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Eric Quinn

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)  

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Ok watched it. If Snyder fans like this, then well it serve its purpose.


General audience wise, I fully understand WB doing what they did. The ending is better for this version, but man the first 2 hours of it are bad. Whedon conveys whatever Snyder takes 2 hours in may be 30-40 minutes and do it much better for those. Considering the mess Whedon had in his hand, I think he did as good a job as he could have.


The main movie is about 3 hour 30 mins, with easily 1 hour that could be stripped away, may be even more and avoid all this. Technically the film is bad, with cheap visual effects. Dialogues at times seems like were placeholder lines which never got replaced. 


4/10. Same as original.

Edited by charlie Jatinder
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Really enjoyed the first 3 hours. Cared about the characters, scenes of action & interaction were strong.


Going into more depth with Flash and particularly Cyborg really elevated it. Cyborg goes from being the least interesting part of the original, to the best part of this version.


The character stories are strong. The religious element with Superman is really great, that's something that clearly Zack Snyder had on the agenda for "his" justice league, and with it being a recurring theme through the movie, I thought it really worked.


On the bad side: The action scenes are easily the worst part. No weight or physicality or even general physics to them. Just feel like a videogame cut scene.   Extremely boring and difficult to pay attention to what's happening.

Steppenwolf is shite. Like.... Thanos, this ain't. Embarrassing CGI and he is just so generic.


The last 10 minutes are nothing more than fan fiction and got no idea why it's in the movie.


Music was good.


Some of the performances were poor. Ben Affleck never seemed like Batman, just Ben Affleck in a Batman costume. Jared Leto is beyond awful. Ezra Miller is annoying.


It's a real shame that the last hour is so bad. I watched the film in two parts - I watched for around 3 hours, and  took a break just before they left Gotham (or whatever city they were in). The first part that i watched, I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Unfortunately the third act is just as bad as the original theatrical cut, and it ruins the good 3 hours before it. 😕


Side note:

Why does Lois Lane have a pregnancy test in her apartment? Should we expect mini-Supe?



Edited by Avatree
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5 hours ago, Avatree said:



Side note:

Why does Lois Lane have a pregnancy test in her apartment? Should we expect mini-Supe?



Because in the leaked justice league part two story board that circulated around the Internet last week, Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne were having an affair while superman was dead, and she’s pregnant with his baby, and then like superman came back and raise the kid, and then like Lois died and the kid died and then superman went fucking nuts and that’s why you’re living in that terrible fanfiction with batman and the Joker on the bridge. Which only exists because, apparently Zack Snyder was like I can’t leave the DCEU without having Batman and Joker interact, so I’m just gonna come up with the bullshit reason for them to interact in my movie. 


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5 hours ago, Cap said:

Because in the leaked justice league part two story board that circulated around the Internet last week, Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne were having an affair while superman was dead, and she’s pregnant with his baby, and then like superman came back and raise the kid, and then like Lois died and the kid died and then superman went fucking nuts and that’s why you’re living in that terrible fanfiction with batman and the Joker on the bridge. Which only exists because, apparently Zack Snyder was like I can’t leave the DCEU without having Batman and Joker interact, so I’m just gonna come up with the bullshit reason for them to interact in my movie. 


I think the whole Lois and Bruce affair was thankfully nixed by WB after BvS. The kid that Lois is having is supposed to be Clark's. But yeah the whole Knightmare sequence is about Lois dying under Batman's watch that results in Superman going evil which as an idea I really dislike that being what the sequel was going to be about. 

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@Darth Lehnsherr I just kept thinking: “why am I watching this? The movie is over. You’re not getting a sequel. What does this have to do with anything? Oh, wait, I forgot. This entire project is an exercise in your ego, so you probably thought it looked cool and decided to add it in.”

