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47 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Is no way home that bad? There were raves when it came out but it’s basically a running joke now. 

I have no idea what the actual consensus is, but I've said from the get-go that it's not a good movie - however it's a great massive group experience in a packed cinema. Similar to a concert, I would say.


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22 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

The problem isn’t @SpiderByte. The problem is how hard this message board has a problem recognizing they have a fandom wars issue. I don’t post here anymore, I think BOT has fallen to 4Chan/NeoGAF levels of discourse — not that other places don’t have a similar issue either — but when you get a more civilized discourse on the seventh sphere of hell that is Twitter than here, you can’t expect people to stick around, especially when the moderation team has an obvious blind spot for what goes on here. 

You have Marvel and DC fans here, with loads of film bros discourse in between. Lots of them are fans of both, like myself. I don’t post or talk about film here anymore not because I’m not passionate about Marvel, not because I’m not excited for its future, but when users shit even on the actual forum’s admin for calling out a lot of the sexist shit spewed around The Marvels, regardless how one can feel about the film or not, no wonder that people don’t see BOT an welcome place to talk about these films.

Not only it’s not worth to ‘debate’ with people that I wouldn’t discuss absolutely anything, but when the moderation team — that clearly has some Marvel fans, that’s not really the issue — goes out of their way to over compensate not being called "Marvel shills" by silencing the very few sticking around here to talk about these films, it becomes pointless. You can see "brave soldiers" fans of Superman Legacy on this very page, and I don’t think you needed me to point that out, it’s just to point out that this holier than thou attitude here against the one dude still sticking around that is passionate enough to talk about Marvel Studios films is pointless. Film bros are as much annoying and passionate as the most staunch Marvel or DC fans. It’s franchise wars all day, every day, while we are slowly seeing the popular experience of moviegoing die, with lots of pointing fingers thrown around.


I saw this Stuckmann video here days ago and I don’t think film bros or Stuckmann which I actually respect understand what is going on:




Not only Scorsese was wrong, but this whole film bro discourse about Marvel and blockbuster is the reason why movie theaters are doomed to become niche and go the way of live theater. What makes movie theaters is the POPULAR EXPERIENCE. When you have film bros echoing misguided criticisms by an old man that doesn’t accept that the times have changed, no wonder that the few people that still used to care about going to the movies will stop caring. If anything, Scorsese is the enemy, not the MCU. He is the one employed by Apple, Netflix, Amazon and etc. He is the one working for those with an actual vested interested on killing cinema, regardless how much I’m a fan of the man. Tragically, what is killing the movie theater experience is the complete lack of vision from film bros that don’t get that in order to movie theaters to survive as they are, they need to be popular. Shaming people for loving the MCU or whatever other franchise that puts butts at movie theaters seats isn’t helping. 

Unlike Stuckmann’s optimism, I don’t believe the ‘westerns’ analogy and narrative that is thrown around here. I don’t think movie theaters can survive with Barbie, Super Mario Bros and Oppenheimer every other full moon. I don’t think that literally anything other than Deadpool 3 will break out next year and with that, we keep marching to the moviegoing experience slow death and a handful of films can’t save the movie theaters of becoming more and more like a live theatre expensive and boutique experience. The irony is that blockbusters will survive. The Avengers, Star Wars, Spider-Men and Batmen of the world will survive. What we are speed running is the death of movie theaters, while Apple is happy to fall in the film bros good graces by funding $250m vanity projects to Scorsese. I’m not sure if there is something to be done about it. Same for climate change. Maybe it’s already too late, but then again, who cares am I right? I’m sure that a lot of film bros would love to see movie theaters die before acknowledging that Marvel carried a lot of the water up until 2019 and that a MCU film single-handedly reignited the box office less than two years ago with Spider-Man: No Way Home.


Other than that, @SpiderByte is right. It will be two years of hell, even Deadpool 3 blowing up while everything meltdowns at the box office. And if Marvel Studios gets an excellent turnaround leading to Secret Wars, it will be declared dead after that, just like it does every other day here for the last ten years. I’m pretty sure that the death of cinema next year will be proclaimed next year too, when BOT darlings fail to perform. Hell it might not even take that long for the next meltdown.


My advice to @SpiderByte is the same I gave to myself and @Cap the other day: ‘Asgard is not a place, it’s a people’. I’m still speaking my mind on Twitter/Bluesky with my same username, I just don’t feel comfortable as the punching bag for what I believe it has become an incredible toxic place to talk about film. There I don’t need to deal with film bro types angling me at every post I make like <censored> or deal with the absolute wasteland of 40-year-olds or even older than me that get their feelings hurt about films featuring women like The Marvels revealed a lot of people here. These aren’t my peers, these aren’t people I’d want to talk with neither ‘debate’, and if it makes you feel unwelcome as well my advice is, leave. We don’t need this shit on our lives.


