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3 hours ago, Jonwo said:

Is the film set in a realistic manner like TDK trilogy or is there scope for fantastical villains like Mr Freeze or Clayface to turn up.


It's very realistic, and those elements would have felt very bizarre in a movie like this.


But this director has also done movies about the Earth overrun by apes, so I am guessing he could work in a fantastical element if it came to it, but would probably need some sort of scientific set-up.

Edited by Derpity
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I liked this movie a lot but I audibly groaned when Riddler basically said "oh didn't you know, this movie has another 30 minutes left on the runtime!"


Honestly that entire segment could probably have been cut.

Edited by SpiderByte
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Only part that didn't work was the obligatory Joker moment. Yikes.


Otherwise this was really solid. What else could you want from a Batman movie? A great depiction of the character--a man lurking in the shadows who brutally fights villains and realizes in order to really achieve his goal, he needs to rise above being a symbol representing his own insular perspective and speak for the greater good. Pattinson was perfect-truly engulfed by his grief and fears. The Thomas Wayne stuff was interesting way to tackle these themes of maintaining broken moral codes that are contradictory. Maybe QAnon Riddler is too similar to TDK Joker but he still worked and the snipers were genuinely unsettling. The scene between Riddler/Batman was fantastic. The best Batman stories reflect and juxtapose him with his tragic villains. The flood was also incredible with the scene of Batman helping the boy being the cathartic cherry on top.


Of course, Reeves directs with a vision that is just leagues above every other superhero/comic movie since Nolan--the opening alone is straight-up De Palma. Lots of great soft-focus, clarity in the action, no excessive CGI. The Batmobile sounded amazing. 


Basically if joker was a good movie. Really hope it makes money

Edited by BestPicturePlutoNash
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The climax with the flood was a bit wonky, but I’m not sure it would really work if you cut it. That whole climax is the culmination of Batman’s journey in the film. It marks the point where he truly becomes a hero, rather than a vigilante who’s obsessed with vengeance. 

Anyway, I’m interested in seeing where we go next, but I’m not sure I can imagine villains like Mr. Freeze existing in this universe. 

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Yeah I am bored of Joker teases, it doesn't feel special anymore.


I also didn't really like the flood or Riddler's wacko gang. I understand what those scenes were going for but I wish they'd been more organically integrated with the plot.


Am assuming Catwoman will be back in the sequel. I thought their chemistry was fantastic and all their scenes together great.


One thing that really annoyed me was that the crowd in my theater kept laughing in the scene where Alfred and Bruce are talking in the hospital. A good emotional scene ruined by irritating people.

Edited by Menor Reborn
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Movie was terrific, had some qualms with the exposition dumps and pacing in the second act after Alfred's bombing that held it back. But overall really found it excellent. Perfect through the Batmobile chase. Great climax too. 


I wouldn't want to watch a member of my own family play the fucking Joker at this point. Wackest scene in the movie by far. Should have just ended with the elevator airlift right before. MCU bullshit.

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1 hour ago, Menor Reborn said:

One thing that really annoyed me was that the crowd in my theater kept laughing in the scene where Alfred and Bruce are talking in the hospital. A good emotional scene ruined by irritating people.

Lol this couple walked in RIGHT as the movie started (somehow avoided the 33 min of trailers) and loudly chewed popcorn throughout the entire opening Riddler sequence which agitated me a bit. Took a moment to get back into the movie but luckily the Batman intro is so well done and they almost immediately stopped eating. Maybe out of boredom? lol

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One thing I did wonder while watching is why the "Batman loses his shit and gives in to rage" scene occurred against a random Riddler goon instead of against Falcone. After learning that Falcone probably killed his father, he doesn't really do anything with that information. I feel like it would have been a lot more impactful as I didn't particularly see why he was so angry at the Riddler minion. 


Also, I must have missed it, what was the green thing he injects himself with to regain his strength?

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Just now, Menor Reborn said:

One thing I did wonder while watching is why the "Batman loses his shit and gives in to rage" scene occurred against a random Riddler goon instead of against Falcone. After learning that Falcone probably killed his father, he doesn't really do anything with that information. I feel like it would have been a lot more impactful as I didn't particularly see why he was so angry at the Riddler minion. 


Also, I must have missed it, what was the green thing he injects himself with to regain his strength?

I’m pretty sure it was adrenaline which is the reason he lost his shit in that scene.  

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The movie is by far the best CBM in years alongside Spider-Verse and Logan but yeah while I like Keoughan and Joker I’m sort of Joker’d out at this point. Give me more bizzare or obscure villains.


9 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

Who will start the speculation that the mayor's son is the next Robin


Absolutely not here for Barry Keoghan's Joker. At all. Bad scene and pales in comparison to the Joker card in Begins. We've hit Joker saturation

I was thinking that too, especially the moment when Batman saved him from the car and got him out first.

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