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6 hours ago, Cap said:

Because in the leaked justice league part two story board that circulated around the Internet last week, Lois Lane and Bruce Wayne were having an affair while superman was dead, and she’s pregnant with his baby, and then like superman came back and raise the kid, and then like Lois died and the kid died and then superman went fucking nuts and that’s why you’re living in that terrible fanfiction with batman and the Joker on the bridge. Which only exists because, apparently Zack Snyder was like I can’t leave the DCEU without having Batman and Joker interact, so I’m just gonna come up with the bullshit reason for them to interact in my movie. 


LOL what. Now that would be a movie worth watching.


@charlie Jatinder - I didn't realise it was 2 years after. Timescale wasn't clear but it seemed to be pretty soon after his death since everyone is mourning.

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1 hour ago, Cap said:

@Darth Lehnsherr I just kept thinking: “why am I watching this? The movie is over. You’re not getting a sequel. What does this have to do with anything? Oh, wait, I forgot. This entire project is an exercise in your ego, so you probably thought it looked cool and decided to add it in.”

The whole epilogue feels like a bunch of post credits scenes after the classic Superman shot of ripping his clothes off.  Thinking about it more they probably would have played better as post credits scenes actually. 

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The best superhero movie ever made. An easy 10/10. Perfection.


It literally has no flaws. I laughed, I cried, I was at the edge of my seat. It had it all. Snyder is the best director alive and one of the greatest of all time by pulling this off.

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This movie is a delightful, over-indulgent mess. You have to admire just how dedicated Zack Snyder is to his own vision because he just goes all in. I don't think we'll ever get the chance to watch a $70M investment into fixing a $300M blockbuster again, and it results in a unique experiment well worth watching.



Gal Gadot
Jason Momoa
The Flash's rescue scene. Gorgeous.
The look and feel of the film


Narrative - 61/100 | That it manages to work at all is surprising. Cyborg's arc is light-years away from Joss Whedon's version. Now there is substance. When the team finally comes together it feels more earned than before. The last 10 or 15 minutes were horrendous though. I was whelmed sufficiently enough with the ordeal and then they dragged this on forever with out of place setup and the most absurd dream sequence I've seen in the last decade. sigh  Snyder!!!


Fight Choreography - 79/100 | Shoddy CGI aside, you know what, I think they did a remarkable job in choreographing fights between gods like this. It's pure fantasy at this point anyway. It's ridiculous and exaggerated of course, and there's no way the physics support any of it, but that's really not the point. The point is to try and show that these people are just on another level in terms of strength and speed, and there's a limit to how you can portray that on screen and have it make sense. At least you can follow the action and see what's going on and it's, well, a comic book movie. The camerawork complemented the action beats and I enjoyed  that. It's what I imagine DBZ fights should roughly look like in an eventual live-action movie, but with more energy beams of course. Wonder Woman's first fight was fire.


Enjoyment - 72/100 | The added violence was unexpected. I dislike CGI blood but considering this unique case… I'll allow it. Didn't like the beginning, especially the Amazon battle it dragged on way too long, but the middle part (well, all 3 hours of it) was engaging and filled with interesting sequences one after the other. It's really a full-blown comic book movie that isn't afraid of being itself and if it made big-time DC fans happy (which I'm certain it did) then all the merrier for them.


For my part I thought it was an exciting way to spend 4 hours.

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Finally watched this odyssey. This is basically the same exact movie except twice as long and R-rated, and while it still hasn't turned into a great movie, it's certainly much better than the mediocre version that hit theater screens in 2017 (and also the best of the DC-directed Snyder movies). It's fascinating to see how much different the movie is from what we ended up with and all the changes that happened as a result of the reshoots (among the stuff gone that was clearly made by Whedon is Cavill's awkward CGI lip and the entire subplot about the family needing to be saved, while Ray Fisher's Cyborg has finally been given a proper arc - one can definitely see why the actor was upset). One has to appreciate that so much work went into this even though they all knew this would be a one-off that no one would see on a big screen, even if the visual effects are uneven at best.


