third act which stumbles and isn’t as clever as you want it to be. I’m fully on board the Daisy Edgar Jones hype train. 

The Lost City - 7/10 - Suitably charming and funny throughout. More adventurous than Uncharted. 

The Adam Project - 7/10 - Harmless, fairly funny, light entertainment. Has better hand-to-hand action than your average blockbuster. Kid does a killer Ryan Reynolds impression.

Ambulance - 7/10 - At it’s worst when it’s being sincere, at it’s best when it’s Jake Gyllenhaal turning it up to 11. Nobody does practical effects like Bay. 

No Exit - 5/10 - Some gnarly moments but feels like a TV movie. 


Older Releases 

Vertigo - 9/10 - God, Hitchcock just knew how to take you for a ride didn’t he.

Injustice - 6/10 - Passable superhero animated content.



The Boys Presents Diabolical - 6/10 - Like a lot of anthology shows this is pretty hit or miss. 

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Current Releases

The Northman - 9/10 - Riveting, awe inspiring action sequences, this is a muscular film in every aspect and make no mistake it’s a Robert Eggers picture through and through. 

The Worst Person in the World - 9/10 - Also one of the best I’ve seen this year, photography was stunning, especially the colour grade. Driven by a complicated lead performance revolving around finding oneself. 

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent - 8/10 - Full of heart. A bromance comedy at the centre of it. I loved Pedro Pascal, he’s adorable. 

Apollo 10 1/2 - 7/10 - A charming exercise in nostalgia but doesn’t offer much more.

Moonfall - 5/10 - Was Halle Berry de-aged for the entire film? Did anyone else see that? This was ridiculous but also kind of enjoyable. 

Deep Water - 2/10 - I’m gonna be honest I could not finish this. It’s technically proficient, all the actors are doing a decent job but my God it’s so dull. I was basically watching it in 10 minute increments over a week because I could not do it in one sitting. 


Older Releases 

Boyz n the Hood - 9/10 - More touching, intimate and tender than I ever could have expected. Just a well balanced film that feels honest in what it wants to say. 

Raising Arizona - 9/10 - Hilarious and delightfully directed. The Coen’s instil this film with a chaotic energy that keeps it lively and on it’s toes. Holly Hunter is especially a joy too watch. 

Casino - 9/10 - It’s Scorsese firing on all cylinders what more do you want! The 4K transfer was stunning, one of the best. 

A Simple Plan - 8/10 - Raimi comes in with a soft, light touch, shows his dexterity as a director. What a well written script as well, very Coen-esque premise. Billy Bob Thornton disappeared into his character. 

Escape From L.A. - 7/10 - Outside of some janky effects work, this film was an absolute hoot. It’s Carpenter going full Rodriguez, and I had a big smile on my face throughout. 

Pet Sematary (1989) - 7/10 - A surprisingly clear focus on the theme of death, lead actor is meh.

Black Rain - 6/10 - Gorgeous to look at, a little too monotone. Switches from pulpy noir to 80’s action movie in the final act. Karaoke scene was A+.

Daybreakers - 5/10 - Really wanted to like this, the world/plot is very interesting, but has an overuse of bad CGI and the ending cops out for sequel set up. 

Four Brothers - 5/10 - Some decent action and fairly watchable but it’s way too corny and unrealistic. Also Mark Wahlberg at his most Wahlberg. 

Cujo - 4/10 - Focuses way too much on family drama I could not care less about. The last half hour features the best stuff with Dee Wallace doing an excellent job but doesn’t capitalise on that aspect of the story. 

Jaws 3 - 4/10 - Basically Jurassic World with awful special effects, which kind of makes it the most watchable Jaws sequel. It went down easier than the others.  

Jaws 2 - 3/10 - Why do I want I want watch 2 hours of the same bloody Mayor not believing Chief Brody. We don’t even get a scene of comeuppance or realisation in this one. It’s incredibly frustrating. 

Jaws: The Revenge - 2/10 - Have never seen a franchise stoop this low and resort to milking so bad. 




Barry S3 - 9/10 - Great opener, was worried there would be some wheel spinning but doesn’t look to be the case. 

Outer Range - 8/10 - Watched the first two eps, decent mystery. Twilight Zone meets Yellowstone. Brolin always kills it. 

MoonKnight - 7/10 - Going well so far, pretty par for the course with these Marvel shows, Issac is having a lot of fun. Last two episodes really picked up, lets see if it sticks the landing. 

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Morbius - 2/10

Colors - 5/10

Armageddon - 8/10

Cry Macho - 8/10 Still makes me cry...macho.

The Rock - 9/10

Catchfire aka Backtrack - 6/10 Surprised this hasn't become a minor cult film, has the most stacked cast ever and it's just bug nuts insane.

Pearl Harbor - 3/10

Bad Boys II - 10/10

AmbuLAnce - 8/10

Everything Everywhere All At Once - 9/10

The Hustler - 10/10

The Island - 6/10

AmbuLAnce (round 2) - 9/10 Film of the year for me so far, first film I've seen in years that really made me feel like I was seeing something wholly new and revolutionary on a technical level. The Drones!

The Color of Money - 8/10

The Heartbreak Kid - 9/10

Transformers - 7/10

Ishtar - 8/10 It's good, Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman's crappy little songs are funny! Doesn't deserve its worst film of all time moniker. 

The Wizard of Oz - 9/10

Boogie Nights - 9/10

Hard Eight - 7/10

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 6/10 Genuinely fried my brain watching this, I wouldn't say its good but its fascinating to watch with some killer visuals.

The Northman - 8/10

Conan the Barbarian - 10/10

Punch Drunk Love - 8/10

The Evil Dead - 10/10 The film that inspired me to get into filmmaking.

Crimewave - 4/10

Evil Dead II - 10/10

Army of Darkness - 10/10

Spider-Man - 9/10

Black Dynamite - 8/10

Darkman - 7/10

Doctor Strange - 6/10

The Quick and the Dead - 8/10 One of Raimi's most underrated, a gonzo spaghetti western riff that absolutely rules.

Spider-Man 2 - 10/10

There Will Be Blood - 8/10



Star Trek: Picard Season 1 - 3/10 Finally got around to this to catch up for season 2 and it was just depressing to watch, I miss Star Trek.


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thread is dead but a couple recent watches in May


Twins - Always been one on the watchlist. weirdly convoluted for a movie I assume only exists because an executive thought it would make for a funny poster. Consistently almost funny.


Funny Girl - One of those old school long ass movies where i was really loving it for about 100 minutes and was fully checked out for the last hour. First thing I've seen where I feel like I "get" Barbra Streisand.


for love of the game and the gift - finally a Raimi completist by watching his two worst movies. for love of the game I was bored but still teared up at the basic sports movie ending so i guess it's the better of the two. some of the baseball scenes are cool.


Rescue Rangers - No. JK simmons as the claymation police chief was funny the rest was not. overlong SNL skit type shit. I don't get why people would hate space jam 2 and love this, like be consistent damn.


Everything Everywhere All at Once - I hated swiss army man so I did go into this arms folded with a "yeah right" attitude considering the hype but I ended up really liking it. The action and comedy all lands but one issue I had basically the entire last hour is a montage and that kinda dulls certain emotional beats and made it a little draggy. there were still impactful moments in there for sure tho but would've been killer with a little more focus.


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