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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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1 minute ago, ChipDerby said:

She's friends with the director. Do people just not pay attention to movies at all?


Do you know how much harder it is to try and remember who starred in Mama and IT Chapter Two instead of posting a snarky comment in a thread?

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Last time I checked TSS also got a B+ CinemaScore and didn't even make its (much more expensive) budget back but I don't see anybody bringing that up.


And for good reason, people obviously dug what that movie was doing and making underperforming movies with good WoM is something that tends to pay off if you're trying to improve the future of an imperilled franchise. 


Or at the very least, pays off better than releasing a string of movies which start off hyped then drop like stones in their second/third weekends and leave such a bad taste in people's mouths that the much better-reviewed followups' box office pays for their sins. 


And yeah, while the Day and Date thing definitely hurt a lot of WB movies, based on how their other 2021 movies did, TSS was still never going to make anything close to the first movie's haul. 


And again, that's partially the fault of the first Suicide Squad which was a pyrrhic success that basically poisoned the well and WB understood that, which is why Gunn is now in charge of DC. 


Edited by TerwillikerInst
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1 minute ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

Jury is still out on that but tracking on the domestic side is not looking good.


Sure it's not looking that great but even still, the break even point isn't too crazy.   But furthermore and  to my point,  this doesn't take place in other threads.  Just Comic Book threads.  They are all toxic.  

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We need to talk about how Chastain was in NYC Sunday night for the Tony Awards and then hopped on a plane to LA for the premiere for this within less than 24 hours. That commitment should be confirmation this movie is something special!

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1 minute ago, TerwillikerInst said:

Last time I checked TSS also got a B+ CinemaScore and didn't even make its (much more expensive) budget back but I don't see anybody bringing that up.


And for good reason, people obviously dug what that movie was doing and making underperforming movies with good WoM is something that tends to pay off if you're trying to improve the future of an imperilled franchise. 


Or at the very least, pays off better than releasing a string of movies which start off hyped then drop like stones in their second/third weekens and leave such a bad taste in people's mouths that the much better-reviewed followups' box office pays for their sins. 

The Suicide Squad is awesome. Not sure if it needs a sequel, and if it does I could use a brand new squad plus Waller, despite loving the remaining characters. It does pose a question in the back of my mind on how it will work with Superman Legacy rebooting the universe. With Batman potentially being older than Supes, do that new world has ever had a Justice League? How that new iteration of the Suicide Squad came to be? Gunn and company has some fun and intriguing world building ahead of them with the new DC Universe.

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This thread has reached heretofore unseen levels of obnoxiousness tonight, lmao.


Between people acting like they've never seen a Hollywood premiere before and giving the ESPN play-by-play on Ezra's degree of sedation and claiming Gunn didn't attend before moving the goalpost to "Gunn doesn't want to be there," some of you are hyperanalyzing every second of content related to this movie to find new methods of shitting on it.


You'd think the reception was BvS level by the way people are talking about this thing.

Edited by Dragoncaine
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23 minutes ago, TerwillikerInst said:

Last time I checked TSS also got a B+ CinemaScore and didn't even make its (much more expensive) budget back but I don't see anybody bringing that up.


And for good reason, people obviously dug what that movie was doing and making underperforming movies with good WoM is something that tends to pay off if you're trying to improve the future of an imperilled franchise. 


Or at the very least, pays off better than releasing a string of movies which start off hyped then drop like stones in their second/third weekens and leave such a bad taste in people's mouths that the much better-reviewed followups' box office pays for their sins. 


And yeah, while the Day and Date thing definitely hurt a lot of WB movies, based on how some of their other movies did, TSS was still never going to make anything close to what the first movie did.

Lots of movies can have simmillar CS but context always matters and reception varies you have to dig out alot more.


WW1984 , BA, joker ,SS,TSS all have B+ but reception isn't exactly the same.


WW 1984- those who went to see it in cinema were more fine with it but overall reception was pretty bad. Don't trust the IMDb score since it had some really problematic scenes that caused a sort of backlash.


BA -passable dumb fun rock vehicle and JSA cool. 


Joker - the clear outlier here , CS is considered good for the kind of movie it was and overall reception was good and it legged out great.


SS - reception for this not good but ain't awful .There is a so bad it's good effect on this movie at times.its so juicy to meme and pick apart.


TSS: love the movie but the humour and violence didn't land for some . Others really loved it while others were ehh on it.

Justice league: again reception is not awful but overall it's pretty disapointing and lackluster intro to the justice league is what I get from it.


BOP. Vibe I overall I get from this is mid. Harley is great but the rest is just fine and is not enough to convince those on the fence to watch it due to the stench left by SS.


Some of the stuff I've mentioned above maybe a little anecdotal . Buts what clear here is anything below  A- is simply not good for the DCEU overall.


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10 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

But those are a bunch of randos, isn’t it?

Thank God yes, but It still worries me, it's usually these randos that praise the films after premieres, I didn't see that amount of negative reviews (and the level of negative) in a while

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