Best of luck to BOT, but it has always been the other way around: we don’t need BOT, BOT is that it need us. If the crowd is what it is today, if they will go out of their way to mock extremely valuable users for the absolute shitfest that was The Marvels Opening Weekend thread or for just being passionate about Marvel, DC or whatever gives you a kick, know that it’s BOT that needs you, not the other way around. If the crowd that BOT will cater to its this one, I just don’t want anything to do with it, and I invite anyone that doesn’t feel welcome here anymore to do the same.


TL;DR: The biggest enemy of cinema was never the MCU. MCU, contrary to what Scorsese thinks, actually makes cinema. What is killing cinema is Scorsese’s employer Apple, Netflix. It’s TikTok, YouTube, vapid and fast content. When film bros trash popular films, they are helping to speedrun the death of the movie theaters. Movie theaters wouldn’t survive in the 80s with Scorsese’s films, it wouldn’t survive now with whatever film bros hoped it was popular like it was when they were kids. If we all we do is trash the popular experience, no wonder that the public will just watch whatever at their phones. It’s hard to compete with free, a bunch of weirdos constantly complaining about blockbusters will only accelerate the complete assimilation of our content streaming overlords.




The Marvels is a funny mega bomb rejected by all demographics, especially women.


The MCU is creatively bankrupt and they have nobody to blame but themselves for their quick downfall.


Martin Scorsese is old and awesome.


Hope this helps.

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3 hours ago, Hatebox said:

Is no way home that bad? There were raves when it came out but it’s basically a running joke now. 


I think No Way Home pleased audiences and its not a badly made film at all.


like it handled the nostalgia fest really well and the emotional moments land very strongly. Like you really felt it When Spiderman moved on to becoming an adult and from MJ.


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I think the idea of No Way Home is hated or disliked now is clearly niche and focused on people who are fans of the Spiderverse movies mostly.

Also disliking a super hit all time blockbuster happens usally after it releases. 


It promised a nostalgia fest and did it well.


Film opened to a massive opening and had amazing legs as well. 


No Way Home could have easily opened big and just collapsed if it was not seen as good by aduiences. 


Issue is No Way Home is self contained and didnt boost the MCU. Howver Tom Holland Spiderman films will be massive hits even if the mcu collapses.


Like It hard to judge these films normally. Endgame was deeply flawed but as a MCU fan it is really special. 

Edited by Torontofan
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No Way Home is like those doctor who anniversary specials that have all the doctors crossing over and meeting each other. it's fun seeing the interplay between them but the plotting and the "why" of everything is usually total nonsense. everything about the exposition of that movie has the vibe of telling the audience "look, just fuckin go with this and you'll get to see the Spidermen do the pointing thing later okay!???"


It does its job though it's not a bad watch at all it's a good time.

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1 hour ago, CoolioD1 said:

No Way Home is like those doctor who anniversary specials that have all the doctors crossing over and meeting each other. it's fun seeing the interplay between them but the plotting and the "why" of everything is usually total nonsense. everything about the exposition of that movie has the vibe of telling the audience "look, just fuckin go with this and you'll get to see the Spidermen do the pointing thing later okay!???"


It does its job though it's not a bad watch at all it's a good time.

The very defination of a popcorn movie. The world needed it badly after the covid pandemic and lockdown.:popcorn:

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1 hour ago, Torontofan said:

I think the idea of No Way Home is hated or disliked now is clearly niche and focused on people who are fans of the Spiderverse movies mostly.

Also disliking a super hit all time blockbuster happens usally after it releases. 


Don't forget that Titanic is also "hated" and people swore up and down that Avatar was either "hated" or "irrelevant".  And, well, look at how much that mattered when Ava 2 rolled out.


Hating on popular things is a common past time on the 'net and has been for a loooooong time.

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When it comes to movies that are like “theme park rides,” I consider NWH the ultimate example. It’s a fairly sloppily put together film from a narrative standpoint, but it gave people everything they were hoping for, and manages to tug on the heart strings in just the right ways. I can’t deny that watching it for the first time in a packed theater was a pretty fun experience. The hype and audience excitement was pretty contagious. 

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No way home never became hated (though I do think on a cold mind out of the theater most people won't like it as much).


Personally never liked it as film is total nonsense despite great final 30 mins but I would very much not take what people say on this forum as a "GA consensus". Nor what you read on any social media, fwiw.



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