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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | July 21, 2017 | FLOP OF THE YEAR

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Advertisement: We will be watching visionary director Luc Besson's sci-fi classic The Fifth Element on BOT Movie Night on July 19 to celebrate Valerian's release :).  Make sure to be there!  Thread link if you wanna see the full upcoming schedule and shit:



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11 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:



This guy made the same point I made a couple of pages ago better than I could have. Bad reviews which call it variances of "too weird" just make me more excited to watch it.


4 minutes ago, Telemachos said:

Maybe I should mention that a lot of reviewers thought FIFTH ELEMENT was stupid, weird, and too corny to be good as well. (You might agree with them, in which case you probably shouldn't see VALERIAN). But if you liked it, I think you'll get enough pleasure from VALERIAN to be worth a viewing (at minimum).


That's what I thought. I loved The Fifth Element so I'm set.

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7 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Dane DeHaan is getting really weak notices for this from even the positive reviews. Dude is never gonna escape his fate of forever being known as "the poor man's Leonardo DiCaprio," is he?


He should be so lucky to just be considered the poor man's version but I don't think either of the leads will be framing these notices





Still, the biggest problem with Valerian is…Valerian himself. The movie is cast badly. Both DeHaan and — to a lesser degree — Delevingne are all wrong. Maybe it’s a result of acting almost exclusively against a green screen, but both actors seem totally at sea.   


The human’s name is Valerian, and he’s played by a sleepy-eyed, monotone Dane DeHaan with all the charisma and energy of a narcoleptic about to nod off.





The human actor performances do not live up to the richness of the world, and in particular this is true of our two leads. In a film with so much excitement, DeHaan and Delevigne stick out with their complete lack of charisma and nonexistent chemistry. DeHaan plays one note–the swaggering cool guy–through the entire movie and even when he’s meant to be emotionally sincere, he comes across as someone who’s just reading lines. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Delevigne reacts to everything like she’s in a silent movie or a cartoon, with enormous expressions interspersed between scowls.






It stars, as its hero, Dane DeHaan, who looks like a preternaturally dissipated 16-year-old and has been the worst thing in every movie he's made - even the execrable "A Cure for Wellness," which took some doing.


His costar is Cara Delevingne, the celebrity clothes hanger and gossip item who was the worst thing in "Suicide Squad" (which also took some doing) and is best taken in small doses, like bitters.






Dane DeHaan, who has starred in two of the most egregiously bloated misfires of the year with A Cure for Wellness and now this, should do a couple of indie films, while Cara Delevingne needs to learn there is more to acting than smirking and eye-rolling.




Besson introducing his immensely bland leads and then immediately hurling them into one of the most inventive action sequences you’ll ever see.


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I don't understand that one reviewer who said he's the worst part of A Cure for Wellness.  He was one of the best parts.  He gave a great performance.


I feel like some people are just out to hate him no matter what he's in.  He's by no means a bad actor, yet almost every place he's mentioned, they act like he's a terrible one.

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38 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


You'll probably regret seeing it at home.  Every review says the 3D is a standout and it needs to be seen on a big screen.


Yes! People don't make the same mistake I did with Dredd 3D--some movies MUST be seen at the theater to really appreciate them to their fullest, and by all accounts this is one of them!


I can't imagine if I'd missed seeing Avatar in IMAX 3D :sadben:

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7 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Cara D's reviews for this have been okay from what I can tell. But yeah, her leading lady career isn't long for this world. I have no idea why Hollywood is trying to make her happen.

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Just now, filmlover said:

Cara D's reviews for this have been okay from what I can tell. But yeah, her leading lady career isn't long for this world. I have no idea why Hollywood is trying to make her happen.

Hint: she is hot.

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