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Eric Quinn


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There seem to be too much of Kang overload based on both mid credit and post credit scenes focusing on him !!! Plus there are 20 CGI shops which worked on this and so credits are going to go really long !!!! I am surprised Feige did not go for more cameos from future characters. Could have shown F4 characters at least in costumes so that actors dont matter. 

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is there something fundametally broken with this movie? or is it just mediocreness which is causing the bad reviews?

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6 hours ago, interiorgatordecorator said:

is there something fundametally broken with this movie? or is it just mediocreness which is causing the bad reviews?

Kinda a mix of both? Like there is just so much in this movie yet nothing. Scott and Cassie´s relationship is barely explored. All is surface level with no really conflict or challenge for the protagonists. Hank Pym is just there. Wasp is just there. Janet is probably the characters that has most meaning in this movie. But like overall the movie is just meh.

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Some thoughts:

- Modok death was weird. It didn´t to me at least looked like he was fatally wounded right there. I´m glad how they played off his death and didn´t try do actually make it said.

- They did Kathryn Newton dirty this movie. She is given nothing to work it. She says "Dad" like 50 times this movie.

- I really enjoyed the first 15 minutes before they went into the Quantum Realm. Felt like a proper Ant-Man sequel. It matched the vibe and tone that the first two had in a positive way

- The rest of the first act after that is meh. The choice two split them up in two was bad. Movie started to drag and it really wasn´t any pay off as they get captured relative quick and meets up again without really anything big. They should all have been together and get captured togehter.

- Modok didn´t need to be in the movie. It just becomes a tonal mess. Does nothing to serve the story either. Also Cassie saying "don´t be a dick" is what turns him good? COME ON.


- Loved Kang. Wished we so more of him beating and destroying.

- Visuals were amazing at times. Horrible other times, especially in the first act.

- Post credits are fire however the first post credits seemed very rushed. Clearly was filmed newly.


- Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lilly looked clueless this movie. Don´t know if they struggled with the volume or what it was but they were lost.

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I’ve just watched it.


I'm wondering if Marvel really thought this film was ready to release? Everything looked half finished (3rd act battle, MODOK, mid credit scene) and the actors look like they wanted to go home apart from Majors.


The cinematography horrible. Was there a production designer on this? Look like it was all filmed in someone’s garage with a green screen on the wall.


It has fun moments and Majors will do well in the future but my god Marvel Studios are dropping the ball. MODOK’s death scene is trying to be funny and I think we’re meant to laugh but it’s just so awkward.



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A monumental misstep by Kevin Feige. Almost nothing works. Jonathan Majors is in a DC movie. MODOK is the worst thing ever put on screen ever. The 1st credits scene is a SNL parody. Everything just looks way too fake all the damn time. A disaster. I think there was salvation after the mixed reception of Phase 4, but after this? The MCU is over.

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15 minutes ago, CJohn said:

A monumental misstep by Kevin Feige. Almost nothing works. Jonathan Majors is in a DC movie. MODOK is the worst thing ever put on screen ever. The 1st credits scene is a SNL parody. Everything just looks way too fake all the damn time. A disaster. I think there was salvation after the mixed reception of Phase 4, but after this? The MCU is over.

It makes me wonder if he actually watched this movie before putting it out in the world? 

What is going on at Marvel Studios?  Lol

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This is a really weird one for me, because I had such a terrible experience at the theater.


The Tuesday before Valentine’s Day my cousin took her own life. We were supposed to go the movies that night. I was getting ready to call her, when my Dad called with the news. I didn’t confirm with her on Monday. I didn’t text her before I went to bed at 3AM, like I thought: “eh, maybe I should.” I haven’t done anything but hug my dog for two weeks. 

So the movie theater was really the last place I wanted to be right now. I thought about canceling. But I kind of realized that if I wasn’t gonna go out for the new Marvel movie, I was honestly never gonna go back to the movie theater. Ever. So I went.

And for two hours I turned off my brain and escaped for a bit. I just thought about how much I love the woke Pym-Van Dyne-Lang fam, and how campy and silly and colorful all the production design and goofy ass CGI looked, and how I like ladies helping ladies, 

and how much I also would seriously consider giving the madman (Majors is Major Win here) the doomsday McGuffin if it meant seeing my cousin again.

So I don’t know if this is a good movie, and I don’t know if this was a bad movie, and I don’t know if I care. But it was a nice escape, and most importantly, it’s a treasure trove for me and Bestie’s Alternate Universe headcanons/fics/SimsLetsPlay. Which I am clinging to like lifeboats on the Titanic right now. 


And that is really all the thought I am going to put into this. Gonna go back to the puppy now

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This movie is Marvel Studios getting high on it's own farts.


MODOK-face needs to be one of the reaction icons here.


I walked out of the theater three hours ago, and I can't recall a single thing I would call a character arc.


Pretty obvious based on the last-last-last minute pickup shots being done literally a month ago that the film's ending was changed at the buzzer.


Both credits scenes were terrible for different reasons. The first one because it's just more Marvel sniffing farts, the second one because it lacks any sense of context. It confused some people in my audience.

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Let's play a game I like to call "Are you a better screenwriter than ChatGPT?"


The prompt: "Create a three act story for "Ant-Man & The Qasp: Quantumania", where Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet, and Cassie are sucked into the Quantum Realm where they meet Kang the Conqueror, the next Marvel big bad who wants to rule the multiverse. Include MODOK is a supporting villain. Add a post-credits scene that sets up the next Avengers movie."



Act 1: Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet and Cassie are experimenting with the Quantum Realm, when suddenly they get sucked into a portal and find themselves in a strange alternate reality. They soon discover that they are in the Quantum Realm where they are met by the powerful and mysterious Kang the Conqueror, who wants to use his power to conquer the multiverse. Meanwhile, MODOK has been gathering an army of super villains to help Kang with his mission. Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet and Cassie must find a way to stop Kang and his army before it is too late.


Act 2: The group teams up with some of the inhabitants of the Quantum Realm and together they come up with a plan to take down Kang. They devise a plan to use the Quantum Realm's energy to disrupt Kang's power base and prevent him from taking over the multiverse. The group sets out on a daring mission to take down Kang, but they soon find themselves up against impossible odds. They must fight their way through Kang's army, while also dealing with MODOK and his minions.


Act 3: The group manages to make it to Kang's base and they begin to battle against him and his army. After a long and hard-fought battle, the group manages to defeat Kang and his army. With Kang's defeat, the multiverse is saved from his tyranny. Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet and Cassie return to Earth, exhausted but triumphant.


Post-Credits Scene: The post-credits scene reveals that Kang's defeat has caused a ripple effect that has disrupted the balance of power in the multiverse. This leads to the introduction of an even bigger threat, the next big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This sets up the next Avengers movie, where the team must face this new threat.


So who wrote it better, Jeff Loveness or ChatGPT?

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I loved that Ant-Men sequence so much. They were working together like ants.  The holes joke and the later “I have holes too!” exchange was gold. Modok was hillarious and I’m almost positive his death scene was being played for laughs but I was the only one who laughed lol. “At least I get to die a Avenger”. Kang was great, I don’t like they were able to beat him at the end but his technology was damaged then so I’ll let it slide.  Michelle P was indeed the MVP with Majors but Paul Rudd was still his charming self.  Honestly only person in the cast who was just there was Evangeline. She was basically a supporting character and her name is in the title.  Maybe the title refers to her mom lol. 

ps, yes Cassie was annoying at the beginning when she was acting like a jerk to her dad but she softened up as the film went on.  I guess she just needed to see her dad as a hero again.

Edited by eddyxx
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