I'm not sure how good this is as an actual movie: it was never going to be a masterpiece because of basic plot problems that would've required complete rewrites to fix (Steppenwolf is no less of a lame antagonist here than he was in the 2017 botch job), the very extended ending doesn't work since it hypes up a sequel we're unlikely to ever see, and it might have worked better being released as the limited series that everyone, including Snyder (the individual chapter titles indicate such), was planning on at some point since it feels extremely bloated at 4 hours (not to mention it was unfortunately willed into existence by arguably one of the most obnoxious fan "campaigns" ever). But as a unique glorified Blu-ray exclusive, it works well enough. And good for Snyder that he at least got a chance to finish working on the movie he originally intended before the combo of nervous studio executives and personal reasons prevented him from doing so. B-

Edited by filmlover
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2 hours ago, filmlover said:

Finally watched this odyssey. This is basically the same exact movie except twice as long and R-rated, and while it still hasn't turned into a great movie, it's certainly much better than the mediocre version that hit theater screens in 2017 (and also the best of the DC-directed Snyder movies). It's fascinating to see how much different the movie is from what we ended up and all the changes that happened as a result of the reshoots (among the stuff gone that was clearly made by Whedon is Cavill's awkward CGI lip and the entire subplot about the family needing to be saved, while Ray Fisher's Cyborg has finally been given a proper arc - one can definitely see why the actor was upset). One has to appreciate that so much work went into this even though they all knew this would be a one-off that no one would see on a big screen, even if the visual effects are uneven at best.


I'm not sure how good this is as an actual movie: it was never going to be a masterpiece because of basic plot problems that would've required complete rewrites to fix (Steppenwolf is no less of a lame antagonist here than he was in the 2017 botch job), the very extended ending doesn't work since it hypes up a sequel we're unlikely to ever see, and it might have worked better being released as the limited series that everyone, including Snyder (the individual chapter titles indicate such), was planning on at point since it feels extremely bloated at 4 hours (not to mention it was unfortunately willed into existence by arguably one of the most obnoxious fan "campaigns" ever). But as a unique glorified Blu-ray exclusive, it works well enough. And good for Snyder that he at least got a chance to finish working on the movie he originally intended before the combo of nervous studio executives and personal reasons prevented him from doing so. B-

Gonna have to hard disagree on that. Steppenwolf at least has something resembling depth in this version. That alone makes him superior to his theatrical counterpart. It helps that the movie also makes it clear that he’s just a minion doing someone else’s dirty work, and not the big overarching threat. 

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2 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

Gonna have to hard disagree on that. Steppenwolf at least has something resembling depth in this version. That alone makes him superior to his theatrical counterpart. It helps that the movie also makes it clear that he’s just a minion doing someone else’s dirty work, and not the big overarching threat. 

problem is that Darkseid has minions that are a lot more interesting then Steppenwolf.

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On 3/20/2021 at 3:50 AM, Darth Lehnsherr said:

I think the whole Lois and Bruce affair was thankfully nixed by WB after BvS. The kid that Lois is having is supposed to be Clark's. But yeah the whole Knightmare sequence is about Lois dying under Batman's watch that results in Superman going evil which as an idea I really dislike that being what the sequel was going to be about. 

LOis and Bruce worked OK in the Superman/Batman Animated Series "World Finest" mini series, but it was clearly meant as an one shot that would not last, sort of glad they decided to kill it off here.

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well, miles better than Joss Whedons movie. Still feel there is no chemistry between the characters. They all just seemed wooden and dreary. Ezra is such a miscast. His acting was cringe and I just cant understand why he wasn't recast for the solo movie. Would have been nice to know why Supes chose the black costume. How did Darkseid forget Earth had the anti-life equation?? 4 hours and still a lot of holes. As for the action...I cant understand why that wasn't included in its entirety in Josstice League. Was much better. 


Anyways, it was good. Not great.



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I have loved it. Even better than BvS Ultimate Edition, which already was really good. My only problem with it is the epilogue. It's really frustrating to see how it opens so many arguments and we'll never see how they are concluded. 9 out 10 for me.

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This movie will likely become more popular over time as the DC world is crashing.


Thie movie is a bit of a mess but really even a 3hr version in theaters would been epic.


This movie is really elevated as it has an epicness to it and a vision. 

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